Kinkajou : This page is about the new technology we really should have but don’t. It is incredible to realise that there are technologies that are well within our technical expertise, but that do not exist. There are many reasons for this. Many of the people at the cutting edge of using a technology do not have the resources – time or expertise to develop new technology and to market it. So much technological development is limited by the need to eventually show a return in real time for investors. There is no altruism in business.
We maintain the roads using people and large machines. However the first element of breakdown in a road surface is at the micro level. Small cracks allow water to penetrate the surface and to damage the supporting road base. By sealing the cracks and stopping water penetration – in effect draining the water off the road camber into the gutter, the life expectancy of a road can be substantially increased. A machine that automatically identifies and repairs the multitude of cracks in an ageing road is something I think is necessary and possible. Shifting repair from the macro world to the micro.
Goo : Shouldn't you still keep little jobs like this for little people like me?
Dr AXxxxx : Bad things happen to little animals straying on the road. Leave this one for the machines.
Erasmus : 2 per lane cars.
The world is a crowded place. There are too many places on the planet where the existing people and traffic do not fit on the roads, even within the Western world. Being able to double the traffic carrying capacity of a road, would be an awesome achievement. But you can only do this by cutting the width of a car to a half, not by shortening a car. ie Thin Cars ( not short cars).
Kinkajou : What about fat people?
DR Xxxxx: I am sure they will still fit into narrowed cars. The biggest person will only ad a few inches sideways. More to the point, really big people at say the 200kg mark ( 440 lbs, probably can't walk, much less get into a car).
Erasmus : Local Auto taxis supplementing the bus network.
By having an automatic vehicle pickup people from a bus stop and deliver them throughout a suburb served by the bus-line, would substantially reduce the number of stops bus needs to make and would improve the service for people. An extension of the driverless car technology, but implemented one patch or suburb at a time.
Kinkajou : Sound like a really good basic idea.
Dr AXxxxx : Although road traffic fines are to help safety, suspect your state government ( responsible for Qld roads), will be too upset about potentially losing revenue from reduced road traffic fines, to ever help this proposal.
Goo : Very cynical, but probably true. I have often seen that you higher mammals often say one thing but do another. i have learned to watch what humans do, not listen so much to what they say.
DR Xxxxx: Wise!
Erasmus : Algal Feed for Livestock.
Much of our planet is unsuitable for agriculture, especially the desert zones. To be able to use closed systems, capable of operating at high ambient temperature to produce feeds such as for livestock would allow us to open up huge areas of our planet and to reduce our footprint upon this world.
Kinkajou : But Why?
Erasmus : Algae grows better ,faster and with higher yield than grass in an optimised environment. Agricultural production "lag times" can be reduced.
Goo : Anything that speeds up delivery of anything is a good thing for marsupial like myself, with a short life expectancy.
Erasmus : Closed System Greenhouses/Programmable Small Robots In Agriculture.
A similar concept to the algal feed for livestock, but modified to allow the growth of normal type food crops. I anticipate the problems run more along the lines of temperature control as well as humidity and condensation type issues. Having programmable small robots to assist with programmed tasks would allow a substantial extension of the productivity of a human. A closed system greenhouse can be though of as a spaceship greenhouse.
Erasmus : Experiencing a holographic 3-D virtual reality set> based on my Sigma Psi bucket List. A five or ten minute experience would be incredible, and quite within the realms of “movie” producers and technology in this day and age. I do emphasise the word holographic. 3-D reality in a picture around me is probably not quite as enticing.
Kinkajou : True. You can live the dream of SciFi right now, without getting your feet wet or being eaten by some strange alien monster.
Erasmus : POC Test kits for STDs. Being able to test a sexual partner instantly to make sure that you will be safe from disease is a long overdue innovation.
Erasmus : The Mocking Program.
This concept is not about new technology. It is about doing repetitive things repetitively to save time and effort for the human having to do things repetitively. The issue as I said is that no one has really thought about empowering a computer program to be able to do the tasks of a human – in administration.
Goo : This would be almost like having your own personal slave, somewhat akin to my role in life.
Erasmus : To Orbit.
