Galactic TravelogueEnnetech by Erasmus and Kinkajou Authors




Kinkajou Interviews Famous People For Their Unique Points Of View.

Holocausts: of Ice, Aliens in Climate Engineering

KinkajouMed Kinkajou



Economics is a fundamental driver of climate change.






















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Kinkajou interviews SigmaPsiJack Hall, climatologist
(movie: Day After Tomorrow)


Kinkajou Kinkajou:   I’m touched by your efforts to save your fellow citizens from the tragedy unfolding around you.

JackHall SigmaPsiJack Hall:   I had developed a theory to explain a number of climatic changes which are occurring in our environment. Climatology is the science of energy flow. It includes substantial elements of radiation, convection and the dynamics of water evaporation, condensation and precipitation. It had become obvious to me that there were extreme events in progress.

Humanity in building civilisation had made substantial changes to the climate. Humanity was in fact acting as agent of change, even perhaps an agent of climate control. The issue of course was that we had no idea of the relationship between how we were affecting heat flow on the planet and the climate.

The problem of course is that people are used to extreme climatic events. The news had desensitised people to the importance of specific events. We have often seen other people affected by these events. We were constantly reminded that these are actions of nature and in no way related to any human activities. Humanity was regarded by many as invincible, simply because no one wanted to accept any blame for what was happening.

We were very unprepared for “the day after tomorrow” event.

Climatological sites had focused on the reality of global warming. But no one had considered that warming can activate regulatory mechanisms triggering cooling. In the late 70s it was proposed that the world could be catastrophically affected by global cooling. It was felt that the onset of an ice age could cause an imbalance in the polar caps which progressively destabilise the Earth’s orbit, causing it to flip. If the earth were to flip, simple inertia would drag the seas up over the land causing devastation and death everywhere.

Ice 9 Ice 9

This did not happen in the scenario with which we were faced. However, at the end of the day after tomorrow, humanity awoke to the realisation that a new ice age had started up on the planet. The huge snow covered areas in North America and northern Europe guaranteed increased loss of heat from the planet. They would tend to make the ice age stabilise.

Historically, there was an ice age several hundred years ago. The Thames River in London froze over. Since then as a planet has warmed and we have we lost our concerns about cooling effects. Certainly no one anticipated that heating could trigger cooling or that the two could become related. The appreciation of the effects of solar light reflection on planetary heating has also found new prominence.


Kinkajou Kinkajou:   I see that you travelled across the United States to attempt to save your children.

JackHall SigmaPsiJack Hall:   Yes. Perhaps in retrospect I should have planned and anticipated better. But I felt I needed to reach my children in New York. I felt that my special knowledge and skills would give a much better chance for survival. I think the kids did very well indeed.

The fall of civilisation for whatever reason be it an ice age or a nuclear holocaust is something that is human beings we would have difficulty anticipating or planning for. The kids coped with one of their own developing a potentially fatal infection and a with the failure of accessibility of medical services. (Antibiotics availability). The kids coped with predators discovering a new freedom and new habitat in which they could roam free. They coped with flooding of the city and with oceangoing ships blocking up the thoroughfares of the city. They coped most particularly with extreme cold.

Few people realise how dangerous true extreme cold is. Even people in cold climates rarely see temperatures as low as -50°C. Perhaps the lowest coldest temperatures may be reached in high wind cold environments, but most people with good sense simply avoid any exposure. Exposed Human flesh at this temperature freezes in seconds, with permanent damage.

Many of us think of children as helpless and hopeless, but in times of crisis you see that they are capable of adult level inspiration, courage and initiative.


Another Disaster. Another Disaster.

Kinkajou Kinkajou:   Thank you Jack. However, I also think you underestimate the capacity of the human race to develop new skills and to gain new understanding the science of climate control. I’m sure we will be driving back the frontiers of the ice pack in time to come. Let’s however hope that the polar ice does not destabilise and flip the planet. I think changing heat flow and ice reflectance is well within our capabilities. But changing the inertia, angular momentum and spin of the planet is definitely not.



Movie: Day After Tomorrow

Jack Hall, climatologist


Movie: Day After Tomorrow

Jack Hall, climatologist

Warrior Kinkajou.....Galactic Travelogue

KinkajouMed Kinkajou interviews SigmaPsiBoars Hill
(Helliconia Winter – Brian Aldiss)

Kinkajou Kinkajou:   Thank you for agreeing to talk to me on how climate impacts your life. In my era, my people have begun to see the benefits of climate control. Your people and indeed your very survival is ruled by the climate. Tell us something of your world.

