The Dune Interviews (Frank Herbert)
Kinkajou interviews Liet Kynes, Imperial planetologist.
Liet Kynes: Greetings Kinkajou: I do indeed prefer the old title of planetologist rather than the modern term of ecologist. I sense that you seek me through the veil with Sigma Psi communications. You wish to talk of many things including our expertise with turning desert into arable land. On Arrakis (Dune), we Fremen have always held the dream of having water flowing on the surface of the ground and of plants growing freely on the surface.
The question we have always asked ourselves is what would it take to set up a self-sustaining system? We reasoned if we can get 3% of the green plant element on Arrakis involved in forming carbon compounds as foodstuffs, we would be able to start a cycling system.
The highest function of ecology is understanding consequences. Our planet Arrakis (Dune) orbits the star Canopus,(also known historically as Alpha Carina). This star is a giant star the size of the original Earth’s solar system.
What could be more logical than to find try planet such as Arrakis orbiting a super-hot sun. Such a hot planet would be a dry planet. The newcomer to Arrakis frequently underestimates the importance of water here. You are dealing you see with the law of the minimum. Growth is limited by that necessity which is present in the least amount. And naturally the least favourable condition controls the growth rate. It is a rule of ecology that you must understand quite well.
To change the ecology of a planetary system requires an understanding of how the lifeforms on the planetary surface interact. The struggle between life elements is the struggle for the free energy and resources of a system. Life improves the capacity of the environments to sustain life. Life makes needed nutrients more readily available. It binds more energy into the system through the tremendous chemical interplay from organism to organism.
Arid Farming
To the planetary ecologist, the most important ecological tools are human beings. It is essential to cultivate ecological literacy among the people. We have achieved on Arrakis (Dune)a thing never before attempted for a whole planet. We have used man is a constructive ecological force. Men and their works have become a disease on the surface of planets before now. Nature tends to compensate for diseases, to remove or encapsulate them or to incorporate them into a system in her own way. You cannot go on forever stealing what you need without thought of what comes after.
Kinkajou: Yes. The challenge of creating arable land within the desert interior of Australia is awe-inspiring. As you have stated, mankind must become a positive ecological force. This can only be achieved by creating ecological literacy among the people.
A number of proposals have been made to improve the arability of the land in inland Australia. The most obvious solution is to import more water into the interior. Shifting icebergs from Antarctica or using gravity gradients to encourage the flow of moist tropical air into the dry interior have been suggested.
A different path involves more aggressive recycling and retention of water. This would dovetail with the use of more drought tolerant plant and animal species as crop bases. Many human crops have been developed throughout history in higher rainfall areas. I believe we have a long way to go to genetically optimise and improve natural desert species to produce yields for useful to the human population.
As I’m sure you appreciate, beginnings are such delicate times. The transition between ideas and the implementation of ideas is a substantial one. Self-doubt and fear often lead people to abandon long-term programs such as reducing the desertification of inland Australia. Too many people look to short-term rewards rather than long-term gains.
Liet Kynes: The desert has a way of determining who wears the mantle of authority. The way of the Fremen is not to deny progress. We always say “the way is long”. To succeed, the critical element is the will to succeed. All too often people chase their profit first. Their first and only thought is that you cannot let someone or some one’s ideas pauperize you.
However, Power, wealth and greatness are often transitory experiences. After all what is money if it can’t buy you the services you need. In the long run there can be no escape. We submit the eco- violence of our ancestors to the ecology of the planet.
Mars a desert environment.
Kinkajou: Climate control has also been mentioned as a possible path to ecological change.
Liet Kynes: The ability to use climate modification techniques is essential in transforming desert into arable land. It does however require an intense understanding of the relationship between weather and climate. This is one of the great challenges we faced on Arrakis (Dune). Our past history has led our civilisation to develop a number of laws. “Thou shall not make a machine in the likeness of a man’s mind”.
The great revolt against the Cymeks took away a crutch for the human race. It forced the human mind to develop. We developed schools to train human talent.
