Kinkajou interviews Chu-sa Mitsuharu Hadeishi,
Captain of the Henry R Cornuelle
(Thomas Harlan: Wasteland of Flint)
Kinkajou: Thank you Captain. I and my readers will be grateful for some of your opinions on nanotechnology and military technology.
Captain Hadeishi: My crewmembers and my specialist team has experienced some extremely dangerous interactions with nanotechnology. We arrived to investigate a lost ship- the Palenque.
The ship was found still in orbit, with a distinct and unusual range of materials removed from its structure. We believed the ship was attacked by a nanotech “cleaner” agent of some kind. Only specific organic molecules and sets of longer chain compounds were affected, particularly those types of organic compounds reflecting the presence of organic life.
Paper, glue, bed sheets and even people were swept away by the nano weapon. Investigation of the ship showed high levels of waste products in the hanger bay, particularly complex carbon chains, waste gases and some persisting long chain organic chemical structures.
We were forced to place the Palenque under level 2 quarantine. The nano agent had even consumed men inside their Z- suits after they had sealed off their environment.
The only thing that maintained the spaceship in any sort of operating condition were the compartmentalised military power systems, especially the military grade fuel cells in isolated pockets, separately supporting the operation of multiple different functions.
In a military ship, having systems able to function independently of power from the reactor core is critical. It enables the ship to lose many functions and to still function as a warship. (In short, each system has central and independent power sources enabling some degree of operation at all times).
Fleet in Space
Kinkajou: Where you in any danger during your time at planet?
Captain Hadeishi: Yes. My civilian staff in assessing the damage found an artefact which they attempted to study. In retrospect, the artefact appeared to be some sort of binary nano weapon. It was activated by radiation employed to study its internal structure.
We believe the Gas like particles in the artefact were some kind of tiny nano machines. The application of radiation energy dissolved the separating membrane allowing the nanomachines to learn a pattern from the arrangement of the internal filaments. We believe that in less than a second, these nanomachines were trained and had acquired enough raw materials to duplicate themselves, subsequently exploding the device.
They proceeded to fill the ship. Finally, they then proceeded to eat themselves. We believe the last of the programming broke them apart when there was nothing left to consume. Such was the fate of the Palenque.
Subsequently we discovered that our engine was infested with similar nanomachines, apparently sourced from the planet below. They appeared to be almost plant like in the structure. Plants that ate hexa-carbon and ceramic composites, drank CO2, and produced oxygen and carbon and lots of little crystal like frond thingies.
We were able to overcome these nanomachines by isolating them from their radiated planetary power source and through the use of ultraviolet.
SpaceShip: The Firefly
Kinkajou: Where do you think these things came from?
Captain Hadeishi: My researchers believed that the “First Sun” people came to the world and they scattered thousands of those cylinders – full of eaters. These eaters flowed out relentless and unstoppable. In the end when they were done, there was nothing left but barren rock and stone on an empty world.
They have remained there for millions of years and we believe that over that time they have evolved. They protect themselves by laying down waste products to protect their crisp clean bodies from killing ultraviolet light.
Our planet-based researchers showed us a video of the creatures at night. The ground was alive with them, reproducing expanding and building their geometric hives.
Kinkajou: Sounds almost like these things are a trap?
Captain Hadeishi: A similar sentiment was stated by our Hummingbird. He felt the artefact was a trap, dangerous in the extreme. He related that there was a mining settlement on Aldemar 4 that was obliterated. Apparently, it was believed to involve an equivalent device to the one which we had triggered on board ship.
Hummingbird believed that perhaps even these devices may have been scattered deliberately by the First Sun peoples. Any space faring race would have been intrigued.
Hummingbird felt that we had blundered into uncompromising danger and we would be lucky indeed to escape without harm.
Kinkajou: However I think the reality of that world was even more horrific?
Captain Hadeishi: We believe that one of the our survey flyers was caught somewhere by the nano tech intelligence. It could perhaps have occurred while she was sleeping, especially with them being much more active at night. They ate her up – cell by cell. Almost like she was fossilised all at once.
We found this creature – not human, something else. It was like a living crystal, with no bones, blood vessels or internal organs. The shape was present but the body temperature was even, suggesting the presence of no fluids and no movement. The shape was nothing more than a cold copy. A duplication at an almost cellular level, but not the real thing.
The intriguing aspect of the situation is that each creature must be powered. The sun was not involved as the creatures were more active at night time. There was a limit to their ability to function or replicate which could be set to a maximum distance above the surface of the planet.