BoarsHill SigmaPsiBoars Hill:   Helliconia is a planet of a binary system. It revolves around its parent sun Batalix, once every 480 days. But Batalix revolves around a common axis with a much larger sun Freyr, the major component of our system. Batalix is even now carrying Helliconia on an orbit away from the great star. Over the last two centuries, the autumn – that long decline from summer – has intensified.

Now Helliconia is poised on the brink of the winter of another great year. Darkness calls, and silence waits in the centuries ahead.

Both Batalix and Freyr are even now low in the southern sky. They flit on the trunks of the trees on the horizon like insects, the big sun and the small. Year by year, Freyr is sinking lower in the skies. I feel it’s sinking calls forth fury from the human spirit. Our world is about to change. Our climate is declining rapidly.

I can see grandchildren, if we live to have any, will spend their lives in darkness, wrapped in animal skins.

As I stand here even the lowliest peasant is aware that the climate is steadily growing worse. The sweat that forms on my chest cools instantly. And there are other signs of the impending changes as well.

Hibernating Mammal Hibernating Mammal

Kinkajou Kinkajou:   So the oncoming cycle of cold, is endured by many? An obvious storm of nature developing on the horizon of our senses.

BoarsHill SigmaPsiBoars Hill:  The changes are very slow. Many live their lives and fail to see changes. But the changes are still there to be seen. And if the weather does not tell them as much, there are other signs. Once more the plague known as the Fat Death is spreading. This is an adaptation by our humanoid life forms to cope with the cold of winter. It allows us to maximise insulation and heat retention, an adaptation forced upon us through millennia of adaptation to our world. Many animals hibernate. See this animal I am riding – a brown hoxney. The species is preparing for hibernation. Soon they will be useless for riding. This is the season for training up the recalcitrant but more powerful Yelk.


However, some species simply endure.

Such is the nature of grass that it continues to grow despite the wind. It bows to the wind. Its roots spread under the soil, anchoring it, leaving no room for other plants to find lodgement. The grass has always been there. It is the wind that is more recent – and the bite within it.

Grass annuals. The high silica content of the grasses demands teeth clad in strongly resistant enamel. Impoverished as the plain may look to the casual human observer, the seeds of the grass represent highly nutritious packages – numerous enough to support many creatures. A prize that means life.

Spare a sympathetic thought for other creatures such as the moles. They can ignore the extravagances of the two suns. They can hunt and rut in any season.


Kinkajou Kinkajou:   I understand that there is another life form upon your world.

BoarsHill SigmaPsiBoars Hill:  Yes. Now at the end of the great year, as the numbers of mankind begin to dwindle, the Phagors will seize their chance to rule again – unless humankind unites to stop them.

Kinkajou Kinkajou:   Thank you for sharing the essence of the spirit of the coming of winter in your world. I wish you well. Humankind has learned to adapt. The genetic technologies of your forebears, have enabled you to triumph over the hostility of nature.


Aldiss, Brian

Boars Hill

Helliconia  Winter

KinkajouMed Kinkajou interviews a SigmaPsiPsychlo
(L. Ron Hubbard: Battlefield Earth”


Kinkajou Kinkajou:   I note most immense and powerful one that you have been assigned here to earth.

Psychlo SigmaPsiPsychlo:    Man is an endangered species. I’m amazed they haven’t died off already. They breathe this oxygen nitrogen air. Deadly stuff.


Kinkajou Kinkajou:   How did you come to find the earth?

Psychlo SigmaPsiPsychlo:  Apparently man sent some kind of probe with directions to this place. It got picked up by a recon drone. The probe carried a picture on a metal that was rare everywhere and worth a clacking fortune.  Intergalactic paid the Psychlo governors 60 billion galactic credits for the directions to the place and the concession. One” gas” barrage and we were in business. We realised quickly the man things couldn’t breathe our breathe – gas. They would go blue and begin convulsing when exposed to our air. Man cannot breathe breathe- gas. Psychlos come from a proper planet that has proper breathe – gas. You animals would die there. To live on our world you would need to have a breathing mask.

Kinkajou Kinkajou:   I understand that you have had considerable difficulties with your mining concession on the earth.

Psychlo SigmaPsiPsychlo:  Indeed. When breathe – gas interacts with uranium in the natural environment on this planet, explosions are common and Psychlos die. It would have been far better to terraform and climate control this planet and to completely be rid of the native population.


Kinkajou Kinkajou:   So what stopped you?


Psychlo SigmaPsiPsychlo:  We’re not showing a profit.


Kinkajou Kinkajou:   I should imagine this planet is being mined out.