I see that in Australia you plan to use computer modelling of the environment as a method of understanding weather and climate. On Arrakis (Dune) we discovered that the human mind can intuitively infer the relationships amongst the factors controlling climate.
A computer can search databases quickly for similar patterns and make predictions based on these. But it cannot see how a local event can trigger a chain of other events across the geography of a planet.
Kinkajou: I’m afraid I cannot see clear to a solution in changing the climate of inland Australia without using computers. However, I see the two elements of the human mind and the computer as being in many ways complementary. Each has capacities that the other lacks.
I can see your concern about creating computers or machines in the likeness of the human mind. However, I see computers more as a tool, much the same as many other tools that mankind uses.
I would like to ask some questions about the technology you have developed to bend water to your will.
Liet Kynes: I think one of our most amazing technologies is our dew collectors. Look to the desert. Notice each bud and each weed out in the erg. How do you suppose they live when we leave them?
Each is planted most carefully in its own little pit. The pits are filled with smooth ovals of chromoplastic. Light turns them white. When the sun departs, the chromoplastic reverts to transparency in the dark. It cools with extreme rapidity. The surface condenses moisture out of thin air. That moisture then trickles down to the plant root, keeping our plant alive.
Initially, when humans arrived on the planet they had developed transparent alumina as a condensing agent. Metals were regarded as having high conductivity, able to lose heat quickly and hence were thought suitable for condensation triggering applications. We have made some improvements over time.
Our other critical technology encompasses our stillsuits. These are basically a micro sandwich of a high efficiency filter and heat exchange system, based on nanotechnology. This skin contact layer is porous. Perspiration passes through it, having cooled the body-essentially via a near normal evaporative process.
The next two layers include heat exchange filaments and salt precipitators. Motions of the body especially breathing and osmotic action by the driving force for these processes. In the end reclaimed water circulates to the catch pockets.
Conductive elements such as metal fibres including exotic materials such as transparent alumina fibres have been found to be useful in the heat exchange filaments. An understanding of Nanotechnology and piezo-electricity generation through fibre deformation, gives the lie to the simplicity of wearing clothes to save water. There are extensive and complex technologies that make water reclamation viable, but technologies that appear deceptively easy and simple to the uninitiated.
Kinkajou: Can you comment on the social engineering aspects of having an elite ruling class?
Arrakis Noble
Liet Kynes: Grave this on your memory young Kinkajou: A world is supported by four things: the learning of the wise, the justice of the great, the praise of the righteous and the valour of the brave. But all these things are nothing without a ruler who knows the art of ruling. The ruling classes are trained from birth to rule. This makes them true professionals. I have seen the ancient examples of democracy.
I recall with horror at the thought of inexperienced, unknowledgeable and untrained men and women guiding the destiny of the human race. No wonder the evil Cymeks were created. No wonder so few saw the danger of machines mimicking the human mind. How many mistakes and poor judgements were made by people with no training and no skill in making decisions and ruling?
Kinkajou: I have thought some on the concept of "what it is to rule". It becomes obvious that rule is to command.
Liet Kynes: Kinkajou you have someone learning to do. A ruler must learn to persuade, not to compel. He must lay the best coffee hearth to attract the finest men.
And how can you maintain the loyalty and dedication of such men . We have found there are proven ways. Play on the certain knowledge of their superiority, the mystique of secret covenant, the Esprit of shared suffering.
It can be done. It has been done on many worlds at many times.
This creates the social dynamic of our culture, essentially socially engineering a structure in which people know their place. People can aspire and change the place. Our social structure rewards them with recognition and respect for their achievements.I have seen in many cultures, especially in the history of the 20th century, something called the “ tall poppy” syndrome. People become disrespected and enslaved by their achievements. It appears to be the right of the uneducated and uninspiring majority to victimise those who work to improve the situation of the many.
People say our social structure is unjust. Who asks for justice? Here on Arrakis we make our own justice-live or die. Survival is the greatest arbiter of success. While your body is your own, your water belongs to the tribe. It is said that in the desert the possession of water in great amounts can inflict a man with fatal carelessness.
