Ennetech by Erasmus and Kinkajou Authors


Erasmus and Kinkajou share their vision of technologies that will help us on our way.

Kinkajou Tells You What Really Happened. The Truth Is Out There! "TRUE"
Kinkajou Interviews Famous People For Their Unique Points Of View: "GALACTIC TRAVELOGUE"





The wars of the future have new front lines:

orbit, computing and the singularity, new mechanised units and vehicles& new energy sources.

































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ErasmusErasmus : "Military technologies" are essential to the people of the future. Its value is clearly seen historically. Armed force has been a potent force for the resolution of many issues. “Might is Right” is a saying which has dogged human history.

ErasmusErasmus : In the Aerial Infantry webpage, we look at the impact of technology in the development of new military niches. In our world, our technology is capable of solving a myriad of problems. But it is knowing which problems need to be solved that is the true question.

The digital phone impacted our era, allowing people free access to personal communication wherever they may be. However it is the marriage of the digital phone with the applications of the computer era which created the true advances. The ability to access the Internet, texting, applications to allow many different interpersonal relationships for activities have become far more important than the phone itself.

The interface which allows access to these apps has also undergone a substantial evolution from the buttons on the digital phone to touch screens with software buttons. To some extent the concept of “Aerial Infantry”, mirrors capabilities of helicopters and light aircraft. Drones have also emerged as a new technology in the application of force from the air.

The question of course is whether there is an implementation gap or force gap between a human infantrymen and the technology of the drone of a helicopter. The Aerial Infantry page attempts to look at this issue.

KinkajouKinkajou : Soldiers are very used to using weapons placed before them. But to see a weapon where there is none, is a gift that only a genius level warrior can have.

ErasmusErasmus : The Orbital Engine pages look at one of the key factors which imprison humanity on this planet. The ability to escape the gravity well of planet Earth, prohibits humanity from developing habitats in space and throughout the solar system. Again while we can achieve orbit with our current technology, it is the financial or business plan which limits our activities. We can access earth orbit today, but at a prohibitive price.


Kinkajou Tells It TrueGalactic Travelogue

Dr AXxxxxDr AXxxxx : Extinction or death – that is the choice you make with this technology for your species. Achieve orbit, or face your boom.

I saw one acquaintance who solved the problem of climbing onto a roof. Normally, humans climb a ladder and teeter on the edge of disaster as they make the transition from the ladder , across the gutter and onto the roof.

This acquaintance installed a pool ladder at the side of a house, allowing one to climb to the top of the ladder and to step directly onto a roof platform while standing holding onto the top of the ladder. Running up and down the ladder becomes a risk free activity with such a simple innovation. You worry more about what you are carrying than making the transition onto or off the roof.

Sort of like where the problem of "orbit" is now.

ErasmusErasmus : The "Singularity" page focuses on the technologies involved in the production of computer intelligence or artificial intelligence. We have reached the point where our systems can begin to emulate many of the capacities of biological intelligence.

Yes our machines need to be trained, but so do biological entities. Whether we achieve true artificial intelligence or a simple software emulation of intelligence, only time will tell. And if our machines are capable of learning, to what extent are the really different to biologicals. How will the computer intelligences of the future change our ability to do things, remains to be seen?

Our Little Numbat FriendGoo : On the bright side, there will always be someone who is happy to talk to me for as long as I want and answer my questions no matter how stupid they may be.

ErasmusErasmus : The Mechanised Infantry page looks at the concept of adding mechanical power to that most basic of military units – the infantryman. The concept of mechanised infantry – a type of cyborg combination of humans and machinery is an adjunct of this attempt to look at “implementation gaps”. The question here being whether there is a “force capability gap” existing between the human infantryman in the mechanisation associated with tanks and vehicles.

Other conceptualisations of the implementation gap could be considered in our use of guns/rifles. A bullet prevents the enemy from using one square meter of real estate for a fraction of a second. The application of napalm would prevent the enemy from using many square metres of real estate for a period of time up to many minutes.

The question then becomes in controlling the battleground – is it better to use a bullet or a weapon such as napalm. We are comfortable with the concept of using napalm to kill the enemy, but it can also be used to “direct” the enemy. It would appear there is a weaponisation gap in our favouring bullet weapons over flasks of burning liquids. War is not only a matter of killing the enemy, but it is also concerned with making the enemy do what you want him to do.

Some unusual examples of new implementation issues: using artillery to dig foxholes for troops, using a grenade launcher type weapon to fire flame and smoke rounds at “pillboxes”. They will have a lot of trouble shooting you if they can't see you.

ErasmusErasmus : The “Mechanised Infantry” and the “aerial infantry” page are both attempts to look at implementation or weaponisation gaps in Our Capacity for War.

KinkajouKinkajou : When you see a soldier going off to war even today, they look half man half machine. Even in Roman days, a soldier carried his equipment. It is interesting to think that now the equipment may carry the soldier – and not in the guise of a vehicle or chariot.

ErasmusErasmus : "Energy Shields" form an unusual technology. It is only the realisation that there are many dimensions to matter that suggest perhaps that these dimensions may be manipulated to redirect or to store energy – in effect creating an energy shield. Current theories of the structure of matter suggest up to 13 dimensions within matter. There is also the suggestion that a different universe awaits us on the other side of the “BRANE”.

KinkajouKinkajou : A technology the soldier cannot afford to be without, especially if one’s enemies use it. As is usual with new innovations, of course, size and cost are ever factors in implementing new weapons such as shield weapons.

ErasmusErasmus : The Memristorswebpage looks at how a new electronic circuit – being a combination of memory and resistance could change silicon computerisation. Their appearance suggests that the Terminator of the future may be a real possibility. Their capabilities would allow the mimicking of many facets of biologicals – instant on off (as opposed to boot sequence on off) as well as new methods of Logic operations – giving our artificial computer intelligences new capacities.

Our Little Numbat FriendGoo : Apparently no Terminator has ever harmed a member of my species. They just tend to in general ignore us as much as possible. There is some value in being humble.

ErasmusErasmus : The pages dealing with Fuel Cell Miniaturisation deals with the need to supply energy to working components. If the sprite is to be a real possibility in the future, it will require power. Many significant advances in the last thirty years in tools, are simply based on the development of batteries able to supply energy to these tools without the need for electric cords plugging into power sockets. It has revolutionised carpentry and building. The delivery of energy to where it is needed enhances our capacity to create change in our environment in many and varied fields of human endeavour.

ErasmusErasmus :  “Fuel Cells” are necessary for many aspects of our world. Batteries can be primary or secondary. Devices can generate energy from: organic molecules, thermal energy, photon energy, and even from movement. If we are ever to develop the world of the sprite, the ability to deliver or generate energy where it is needed, will be the limiting factor for this technology.


Frobisher beethoven cammandantBeethoven : These fuel cells are good just so long as as they don’t expect our soldiers to eat the stuff as well. Last thing I want to do is go to a job with a tin can of fuel like  goop to keep me going.



Aerial Infantry Flier Aerial Infantry

Military Antimatter Pulses Antimatter Drive

Energy Shielding Gravity Bubble