Erasmus : The “Gene Control” websites are to give us an introduction to the world of DNA which controls who we are and what we do. It is the complexity of DNA which we are only now beginning to understand. Gene segments that produce molecules such as proteins and enzymes are very obvious to us. But it is in the introns which control the expression and function of these genes where the true complexity lies.
Dr Xxxxx : I think it is wrong to consider that evolution stops if an organism stops appearing to change. Evolution can shape many invisible but important things such as enzymes, cell growth and Systems controlling moisture preservation or loss. The organism may look the same, but the biological complexity can increase exponentially over billions of years in spite of this apparent sameness.
Erasmus : The “Nano Tech” pages focuses on the capabilities and needs of working at fractions of the micro scale. Nano tech approaches the size of single atoms or small groups of atoms. In this realm many of the forces with which we are familiar operate under completely different principles. It is a realm completely foreign to us but with many applications for health, for industry and for War. We are only beginning the age of nanotechnology. Our closest examples exist in the biological world. Organisms and their components naturally operate at the atomic level to generate that most incredible achievement – life. Our challenge is to mimic the capacities of biologicals with mechanisation. A machine can operate at many times the power level of the biological. For example a simple electric drill of 600 Watts essentially operates with the capacity of six human beings (basic capacity of 100 Watts per human). To mechanize the nano world is the achievement – amplifying the current capabilities of biologicals.
Dr AXxxxx : I can see somewhere in the recesses of this world that Nano-tech and Bio-tech will scrabble to compete in accessing the tips of the mountains and the bottoms of the deeps.
Erasmus : “Climate Control” is a technology which looks at changing the weather on the planet over geographical distances. Large parts of our planet are uninhabitable. Our burgeoning population demands that we find ways to use our most neglected spaces. To control climate also allows us to ameliorate disasters which impact so severely on human habitation at times. Cyclones in the southern hemisphere or hurricanes in the northern hemisphere are examples of climatic phenomena which impact severely on human habitation, especially as the human population burgeons.
Goo : Does climate control mean you can always have good weather on a weekend?
Dr Xxxxx : No Goo. There is a difference between climate and weather. Climate is expression of weather over geographical areas and over time. Weather is what's happening in a specific place a specific time. We can probably control both, but long term success in assisting agricultural production demands the ability to control "climate" in the long-term.
Erasmus : “Food Biotech” focuses on the most critical aspect of maintaining population on the planet – namely food production. Growing food is a slow process with a long lead time. The arable land of the entire planet is used for production of food to maintain human life. However growing plants has an aspect of waste. Much of the biological material of the plant is not used. The extraction of biomolecules such as glucose from lignocellulose would substantially reduce the footprint of humanity on the planet, even if that planetary population were to burgeon to figures such as 80 billion souls.
Dr Xxxxx : It is likely that the final success in Food biotechnology may rest on the number of technologies coming together to solve the problem from different directions. The issue is really about yield and cost. Many of the things we can do already now but as I said – at what yield and at what cost.
Erasmus : The “Ocean Colony” pages look at the last frontier for human habitation. The ocean is not a friendly environment. The energy generated by storms moving water requires a substantive technological solution to living in this environment. But most of all, a financial or business plan must allow self-sustaining development of habitats. If we need to rebuild our ships every 5 to 10 years, Ocean colonies become unsustainable for reasons other than simple technology.
Dr Xxxxx : Strange to think that when we look at the picture of a calm ocean that this environment is actually incredibly dangerous.,
Erasmus : Hence the ocean is full of microscopic macroscopic life. There are no trees in the ocean. The hostility of the environment ensures that macroscopic life exists only under the surface.
Erasmus : In the “Vertical Farming” page we look at the industrial production of food. Food production is one of the most poorly mechanised of all of our industrial processes. The lag time between intent and yield can measure in the years. The planet is running out of arable land so we need to multiply the yields out of the spaces we already use. We need to produce food closer to where it is consumed to minimise transport and distribution costs. If we are to avoid the catastrophic collapse of civilisation, we need to plan to have the needs of a society met locally – in food production is one of the most critical needs of the population.
Dr Xxxxx : Here is an interesting concept. A vertical ocean farm. With integrated plants and animals such as fish at different layers in different depths of a habitat.
Kinkajou : Complex.
Erasmus : In the “Biofilms” webpages, we look at how biological organism communities can have substantially different properties to their individual components. Even many diseases with which we are familiar, may involve teams of bacterial species rather than just a single individual bacterial species. Biofilms have substantial applications in industry and in health.