We ask all our people to carry the responsibility of our civilisation. We reward those who work and aspire. After all, most educated people know that the worst potential competitor for any young organism comes from its own kind.
They are eating from the same bowl. They have the same basic requirements. To succeed against others implies trueness of purpose, dedication, ability and the capacity to deal with suffering that arises from a determination to succeed in one’s goal. We have a focus on career.
But we also have a focus on the long view. After all, in 100 years’ time how much of what we do today will really make any difference.
Our social engineering of a ruling class, skilled apprentices and masters of trades pushes the ruling class to take the long view, to think of the success of the dynasty and less of personal careers and glory.
Kinkajou: I would say that such a system is perhaps unnecessarily rigid. On 20th century earth, many people trained for careers that in 10 or 20 years’ time did not exist. The march of knowledge and information demands a flexible approach to training and innovation.
Liet Kynes: Our Kinkajou, perhaps you are the Lisan-al-Gaib (the voice from the outer world) who sees through all subterfuge. Thank you for our conversation. I must leave, as honour demands that I be elsewhere soon Kinkajou: I leave you to go unto the rebellious that dwell in your dry land.
Kinkajou talks to William “Bill” Mason:
“The Day of the Triffids” John Wyndham
Kinkajou: Thank you Bill for agreeing to talk to us. I understand your background is in Triffid farming
Triffids moved into the realm of big business overnight.
Where they came from no one knew. However, there were many rumours that they were a Soviet development. The rumours said that they had been developed in a biological engineering program in secret and were even then being commercially farmed in the Soviet Union.
The Triffids were somebody’s fault or mistake I submit. I don’t think however we can blame anyone too much for their creation. The extracts they gave were very valuable in the circumstances.
Nobody can ever see what a major discovery is going to lead to – whether it is a new type of engine or a Triffid. We coped with them all right in normal conditions. We benefited quite a lot from them, as long as conditions were to their disadvantage.
They’ll grow practically anywhere and they were pretty profitable.
Kinkajou: They were also a sustainable resource. As opposed to extracting oil from whales or other animals, Triffids could be cultivated and sustainably replaced. To be able to obtain a valuable resource simply using the sun and some wasted ground would have been a substantial incentive in their commercialisation.
I suppose however, that the discoverer and the inventor are ever the bane of business. To fail to grasp new opportunities is to invite disaster in the commercial world. And the Triffids certainly represented a valuable commercial opportunity.William “Bill” Mason: Triffid nurseries sprang up everywhere, even in the city of London. Large nurseries were founded in many areas, throughout the world. This created a huge population able to exploit a change in circumstances such as the asteroid fireworks disaster. Even in London, I remember seeing quite a few of the ugly brutes about. They always seemed evil and alien.
We learnt about them so gradually and we were able to cope so easily with the problems they created, that their nature did not seem to be a problem to the majority of citizens.
There was considerable surprise when the first one picked up its roots and walked.
People were even more surprised and disgusted to learn that the species was carnivorous.
Then we learnt that the species had poisonous stings. I remember once at work, I was bending down intent on clearing the earth around the roots of a Triffid plant. Something came from nowhere and hit me with a terrific slam and knocked me out. I had not the faintest idea what had hit me before I learned that it must’ve been one of the first persons in England to be stung by a Triffid and to get away with it.This triggered a spate of Triffid destructions, when it was realised that the whorl topping a Triffid’s stem could lash out as a slender stinging weapon 10 foot long, capable of discharging the poison to kill a man if it struck unprotected skin. However someone discovered that all that was necessary to make them harmless, was the removal of the actual stinging weapon. It took about two years for the stinging thing to be regrown to the point of becoming dangerous again.
However, in the tropics particularly in dense forest areas they quickly became quite a scourge. Quite often they would surround a small village and invade it if they weren’t beaten off. There were a dangerous type of pest in quite a lot of places.
There were other facets that made them dangerous as well. They were uncannily sensitive to movement near to them and it was hard to take them unawares.