It was obvious we’re dealing with some sort of radiated power or energy. The energy rapidly dissipates as you go away from the planet into space. At a distance of a few hundred miles the creatures cease living. They were not powered by fuel cell technology or any on-board power source. They had no capacity to function except within highly specific localised parameters set by the distribution of their energy feed.
Spaceship and Soldiers
Kinkajou: Do you think there is a role for these creatures in recycling?
Captain Hadeishi: Well everything organic on the planet was stripped right down to the fossilised record by the cleaning agent/eaters. So I suppose you could say everything organic was recycled. I suppose they would form very powerful recycling technologies, allowing us with programming to change their structure and function and purpose. This could well allow us to break down many different types of materials. The problem of course lies in the failsafes.
How we make sure these organisms/nano lifeforms do not escape from within their niche. Programming is one control mechanism. Controlling power supply is another control mechanism. Sensitivity to ultraviolet is yet another control mechanism.
But nonetheless it would appear to us that there has been substantial evolution in these nano lifeforms on the planet resurface. Such escaping nanotechnology would sterilise almost all biological life on a planet down to the bacterial level.
Kinkajou: The technology obviously has its positive and negative features. Were any laser technology is involved?
Captain Hadeishi: Laser is an important military weapons technology and communications technology. These nano lifeforms must contain some sort of locating and into locating technology, to allow them to assemble themselves and to maintain their structural cohesion. Laser at nanoscale distances may well be important but has not been for us to observe.
Kinkajou: I thank you for your input And I Wish Your Career Well. Goodbye.
Wasteland of Flint |
Wasteland of Flint |
FuelCellMinituarisationTrue.html |
Harlan, Thomas |
Chu-sa Mitsuharu Hadeishi captain Henry R Cornuelle |
InsectLasersTrue.html |
Harlan, Thomas |
Chu-sa Mitsuharu Hadeishi captain Henry R Cornuelle |
MiniMicroscopeToolsTrue.html |
Harlan, Thomas |
Chu-sa Mitsuharu Hadeishi captain Henry R Cornuelle |
Paradise Game |
Harlan, Thomas |
Chu-sa Mitsuharu Hadeishi captain Henry R Cornuelle |
RecyclingTrue.html |
Harlan, Thomas |
Chu-sa Mitsuharu Hadeishi captain Henry R Cornuelle |
Kinkajou interviews Kevin Heber (Bug Park: James Hogan)
Kinkajou: I see that in your era, you have been wrestling with micro and nano technologies.
Kevin Heber: The very concepts of operation and travel in the microscopic world necessitate a completely different set of solutions to those of the big world.
Yes. We started with the concept of a general-purpose two operator robot at the micro scale. The idea was to implement full tooling and fabrication facilities on series of intermediate levels down to true nanotechnology.
Once you are equipped at a certain scale, you can use those facilities to construct the next smallest scale and so on. In the early days, people thought it would be possible to do everything using the etching techniques developed in chip fabrication. That worked well for making simple rotors and things with only a few moving parts.
But those things became more complex; we found you had to have precision manipulation.
At small sizes the physics changes, which means it is often better to do things in different ways. Simply trying to reproduce what we do at the everyday level doesn’t always work so well – electromagnetism is a good case in point.
For motors and actuators at the micro scale, we make more use of electrostatics. Another technique that works well at the smaller scales is called peristaltics, which means moving things by means of an induced wave motion.
For example, some crystals expand and contract if you apply electrical voltage across the. It becomes a kind of solid-state muscle. It harnesses molecular forces which are very strong. So you can amplify a range of movement through linkage in the limbs of the micro figurine and get a finally controllable movement.
Clean and simple really, not at all like the complexity of systems involved in your average new car.
Mechanical Flea
Kinkajou: Do your microbots ever need an oil change?
Kevin Heber: Friction works completely differently at the microscopic scale. Some surfaces just don’t seem to stick or wear at all. In other cases, a tiny electrical current works better than any lubricant. It’s a whole new science. A totally foreign realm where new rules apply and old rules do not.
Mass scales with the cube of size. So being a hundred times smaller in dimensions, makes you 1 million times lighter. Consequently inertial mechanical systems of operation don’t work too well when you get really small.
Nothing can depend on stored kinetic energy at the micro level. Hammers, axis, spears and missiles – anything you swing or throw – they will behave as if the made of Styrofoam. Weapon systems at the micro level consequently need to be completely different.
We have needed to rework the system of dimensional gauges, nano – exact machining technologies to produce a new regime of precision tooling. Your entire engineering process has to be exported down to reduced scales. The act of Movement demands new solutions at nano or micro scales.
Kinkajou: I can see how you would have to completely revamp the concept of travel and vehicles for travel at the micro scale.