To do research on any of the multiple ways of at least achieving LEO, if only for aeroplanes taking people across the planet. Surely it will use less fuel to put a plane into LEO in a few minutes than to have to use fuel to drive engines for up to 24 hours as it crosses the planet. The problem of course is the driving energy and the need to carry your own oxygen. The Scramjet may well be the breakthrough technology allowing us to push this frontier of achievement. However there are a number of ways of transferring energy from ground-based to distant objects. Even if energy transmitted is lost, it must be cheaper than having to carry the fuel and generate the energy on the fly.
Dr AXxxxx : Reach the sky and close it and die!
Kinkajou : Cryptic.
Erasmus : New Medical Assessment Tools.
Drs traditionally take pulses, blood pressures and temperatures. But the world of Star Trek suggests so much more is possible.
Heat or infrared mapping.
Elastography of tissues or organs, using ultrasound bounce.
Electric Field Analyses.
Magnetic Impedence Measurement.
Point of contact testing for germs/viruses/STDs/antigens.
Breath analysis: if dogs can do it surely technology can as well. The capture and analysis of a pattern of by organic molecules surely would reveal patterns indicative of specific diseases.
Sounds analysis. Surely there must be a better way of analysing and interpreting the sounds of illness than by listening to them with a stethoscope. Surely technology can add something to this analytic process beyond that of the human brain and human ear.
Kinkajou : Very star trek like, but I think this would be a good thing.
Erasmus : Dusting Robot.
Strangely enough of all the things I’ve mentioned so far, it is this one that may be beyond our technical expertise at this time. The location of a room needs to be mapped in three-dimensional space and light loose objects versus dust identified. Dust must be mobilised and extracted from the air or vacuumed up. Dust needs to be collected at a number of heights throughout the room. I can only imagine such a machine looking like a tall spider with red lettering and flickering laser eyes. And the biggest challenge is powering up the machine, reducing the weight of the CPU processor and memory and yet making machine light enough but physically able enough to do the job.
DR Xxxxx: Dust gives people allergies, blocks up keyboards and generally makes life hell for people. And if you get rid of it, it always comes back. Might be good if your dusting robot filters the dust from the air as well as dusting.
Erasmus : New tools.
Cutting or chopping up ground-based vegetation especially woody material such as branches can be difficult. There is a niche for a machine that acts much like a large herbivorous mammal – mouthing up materials to be ground up by the teeth. Probably the closest technology to this day is the termite. These little biological robots make short work of such material, but can be treacherous to control or direct. I suppose it might look like thick steel opposed cutting or mulching blades in sets of say 5, able to scrape in at ground level, pick up mouthfuls of heavy sticks and give them a munching. A good sized mouth would be useful. ? call it the "Muncher".
Erasmus : Recycling.
Recycling is something which many countries do well but which Australia does very badly. To tell someone that if they wish to recycle a battery they need to take it to some undisclosed site to enable recycling, is akin to ridiculous. Most people will just throw the material in the rubbish bin and walk on.
Yet the key impediment to recycling is simply the energy required to collect a range of materials across the suburban landscape. Any material which can be concentrated can be recycled. But this is something which in Australia at least, we do very poorly.
Regional collection with advertised depots for broad spectrum rubbish would be good. The agencies for recyclables such as St Vinnies ( St Vincents) or Lifeline no longer want clothes or furniture. Perhaps even permanent swap or pickup sites may work well.
Currently, the council in Brisbane does an annual pick up for large item rubbish, and the scavengers or opportunists just grab what is useful. Perhaps, formalise this process a little more. People would cooperate if you make it easy for them to do so.
Goo : Such a proposal is almost ridiculous. Like I said before, lots of people in government give lip service to the concept of recycling, but do nothing about it. See what they do, because they don't do what they say.
Erasmus : Categorising.
This is almost a ridiculous suggestion for a new tech. However I believe it is critical to the world marketplace. Materials and equipment being sold on the Internet require standard descriptors to enable them to be categorised and to be searched. For example if you wish to buy a pair of glasses, you are likely to be looking at thousands of varied forms of them. It is unlikely that you will be able to narrow down the descriptors to simply look at a sub range of those glasses that you wish.
There are two problems in instituting such an idea.
1. Having the standardised language for people to use in describing the products.
2. Having people use the standard descriptors in an appropriate way to identify their products. In this of course means that people who break the rules and try to use every descriptor will to force everybody to see their product, must be found in breach of the social etiquette and punished.
Kinkajou : An interesting yet somewhat difficult proposal for social engineering reasons. Still everything in the world has its own distinct bar code, so it may really be possible.