Dr Xxxxx : Perhaps that Blob thing that used to eat people is actually a biofilm?
Erasmus : "Life Extension" has been the goal of the human race since time immemorial. To date much of our achievements relate simply to the control of infectious disease. The Paill Plus model suggests that we have some way to go in this area as well. We talk about some of our achievements as well as some of our hopes in the new frontier.
Dr AXxxxx : As they say on the Enterprise: "Its life Jim, but not as we know it". You have some interesting answers coming when you finally understand a little. Nothing pleasant either.
Biology.html title=Biology class>Biology
GeneControl.html title=Gene Control>Gene Control
GeneControl2.html >Gene Control2
GeneControl3.html >Gene Control3
GeneControl4.html >Gene Control4
Nanotech.html title=Mini Microscope and Tools>Nanotech
Nanotech2.html >Nanotech2
Nanotech3.html >Nanotech3
Nanotech4.html >Nanotech4
ClimateControl.html title=Climate Control>Climate Control
ClimateControl2.html >ClimateControl2
FoodBiotech.html title=Food Biotech>Food Biotech
FoodBiotech2.html >Food Biotech2
OceanColony.html title=Ocean Colony>Ocean Colony
VerticalFarms.html title=Vertical Farms>Vertical Farms
VerticalFarms2.html >Vertical Farms2
Biofilms.html title=Biofilms>Biofilms
Biofilms2.html >Biofilms2
LifeExtension.html title=Medicines and Medical Technologies>Medicines
LifeExtension2.html >Medicines2
Biofilms are active in Common Human Infections
Catalytic Generation of Hydrogen was the carrot for humans generating the Species Aliens DNA code
Farming Australia
Biology.html title=Biology classBiology TRUE
GeneControlTrue.html title=Gene Control>GeneControlT
NanotechTrue.html title=Mini Microscope and Tools>NanotechT
ClimateControlTrue.html title=Climate Control>ClimateControlT
FoodBiotechTrue.html title=Food Biotech>FoodBiotechT
OceanColonyTrue.html title=Ocean Colony>OceanColonyT
VerticalFarmsTrue.html title=Vertical Farms>VerticalFarmsT
BiofilmsTrue.html title=Biofilms>BiofilmsT
MedicineTechnologiesTrue.html title=Medicines and Medical Technologies>MedicinesT
Biology.html title=Biology classBiology GALACTIC
GeneControlGalactic.html title=Gene Control>GeneControlG
NanotechGalactic.html title=Mini Microscope and Tools>NanotechG
ClimateControlGalactic.html title=Climate Control>ClimateControlG
FoodBiotechGalactic.html title=Food Biotech>FoodBiotechG
OceanColonyGalactic.html title=Ocean Colony>OceanColonyG
VerticalFarmsGalactic.html title=Vertical Farms>VerticalFarmsG
BiofilmsGalactic.html title=Biofilms>BiofilmsG
MedicineTechnologiesGalactic.html title=Medicines and Medical Technologies>MedicinesG
Erasmus : The “Quantum Radio” web pages begin by providing us with an understanding of how we have deduced the nature of the quantum world from experiments we have done in the real world. In the quantum world, the entangling of electrons suggests that the concept of “volume” or “space” is a figment of our imagination. It suggests that many aspects of what we hold as real, do not exist. The quantum world gives us a glimpse of new technologies which may enable us to conquer the galaxy and beyond.
Kinkajou : I wonder to what extent our Sigma Psi senses actually blend into the quantum world? There must be a scientific rationale for such a sense. It seems not to belong to the rational world of science in which we spend so much of our time.
Erasmus : The “Orbital Engine” pages look at one of the key factors which imprison humanity on this planet. The ability to escape the gravity well of planet Earth, prohibits humanity from developing habitats in space and through the solar system. Again while we can achieve orbit with our current technology, it is the financial or business plan which limits our activities. We can access earth orbit today, but at a prohibitive price.
Dr Xxxxx : To achieve orbit is to revolutionise plane travel. London to Sydney in an hour. And we could even be zipping around the whole solar system before we know it.
Erasmus : “Psionics” is a branch of science looking at phenomena we experience which appear to have no logical explanation in the real world. Perhaps these unusual sensors or perceptions have their basis in the quantum world. We discuss how Psi can affect our lives daily. Someone once said: “a wise man prays once a week, but studies psi every day”.
Kinkajou : Not the bosses. Not the state. Let Sigma Psi tell us of our fate.