Kevin Heber: Yes, we used our technology to create a sort of “Bug Park”. We had become expert pilots of a collection of machines we called Battlemechs. These were like tiny Heinlein-esque power suits or computer game war robots. We use them for acting out combat games, performed in miniature real landscapes.
The real trick of course was in introducing the operator into these dimensions.
Initially we tried a sort of mechanical solution. We had a sort of micro machinery area fitted out with laser heads, control consoles and other equipment in this small partition space.
The technician would sit at the bench on the far side of the room, manipulating things under a binocular microscope. We could use tweezers to hold a device no larger than a match head, using a desk lamp and a magnifying glass to gain manipulation access for constructive processes.
Initially robots were vaguely humanoid inform – silver and black with two legs, a pair of jointed arms and some additional attachments and interchangeable ancillary parts on the outside. Their heads were more dome than head shaped.
This entire process of control was found to be fairly deficient. We found that there were substantial problems with marrying the dynamics of slow “human speed” neural processes with high-speed motions appropriate to insect world physics.
We were forced to develop and implement new telecommunications solutions for operating our micro-machines, moving away from direct physical supervision and manipulation.
Kinkajou: Thank you for your insight into the difficulties of developing tools at the micro level and the difficulties of developing travel technologies/interaction technologies at the micro level.
It is obvious that if you want to build a car at the micro level, you cannot just scale down its bits. Technologies that are appropriate to the macro world are totally inappropriate to the micro and nano world.
In a brave new nano world, it does just take a handful of men, to pioneer the way to start all over again.
MiniMicroscopeToolsTrue.html |
Hogan, James |
Kevin Heber |
The Microcolony |
NewVehicleCarTrue.html |
Hogan, James |
Kevin Heber |
The Microcolony |
Kinkajou interviews Case (William Gibson: Necromancer)
Kinkajou: Greetings Case. From what I’ve seen of your world I think it epitomises the very cutting edge of biological and silicon engineering. Tell me about your life in your world.
Case: When I was young, about 24, I operated at an almost permanent adrenaline high, a by-product of youth and proficiency, jacked into a custom cyberspace deck that projected my disembodied consciousness into the consensual hallucination that is the Matrix.
I was a thief. Generally, I worked for wealthier thieves and employers who provided the exotic software required to penetrate the bright walls of corporate systems, opening windows to fresh fields of data.
Unfortunately, I broke one rule. I stole from my employers. As payback, they damaged my nervous system with a wartime Russian mycotoxin. I was strapped into a bed in a Memphis hotel, my talent burning out micron by micron. I hallucinated for 30 hours. The damage was minute but subtle and utterly effective. My world had changed.
Matrix Artificial Environment
Kinkajou: What is the Matrix?
Case: The Matrix is a consensual hallucination experienced daily by billions of legitimate operators, in every nation, even by children being taught mathematical concepts. Is a graphical representation of data abstracted from the banks of every computer in the human world system? It developed from primitive arcade games into a construct – cyberspace. It represents unthinkable complexity.
But you need to be wired to use it.
In destroying my ability to access cyberspace, they effectively destroyed my life. So I began to dedicate my life to looking for a cure: either in a registered clinic or the shadowland of black medicine. Chiba (a city) was my hunting ground. It was synonymous with implants, nerve splicing and micro – bionics. It was also a magnet for criminal subcultures.
By day, the bars are shuttered and featureless; the neon signs dead, the holograms inert, waiting, under the poisoned silver sky.
By night, the criminal and drug subculture subsumes and destroys people. I remember one special female friend. It took a month for the gestalt of drugs and tensionary hallucination she moved through to turn those perpetually startled eyes into wells of reflexive need.
I watched her personality fragment, calving, like an iceberg, splinters drifting away until finally I’d seen the raw need, the hungry armature of addiction. I watched her track her next hit with a concentration that reminded me of the mantises they sold in the stalls along the commercial district in Chiba, beside the tanks of blue mutant carp.
By night, normal citizens need beware. Anyone with money, with hardware a cut above the morass of normal humanity, anyone with unusual software could be a target. Mitsubishi- Genetech employees above a certain level were implanted with advanced Micro processes that monitored mutagen levels in the blood stream. Stuff like that would get you rolled in the night city – rolled straight into a black clinic.
This was my new world, after the mycotoxin had finished its work.
Kinkajou: Chiba sounds like somewhat of a biotechnological wonderland.
Case: Using micro tools and bioengineered nanotechnology has become fairly mundane in my time.