One of my friends became quite certain that they talked and that meant that somewhere in them is intelligence. It can’t be held in a brain because the sectioning of their bodies/ stems shows nothing like a brain – but that doesn’t prove that there could not be something that does the brain’s job.
My friend asked me had I noticed when they attack; they always go for the unprotected parts. Almost always the head, but sometimes the hands. He also suggested that if you looked at the statistics of the casualties, you can see that there is an unusual proportion that has been stung across the eyes and blinded. He felt this was remarkable and significant. Again he felt this indicated a sort of intelligence.
Kinkajou: But none of this was a problem to the community, until the asteroid fireworks disaster. Take away our sight and our superiority over them is gone.
William “Bill” Mason: And the intelligence aspects still came back to haunt us. I saw a mob fleeing in London. Behind them I had a glimpse of the rear of the fleeing mob – three dark leaved stalks swaying over their panic stricken heads. I realised that the Triffids were actually “driving” the mob.
The pressure of the Triffid population against the blinded human survivors turned the tide against our survival. Either we could set out to save what could be saved from the wreck and that has to include ourselves –or we could devote ourselves to stretching out the lives of the people a little longer. But we could see that the more obviously humane course is also probably the road to suicide.
And the Triffids weren’t slow to be interested in us. That uncanny sensitiveness to sound would tell them something was happening, that people were moving. They would be attracted to human survivors and then their stings would lash out.
We had to develop the moral courage to think and plan for ourselves. And humans preying on humans for scarce resources further compromised the survival of those few people to emerge from the asteroid fireworks holocaust.
Kinkajou: I can see the horror of the situation, growing so slowly in the pre-Holocaust days that the population did not even take notice and became immune to the horrors they saw. Did you have any experiences that really marked you with blind survivors?
William “Bill” Mason: I particularly remember one young girl who tried to entice me to stay with her group. You see she was young and she was beautiful. There should have been all life, may be a wonderful life for her. Isn’t there something a little sad about youth and beauty in any circumstance? She came to me and begged for me to help. She said life is very precious even like this. My control almost cracked.
Human Girl Enticing
She told me she thought that if perhaps I had somebody, somebody here, I might not want to leave “us”. Perhaps I would stay with them. She spoke to me in her soft voice and asked “you’d be kind to me, wouldn’t you”. To me she was thousands upon thousands of young lives destroyed.
The confrontation saddened and terrified me. I could not take up her offer. The next day I found that she had developed a type of food poisoning. I knew she was going to die. She begged me “please Bill, I’m not very brave. Could you get me something to finish it”? I did.I looked at her lying there.
There was a thing that made it still more futile. I wondered how many would have said “take me with you” – where she had said stay with us. And I never even knew her name.So the disaster really had a number of critical phases.
First we introduced and grew an aggressive predatory pest throughout the world in large numbers. With the human loss of sight this made us susceptible to the depredations of monsters – the Triffids. The plague decimated survivors, as do the actions of surviving human predators. Then with a population reduced to an effective pittance of sighted people, the Triffids began their campaign.
I had chosen a shot gun in preference to rifle – the bang was no less convincing and it decapitated a Triffid with a neatness which a bullet seldom achieved.I had really begun to be suspicious of open places. Sure enough, when on gathering expeditions, often when I looked carefully I could see a Triffid standing perfectly still- but fortunately for me noticeably taller than the bushes which surrounded it.
I remember when on three occasions, we tried mortar bombs on concentrations of Triffids. The results were disappointing. Triffids share with trees the ability to take a lot of damage without lethal harm. It became obvious that the fragmentation of society by these conjoint disasters destroyed our leadership- our ability to act effectively in concert.Kinkajou: Well that’s where leadership comes in. The leader plans, but is wise enough not to say so. As the changes become necessary, he slips them in as a concession – temporary of course to the circumstances. But if he / she is good, they’re slipping in the right bits for the ultimate shape.
There are always overwhelming objections to any plan, but concessions had to be made for emergencies. We can live on capital for a long while yet in this type of a crisis. But surely the immediate job is the teaching of the blind “how” to work, before they really have to get down to it.