Psychlo SigmaPsiPsychlo:  That’s not it. There is plenty of ore deep down, enough to keep us going for centuries.


Kinkajou Kinkajou:   So what- economic depression?

Psychlo SigmaPsiPsychlo:  Will it doesn’t help but it’s not the real reason. It’s costs. Personnel costs. Food costs. Cost to supply breathe – gas and add to that the costs for accommodation and transport and we have nearly exceeded the value of the output here. And we still haven’t accounted for the cost of wear and tear and capital costs for expansion.


Kinkajou Kinkajou:   So why on earth would you bother coming here?

Psychlo SigmaPsiPsychlo:  We Psychlos are the most powerful and advanced beings in the universe. From galaxy to galaxy, system to system, world to world, we Psychlos are supreme. We have smashed every sentient race that has ever sought to oppose us and even those that have tried to cooperate. With advanced technology and a pitiless temperament, we Psychlos have never been successfully opposed in all the rapacious eons of our existence.


Kinkajou Kinkajou:   Doesn’t sound like a truly profitable partnership.

Psychlo SigmaPsiPsychlo:  It is we the Psychlos as a race and the individual Psychlo who is important. Why should we pay any attention to any grouping of vanishing races on small out of the way planets? Be rid of all the others. Terraform and climate control all the worlds to allow our kind of life to exist and thrive.


Kinkajou Kinkajou:   But what drives all this?

Psychlo SigmaPsiPsychlo:  I suppose it is our vision of paradise. Each of us dreams to be in command and in charge and the master of their own destiny and the destiny of others. It is this drive which makes us so powerful. The universe is almost a paradise to us, enabling us to live lives of rampant self-indulgence at the expense of everything else. There seems no profit or value in pampering to the interests of others when the interests of oneself are paramount.


Kinkajou Kinkajou:   Thank you. You are a great one. I hope you get what you deserve.


Psychlo SigmaPsiPsychlo:  A noble sentiment.



Hubbard, L. Ron


Battlefield Earth

Paradise Game

Hubbard, L. Ron


Battlefield Earth


KinkajouMed Kinkajou interviews a “ SigmaPsiBuilder”
from the River of the Ring world (Phillip Jose Farmer).

Kinkajou Kinkajou:   I look at your magnificent construct with awe. The realisation of the concept of a planetary ring surrounding the sun creating a biosphere billions of times greater than that of the earth itself. This sheer stupendousness of such a construct is incredible. A world in essence like the earth, but with a diameter of effectively 93 million miles from one side of the world to the other.


Could you tell us of some of the challenges of creating such a world?

BuilderRingworld SigmaPsiBuilder:   I think one of the most obvious is the difficulties of climatic differentiation. The earth rotates. Therefore there is an incidence of heat energy across the entire surface of the planetary globe. However in a ring world, solar energy does fall away at the tangent and rear of the habitat ring as it faces to the sun. The rear surface of the ring essentially exists in the utter cold of space.

We had engineered mountains at the peripheries of the ring. Truly impressive mountains literally reaching into space, supported by engineered gravitational anomalies. This meant that the atmosphere and the biosphere could be contained on the sun exposed surface of the Ring world.

If it were not for this, the atmosphere would leak to the dark side, where it would freeze into a liquid or solid, slowly building up as the entire atmosphere of the ring world was locked into permanent oxygen and nitrogen ice.

The engineering difficulties in creating such a world and in obtaining the resources to build such a world are almost galactic in scope. No known construction materials would tolerate the stresses involved in maintaining the habitat ring without energy “force” supports.

Looking back on our construct, it would probably have made more sense to choose other more sustainable and robust solutions to the problem of building a ring around the sun.

Kinkajou Kinkajou:   Yes I think that having 365 planets all in orbit around the sun with one day’s transit separating them, would be a much more sustainable, easier, robust and energy conserving solution. After all, even if you can generate gravity to the extent that we have shown is possible, it still makes sense to build constructs with the lowest maintenance costs. In the event of a crisis, and of your civilisation disappearing, the planetary civilisations could well continue to orbit around the sun with almost no need for input energy, apart from just acting to maintain planetary orbital separation.

BuilderRingworld SigmaPsiBuilder: Exactly! But sometimes we do what we do because we can do it. It is the vaunting of the spirit that dictates the construct. If we all maintained an air of rational cynicism and scepticism for new technological developments, we would achieve and do very little, because there are always other interests and considerations to pre-empt what we would do. Some achievements are successes of spirit rather than just mere technology.




Niven, Larry & Pournelle, Jerry




Farmer, Philip Jose

One of the Builders