My friend Julius was hundred and 35 years old his metabolism assiduously warped by a weekly fortune in serums and hormones. His primary hedge against ageing was yearly pilgrimage to Tokyo, where genetic surgeons reset the code of his DNA – a procedure unavailable in Chiba.
But there is evidence of Biotechnology everywhere. Not all of it is useful though. Some of it quite mundane or simply aesthetically decorative, rather than being in any way useful.
I remember ones evening walking past a darkened display window. The place was a surgical boutique closed for renovations. I stared through the glass at a flat lozenge of vat grown flesh that lay on a carved pedestal of imitation jade. It was tattooed with luminescent digital display. I couldn’t see why you would bother with the surgery when you could just carry the thing around in your pocket.
Simple decorative geegaws are not my thing. I’d much rather have something which enhances my perception, my intelligence and my capacity to do things.
However our biological skills do change people’s lives. I remember another acquaintance who had lost his eyes. Now my acquaintance’s eyes are vat grown sea- green Nikon transplants.
And he can go everywhere – unfortunately with his bully boys, (nearly identical young men, almost clone like in their gene-crafted similarity, their arms and shoulders bulging with grafted muscle.), because he has the eyes to see with.
Another friend of mine with gene-crafted modified vat grown eyes can see in the dark, and deploy microchannel image amps implanted within her glasses- these glasses also being surgically implanted within her face.
Kinkajou: So did you find a way to repair the damage done to you by the mycotoxin?
Case: Well yes. But it was as a result of no effort of my own. My new employer rebuilt me for my next job, at the time. They replaced many of my body fluids, and my blood is well. They threw in a new pancreas, to replace the one burnt out by my lifestyle after the mycotoxin debacle.
They also patched some new tissue into my liver and worked out a way to jack my nervous system back into a deck. And all this only took eight days to heal. Unfortunately, eight long days.
I had the shock of my life when I tried a lozenge of Coke/Amphetamine. The new pancreas and the plugs in my liver were designed to bypass these drugs. I was biochemically incapable of getting off on amphetamine or cocaine.
But, there was a price. They told me that I had 15 toxin sacks bonded to the lining of various main arteries in my body. The toxin sacks were dissolving. Very slowly, but they were definitely dissolving.
Each one contained more mycotoxin. They told me that I was in fact very familiar with the effect of that mycotoxin. It was the one my former employers had given me.
If I did the work that my new employer asked of me, they told me they would inject an enzyme that would dissolve the bond without opening the sacks. Following this up with a blood change, would remove the toxin sacks. Otherwise the sacks would melt and I would be back where I had been.
I wasn’t sure whether what they had told me was true. Maybe. Maybe not. But in the end it would work either way. And there was no way to detect that kind of modification as it was too subtle to show up on a scan.
Toxin Sac
Kinkajou: But you probably had a scan anyway didn’t you?
Case: Of course. My friend and companion of the time went to an old contact. He had accumulated a lot of scanning technology. He scanned her and found that she had been modified since he had seen her last.
There was something new in her head – silicon, with a coat made out of pyrolytic carbons, (a low temp isotropic carbon). The mirrored insets of her glasses, gave the same scan readings they always had, his scans showed.
He said that it was her business what she had implanted into herself but there was better biocompatibility with full pyrolytics if used in implants like hers. Her call.
Then they scanned me for biologicals. They told me I was sweet meat. I had no little bugs, and no cortex bombs.
Kinkajou: I can see that many of the developments in your world are due to the development of tools to manipulate microscopic and nano- scopic biological materials. Much of the enhancement of the capabilities of silicon probably arises from the new computer element, the Memristor.
I think the frightening aspect of many of these developments is the uses to which they are put. There can be good in many new technologies. But new technologies can be used for evil as well. Too often, new inventions and new technologies are limited in the impact on society, because of the evil they can create if released generally.
In many ways, there are true horrors in your world. Man’s inhumanity to man is more an issue than simple technology.
Yet, to replace sight, cure disability, to gain insight and knowledge with the use of bio-implants and genetic based repairs, gives the average human being almost godlike capacities for regeneration.
Unless one were quickly and catastrophically killed, unless one grew inured to and tired of life, the horizon of existence stretched endlessly before you, with good health potentially available to anyone who cared enough to get their act together and to try to succeed in life.
As usual I can see it is the social issues that are the most challenging. Y4es, we can do wonders. But what if drugs and the mundane aspects of existence beckon more brightly. Technology then only guarantees a staggered and slow demise. It is one’s choices that count most of all in the achievements of one’s life. Technology is again but a toll to access a higher path to the future.
MemristorsTrue.html |
Gibson, William |
Case |
Neuromancer |
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Gibson, William |
Case |
Neuromancer |