William “Bill” Mason: Unfortunately time was on the Triffid’s side. They were able to go on waiting while we used up our resources. First the fuel, then no more wire to mend the fences. And I think their descendants would still be waiting for when the wires rusted through.
Every now and then, we still get reports that another conclave of survivors has been overrun. The Triffids that surrounded these fallen conclaves, then disperse to join other sieges.Kinkajou: A true horror story. Beginning with farming and ending with death. And the removal of a single simple advantage – human vision: was the root cause of enabling the disaster.
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Kinkajou interviews Grainger (pilot of the Hooded Swan), the “Wind” (alien mind parasite)
(Brian Stableford: The Hooded Swann Series: Halcyon Drift)
Kinkajou: This is truly a first. To interview an alien mind parasite on his perspectives on technology. Could you tell us something about your existence, your intelligence?
“Wind”: I have two basic forms a free-living form and a form living within a host. As a free-living form, most of my “intelligence” is concentrated on replicating DNA and inserting itself within a host at a molecular level. However, once I am integrated with a host, I am able to share a host’s mind, their volition and their consciousness. I am a very long-lived entity. I have had a number of different hosts, though not human prior to this time.
Grainger: I came into contact with the “Wind” when I was marooned on a rock in the Halcyon drift. I had been marooned there for some time, years in fact, after I crash landed my ship, killing my spaceship engine mechanic. I had been there so long I had in fact given up on life.
I wore a long beard. My hair was never cut save for the tufts which threatened to invade my eyes and rob me of my sight. I took no pride in cleanliness. I lived in misery and regret and made no effort to assert my humanity. I felt an invader, a beast. There was no need to remind myself that I belonged elsewhere. I was not wanted here or there or anywhere.
Firefly Spaceship
Initially when marooned, I mounted an expedition to all points of the compass. But what I found never repaid the effort I put into reaching there. Mental fatigue soon drowned my adventures with pointlessness. The present would never occupy my mind. Every day was identical. There was no profit in trying to make each one individual in any way.
I was different to my deceased partner, Lapthorne. I was realist. Nothing made an impression on me. Perhaps I had the secret of eternal age. This star world had nothing to teach me. The stars had not the capacity to change me. Lapthorne said I had no soul.
I remember one night the fire was dying. It was time for sleep. I wished that for once I didn’t have to go to bed hungry. There was not much edible growing on the mountain or living down in the desert. The ship’s supply of deep space gruel ran out some time ago. Somehow though, I didn’t starve. I chewed leaves. I snared mice and I contrived to live.
But I was always hungry. Perhaps I thought I should be grateful that the world sustained my kind of life. The world might not want me but it tolerated me because I was not too much of a nuisance.
And then the “Wind” came into my life.
“Wind”: I told him I was with him now. I would not go. I could not. I knew he would have to let me in and he had. I was not the wind anymore. I was a voice in his head. I told him he could not get away from me now. I was all wrapped up in his mind. I told him I needed him. I needed somewhere to be. I needed someone to hold me. I needed a host.
Grainger: I realised finally that I was not alone, that the voice belonged to another sentient being. It was not the wind at all – not really. It was an alien mind parasite and I was its new host. I didn’t know whether to be glad or sad.
“Wind”: I told him he could not throw me out. In case he became an unsuitable host. I had to live with him now and he with me. I told him he was not the most comfortable of minds to live in.
Grainger: In my turn I told him he was welcome to stay, so long as he kept quiet.
“Wind”: I am not sure I could comply with that, my host. I think you occasionally need some minding when you act like a fool and I think you might need my help one day.
Grainger: I didn’t really know how this was going to go. I asked him: Do I consult with him like an Oracle, or do we take a democratic vote. His reply was simply to observe my sarcasm and shut up. I told him on another occasion to leave me alone.