Erasmus : Porn Software Programs.
The videotape has been replaced by the DVD and now the MPG or MP4, etc. But technology matures, peoples’ expectations of the technology matures and increases as well. An obvious example is to have a program attached to a video file such as an MP4 file –
- Able to change the hair colour of one of the actors,
- Able to add or subtract pubic hair to the actors,
- Able to change the angle of viewing on-the-fly. (This implies the use of a computer file which has parallel branch points which can be selected, not the presence of a simple linear computer file.
Able to change the sound file appended to the video file.
(An interesting example is the U-tube file - with the topic of buying houses. The sound overlay makes the video quite controversial and offensive. U-tube blocked the sound file. The sound free video file is just another piece of really simple soft porn.)
(Another different example is the culture specific sound file. I think most Western viewers find the soundtracks attached to many Japanese porn videos to be quite un- enticing. It is generally not the type of sound we attributed to good sex. I wonder whether the Japanese think the same of typical Western porn soundtracks).
It becomes obvious that it may be possible to overlay separate soundtracks over a video track and to create very different effects. Narrating a different story over the top of the production video soundtrack may well create a very different feel to the video production.
Goo : Humans are so clever. Imagine computer software that could do this sort of work, instantly in effect.
Kinkajou : Yes, but perhaps the real driver of this proposal is the reduction in piracy and increased incomes for purveyors of fine imagery.
Kinkajou Tells You What Really Happened. The Truth Is Out There! "TRUE"
Kinkajou Interviews Famous People For Their Unique Points Of View: "GALACTIC TRAVELOGUE"
Erasmus : Categorising In Porn.
How can you tell someone what will appear in a video without looking at it? Symbolic descriptions, much akin to the Picts we have suggested for medical files may well be the answer. For example: what do these suggest to you?:
o--|| etc.
Such descriptors attached to a file can quite substantially change people’s knowledge of the content, within an instant, bypassing verbal language descriptors, and requiring far less speed or verbiage to summarise.
Erasmus : Hair Follicle Auto-Counter
I have a personal theory that the cascade of hair loss of age- Male pattern baldness if you will- is triggered by temperature induced cell changes. The head and brain actually runs hotter than the rest of the body, no doubt due to the fact that the brain uses approximately 20% of the body's blood flow, and energy by inference. Testosterone assists these changes. The doctors tell you male pattern baldness is due to testosterone, and there is no doubt that this hormone is part of the story. However most people end up baldest when their testosterone levels are highest. There are likely genetic susceptibilities relating to hair loss as well.
Modern medicine does poorly at multivariable analysis relating to medical, disease causation, but hair loss is obviously such a problem. To solve the problem, we need a theory of hairloss that can relate to events in reality and a method of counting hairs quickly to assess how well the theory relates to changes observed/ measured.
Erasmus : Durable Memory
We are a long way from Gene Crafting “non-existing molecules”- cf modifying existing molecules.
Consider a proposal for long-term information storage. DNA has been suggested as a molecule capable of storing information. This has been crafted by nature. Only an idiot would use industrially/ commercially molecules which could interface with existing biological systems. WE consider this only because we cannot even dream of doing better.
How could we do better and why should we even try? A DNA like molecule capable of storing information – would have a number of very specific requirements, not well met by DNA.
The presence of three intercalated strands, would substantially allow for improved error correction- better information stability / redundancy. To store information, the information chemical/ organic construct must be stored perfectly to have value. Straight strands are more likely to be easily readable by electrochemical reading systems.
Electrical access for crc checks of sub- strands would be a desirable feature. A more robust molecule with less interaction with oxygen, perhaps such as silicon based molecules may well be more desirable than the carbon-based DNA system.
Agricultural Revolution>Ist Industrial Revolution>2nd Industrial Revolution (Manufacturing Revolution) > 4th Industrial Revolution (Computer Communications Revolution)
Erasmus : Concrete cancer cure.
Concrete cancer is a new serious disease in the modern era. It affects the longevity of buildings. The steel within the concrete corrodes – then swells – resulting in the breakup and loss of strength of the concrete.
Yet a dilemma exists for workers. Some workers say that slightly rusty reinforcing bars or mesh is best, whereas others say fresh or painted mild steel may last longer. Where to? Due to the seriousness of the problem – there needs to be new ways of adding the strength and corrosion resistance to the steel in concrete to reduce the risk of concrete cancer i.e. steel rust.
