Erasmus : The “Propulsion" group of pages address new technologies in creating energy and in moving people or goods.
Erasmus : "Gravity Generation" is the current frontier for the development of new propulsive technologies. Again humanity is doomed to be imprisoned on our planet unless it can learn to generate or manipulate gravity.
Kinkajou : Hey, this tech could really be a heavy bummer man.
Erasmus : The use of antimatter is discussed in our “Antimatter” page. The discussion tilts towards the characteristics of antimatter being more suited to military than to civilian applications. Where price may not be an issue, but destructive potential is, antimatter appears to be a clear winner.
The Commandant : Who needs nukes when you can get a good tight antimatter warhead? Put some fire in their pants.
Erasmus : The “New Vehicle or Car” pages look at how the modern motor vehicle is ceasing to be a viable alternative for our civilisation. In our crowded cities on our crowded planet, the use of 1500 kilograms of vehicle to move one person seems ludicrous. Many of the major car companies have failed to innovate or to look at new alternatives to our current vehicles.
Failure to innovate guarantees a company competition in the “commodity” market. We have seen the example of Apple I-phones decimating opposition companies, who once completely dominated the phone market. New technologies addressing social issues/needs of users were clear winners over unenhanced technology.
Beethoven :You can get a breeze from both sides of you in a narrow car . Cool!
Antimatter Drive : USS Enterprise
PropulsionGroup.html title=Propulsion class>Propulsion
GravityGeneratorDrive.html title=Gravity Drive>Gravity Drive
AntimatterDrive.html title=Antimatter Drive>Antimatter Drive
NewVehicleCar.html title=The Car as Transport >The Car
PropulsionGroup.html title=Propulsion classPropulsion TRUE
GravityGeneratorDrivelTrue.html title=Gravity Drive>GravityDriveT
AntimatterDriveTrue.html title=Antimatter Drive>AntimatterDriveT
NewVehicleCarTrue.html title=The Car as Transport >TheCarT
Propulsion.html title=Propulsion classPropulsion GALACTIC
GravityGeneratorDriveGalactic.html title=Gravity Drive>GravityDriveG
AntimatterDriveGalactic.html title=Antimatter Drive>AntimatterDriveG
NewVehicleCarGalactic.html title=The Car as Transport >TheCarG
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