“Wind”: I told him I cannot do that. You’re not alone now and never will be. You have to learn to live with me even if you can manage to keep yourself apart from everyone else. I told him he had a sterile dull mind. Constantly preoccupied with trivial matters. I felt he had no soul. He is a very cynical human, Grainger: I told him once when he almost got into a fight that he was crazy to throw his weight around. Grainger told me “thanks a lot”. “I wish I knew everything too “.
Grainger: The wind was sort of a second mind sharing my brain and my body. But he was a far older and far more accomplished mind. He was also discreet and valued a harmonious existence. He couldn’t get rid of me any more than I could get rid of him. He couldn’t take over my body. He couldn’t walk while I was running. All that would happen would be that I would fall over. There was no option for one of us being able to override the other. What we did, we had to do together.
The only areas where he had total control of my body where the areas where I had none. The organisation of my body against invading parasites/organisms was one such area.
He couldn’t stop the actual invasion and he couldn’t kill parasites once they were in, but he could and did control the deleterious effects that they might perpetrate on my body. However, in integrated form within a host it is difficult for one such as he, to refine his consciousness to the molecular level.
Kinkajou: So this melding of human and mind parasite is a new form of intelligence with new capabilities. In effect, achieving singularity from a different direction.
“Wind”: Well perhaps. I retain little information from previous hosts due to the need to integrate myself at a molecular level with the new host. This means there is very little capacity for wasted space or wasted memory in the transfer. The integration is also a long and difficult process. For example I was only able to integrate with Grainger due to his prolonged stay on the rock on which he was marooned, and due to the lack of other competing native lifeforms which would interfere a molecular level with the integration process.
Kinkajou: So, do you have the capacity to enhance life or extend life?
“Wind”: I have certainly saved Grainger’s life. When we were in the “Drift”, he reached a crisis in navigating the warped reality of time-space. He blacked out and I was able to take over. I told him afterwards that “we did it”. He had evidenced a little too much imagination.
But he knew what to do, once his mind was submerged. I told him it was his brain that performed the operations. His reflexes. His judgement. All I did for Grainger was to hold him together and to make sure the machine worked.
Grainger: I’m not a machine.
“Wind”: You had to be machine to make that flight. Your mind is impairing your mechanical efficiency. That’s why you had to blackout.
So I supposed to this extent I was able to save his life and thereby extend it. I am also able by monitoring body systems, to reduce the deleterious effects of disease on the body.
Kinkajou: So you would certainly believe that you could minimise the effects of diseases such as Paill Spectrum in damaging the human body?
“Wind”: Absolutely. If you do not die, you live longer. So you can stop the effects of a disease integrating into the body of the host, you can extend life.
Kinkajou: I can imagine what a surprise existence of Paill Spectrum may have been for you.
“Wind”: The human body is a complex place. Human circumstances are complex as well. It is hard to comprehend how horrible reality can be.
Kinkajou: I’m fascinated by the degree of gene control and gene adaptation that exists hardwired into your being.
“Wind”: Goes with being an alien mind parasite, I suppose.
Kinkajou: Isn’t death a normal part of existence?
Grainger: The concept of death is perhaps more negotiable than we realise. I realised that on “Paradise” it was possible things did not die there. Paradise was a custom-designed Paradise. But custom-designed for whom. I believe that the Paradise syndrome is as absolutely specific to humanity as it is possible to get.
Animals on the planet Paradise did not kill and eat other animals. They supported each other. They helped each other. This is not the experience of life on any planet in the human realm. I felt the entire planet was a trap, a human trap. But to build an entire planet is a trap for human beings! You would think there must be an easier way.
Gold Coast Paradise
“Wind”: It is an interesting proposition. You don’t need to farm on Paradise. Each organism is responsible for supporting other organisms. They are all part of a web of life. The normal human paradigm: grow it, kill it and eat it, just doesn’t apply.
Kinkajou: Thank you both for your contributions to our technological knowledge. I think the most challenging aspect of what you have told me today, is a concept of an existence of the world where growth, farming and death are not requirements of existence. Organisms can be subsumed into a Gaea, but this is not a natural direction for the development of human civilisations. Humanity had its Eden. Civilisation won.
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Grainger, Wind |
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