Social Engineering for Native Australians.
Erasmus : One of the major health problems inflicted on native Australians is the lack of nutritious food at reasonable prices. We have dozens of programs attempting to reduce the excess morbidity in aboriginal populations.
A simple strategy is to require large food retailing chains to have a single price across the country, as well as to require a set ratio of urban to rural shopping centres. It is not reasonable to allow these retailing behemoths to pick sales locations and to choose predatory pricing to drive out the competition and to take no responsibility for supply to other less profitable economic regions.
A second issue is that as a society we are responsible for supplying a basic human need – jobs in these remote communities. One community – one standard. The solution is not handouts- but equality and respect for the needs of all humans. Virtual Reality Contact Lenses.
We can put a picture on a mask over somebody’s head, so why not onto electronic circuits situated on a contact lens. It is a step that would make virtual reality almost seem like reality.
Space Watchdogs.
Erasmus : We need something much like SID – the space intruder detector of the UFO series. As the species in charge of the solar system and this planet, we need a method of knowing what is going on in our space. Friends of mine have told me about pictures of objects orbiting near to the sun.
Other people have mentioned the reality of UFOs on earth. Perhaps hoax, perhaps not? We need to know who is doing what and where? If they are not acting as our friends – it is likely they are not our friends. We particularly require methods for tracking linear gravity bursts as well as very low energy electromagnetic waves. Bring it on – SID.
Chromosomal Operations Tools.
Erasmus : We require a range of tools for working with DNA and in particular for working with structures such as chromosomes which organise the DNA. The development of tools is as much a direction of research as is the actual work with the chromosomes themselves.
Interesting options are the boot strap mechanism for chromosomes, Integrase tools, targeted restriction enzymes, more tools for dealing with single cells or single chromosomes. Amazingly we already have tools which can undertake assays on single cells and on proteins produced by single cells. Bio- engineering at nano scale requires its own tools.
Animal Cell Carniculture.
Erasmus : Yes we can do this already. But the problem is about cost and yield. Learning how we can do things with low cost and high yield is the goal. It is interesting to note that an animal is still the most efficient way of producing meat. An animal is in effect a machine for producing more animals.
Progress in machine learning and in particular in Bayesian thinking for machines. The road to AI calls. The Neuro Silicon Interface- via a couple of methods. One method is the development of the interface between Silicon circuitry and neurones. The second issue is the replication of a neurone structure in silicon based circuits.
EMF Generation and Shielding Technology.
Erasmus : The need is to be able to generate very low frequency electromagnetic waves, to shield and direct electromagnetic waves of very low frequency (photons in effect more wavelike than particle like), and incorporation of EMF into engine technology.
Urethral Prostatic Heat Treatment Probes.
Erasmus : One of the new methods of treatment of benign prostatic hypertrophy is the use of radiated infrared heat directly to the prostate gland through a probe. Long-term results are good with minimal damage however often excessive heat delivered to the urethra results and development of strictures.
It’s hard to believe that you can have problems controlling temperature and heat over a space of 10 cm through a probe the size of a straw. As a technological advance, the problem is it’s not worth anyone’s while to try and solve this because the profitability of a solution in the long-term is poor.
Women are very proactive in championing women’s causes such as breast cancer. Men are just dead losses – and it is on issues like these that it really tells, with long-term consequences.
Dr AXxxxx: these are the same idiots who took thirty years to realise that there is no sperm in post-TURP men, because the glands are blocked not because they are undergoing retrograde ejaculation.
Any idiot with a microscope can properly work this one out in about five minutes – but the doctors, about thirty years. Most of these idiots have never learned anything that they haven’t been taught. Erasmus: So you’re saying progress could be slow!
Micro and Nano-Technology.
Erasmus : I think we need a concerted push to develop the tools and components for working at the micro and nano thresholds of our world. Especially in the nano world, many of the rules that we recognise so well in our physical world are swamped by quantum effects. If we have the tools and we develop the engines and the mechanisms, we can assemble complex factories.
Air Extraction from Water. : Startide Rising: David Brin
Biology and Disease:
Erasmus : Realising how we might achieve this is probably going to be the biggest shock humanity will ever face. Simple theories but where they lead – can we ever know how deep the rabbit hole truly goes. (See our Paill site). Will doctors lead the way in innovation?
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