Erasmus : "Book Readers" suggests that there may be a new paradigm for the consumption of the printed word. It is likely that it will rewrite the way we use newspapers and magazines, which are becoming increasingly irrelevant to our Internet-based information Society. To use such a technology effectively, requires social changes.
Dr Xxxxx : I think information paradigms for the news media and for magazines have a long way to go. There is value in the printed word. There is however no value in dinosaur thinking.
Erasmus : Our “Health Record” pages look at the technologies inherent in recording health information for the individual, while making it available to others who care for that individual. Social engineering aspects of health records are paramount. Many feel that they have ownership or access rights, but who should determine what these may be. At the most basic level, the health record looks at storing low-level information – such as from an individual and sharing it across a diverse network of others. Privacy, security, access and veracity are all substantial issues for distributed databases, such as the health record.
Dr Xxxxx : Current computerised health records cannot even begin to approach the information efficiency of Picts and manual records. We have a long way to go before computers can assist us in health, more than cripple us.
Communications.html title=Communications class>Communications
QuantumRadio.html title=Quantum Radio>Quantum Radio
QuantumRadio2.html >Quantum Rad2
QuantumRadio3.html >Quantum Rad3
QuantumRadio4.html >Quantum Rad4
QuantumRadio5.html >Quantum Rad5
OrbitalEngine.html title=To Orbit: Orbital Insertion>To Orbit
OrbitalEngine2.html >To Orbit2
PsiSense.html title=Psi Sense>Psi Sense
BookReaders.html >BookReaders
HealthRecord.html >Health Record
HealthRecord2.html >Health Record2
Book Readers will change how we use books.
Communications.html title=Communications classCommunications TRUE
QuantumRadioTrue.html title=Quantum Radio>QuantumRadioT
OrbitalEngineTrue.html title=To Orbit: Orbital Insertion>ToOrbitT
PsiSenseTrue.html title=Psi Sense>PsiSenseT
BookreadersTrue.html >BookReadersT
HealthRecordTrue.html >HealthRecordT
Communications.html title=Communications classCommunications GALACTIC
QuantumRadioGalactic.html title=Quantum Radio>QuantumRadioG
OrbitalEngineGalactic.html title=To Orbit: Orbital Insertion>ToOrbitG
PsiSenseGalactic.html title=Psi Sense>PsiSenseG
BookReadersGalactic.html >BookReadersG
HealthRecordGalactic.html >HealthRecordG
Erasmus : The "Singularity" page focuses on the technologies involved in the production of computer intelligence or artificial intelligence. We have reached the point where our systems can begin to emulate many of the capacities of biological intelligence. Yes our machines need to be trained, but so do biological entities. Whether we achieve true artificial intelligence or a simple software emulation of intelligence, only time will tell. And if our machines are capable of learning, to what extent are the really different to biologicals. How will the computer intelligences of the future change our ability to do things, remains to be seen?
Dr Xxxxx : The advent of the singularity means that for the first time in history man will not be truly alone.
Dr AXxxxx : Open your eyes you twit.
Erasmus : The “Memristors” webpage looks at how a new electronic circuit – being a combination of memory and resistance could change silicon computerisation. Their appearance suggests that the Terminator of the future may be a real possibility. Their capabilities would allow the mimicking of many facets of biologicals – instant on off (as opposed to boot sequence on off) as well as new methods of Logic operations – giving our artificial computer intelligences new capacities.
Kinkajou : I’m not sure I would like to be alone with a Terminator. Perhaps we should defer developing artificial intelligence till we can at least make sure they will be friendly.
Erasmus : The “Internet Revolution” is maturing but there is still much further to go. The Internet allows the network distribution of information – in the form of “actual” data or in “command and control” data. To develop the sprite – or the Internet of things, we need to develop a network capable of interfacing with microscopic entities or devices. We make the point that it is the social aspect that is perhaps the greatest frontier in allowing the full usage of the concept of the Internet. At the most basic level, it is who pays for access which limits our access. While we can often obtain information from the latest Journal, very few people on the planet would be able to pay forty dollars as may be requested to access this information. It is these other issues – who pays for what – which will limit our exploitation of the concept of the Internet.
Dr Xxxxx : Knowledge is not wisdom. The Internet can help us to see and know many things. But it cannot make choices. Artificial intelligence may help us to make choices, but we will need to teach it much of what we think about ourselves to help it along its way.
Erasmus : "Book Readers" suggests that there may be a new paradigm for the consumption of the printed word. It is likely that it will rewrite the way we use newspapers and magazines, which are becoming increasingly irrelevant to our Internet-based information Society. To use such a technology effectively, requires social changes.
Beethoven : I know they are called book readers, but do you think we can look at little movies and cartoons as well? and how about a little Hentai as well?
Kinkajou : Absolutely my bullywot mate. But, quiet about the Hentai. If some people hear you, you could be in trouble.
Erasmus : “GUI for Health” focuses on how the medical record can impact on our practice of medicine. The entry of structured data into a database allows far more informative data mining. Our health record interfaces leave much to be desired. But in this frontier again it is the social milieu which limits many developments. Simple issues such as who owns the data, who can have access to it and under what circumstances are paramount in this area of technology.
Dr Xxxxx : I can see the GUI as the language interface between humans and computing intelligence. A way of allowing information to be stored and to flow two ways, taking advantages of the strengths of each of the members of this partnership.
Erasmus : Our “Health Record” pages look at the technologies inherent in recording health information for the individual, while making it available to others who care for that individual. Social engineering aspects of health records are paramount. Many feel that they have ownership or access rights, but who should determine what these may be. At the most basic level, the health record looks at storing low-level information – such as from an individual and sharing it across a diverse network of other people. Privacy, security, access and veracity are all substantial issues for distributed databases, such as the health record.
Beethoven : I don’t think most computers will need a health record. A sick computer needs to be replaced. A sick database, essentially needs to put down.
Computers.html title=Computers class>Computers
Singularity.html title=Singularity>Singularity
Singularity2.html >Singularity2
Memristors.html title=Memristors>Memristors
InternetRevolution.html title=Internet Continues>I-net Evolves
InternetRevolution2.html >I-net Evolves2
InternetRevolution3.html >I-net Evolves3
BookReaders.html title=Book Readers>Book Readers
GUIforHealth.html title=GUI for Health>GUI for Health
GUIforHealth2.html >GUI for Health2
HealthRecord.html >Health Record
HealthRecord2.html >Health Record2
Book Readers will change how we use books.
Computers.html title=Computers classComputers TRUE
SingularityTrue.html title=Singularity>SingularityT
MemristorsTrue.html title=Memristors>MemristorsT
InternetRevolutionTrue.html title=Internet Continues>I-net EvolvesT
BookreadersTrue.html title=Book Readers>Book ReadersT
GUIforHealthTrue.html title=GUI for Health>GUIforHealthT
HealthRecordTrue.html >HealthRecordsT
Computers.html title=Computers classComputers GALACTIC
SingularityGalactic.html title=Singularity>SingularityG
MemristorsGalactic.html title=Memristors>MemristorsG
InternetRevolutionGalactic.html title=Internet Continues>I-net EvolvesG
BookReadersGalactic.html title=Book Readers>BookReadersG
GUIforHealthGalactic.html title=GUI for Health>GUIforHealthG
HealthRecordGalactic.html >HealthRecordG
Erasmus : In the “Vertical Farming” page we look at the industrial production of food. Food production is one of the most poorly mechanised of all of our industrial processes. The lag time between intent and yield can measure in the years. The planet is running out of arable land so we need to multiply the yields out of the spaces we already use. We need to produce food closer to where it is consumed to minimise transport and distribution costs. If we are to avoid the catastrophic collapse of civilisation, we need to plan to have the needs of a society met locally – in food production is one of the most critical needs of the population.
Goo : If vertical farms are a green technology, where will we grow carrots or coloured fruit like tomatoes?
Erasmus : “Climate Control” is a technology which looks at changing the weather on the planet over geographical distances. Large parts of our planet are uninhabitable. Our burgeoning population demands that we find ways to use our most neglected spaces. To control climate also allows us to ameliorate disasters which impact so severely on human habitation at times. Cyclones in the southern hemisphere or hurricanes in the northern hemisphere are examples of climatic phenomena which impact severely on human habitation, especially as the human population burgeons.
The Commandant : imagine if we were able to coat the entire earth with a large fluffy white cloud. Temperatures would plummet and the entire planet could freeze.
Kinkajou : An interesting military application for climate control.
Erasmus : “Food Biotech” focuses on the most critical aspect of maintaining population on the planet – namely food production. Growing food is a slow process with a long lead time. The arable land of the entire planet is used for production of food to maintain human life. However growing plants has an aspect of waste. Much of the biological material of the plant is not used. The extraction of biomolecules such as glucose from lignocellulose would substantially reduce the footprint of humanity on the planet, even if that planetary population were to burgeon to figures such as 80 billion souls.
The Commandant : If humanity reduces its footprint on the planet, I think there will be room for more numbats Goo.
Erasmus : “Farming Australia” looks specifically at the technologies which may be used to change how we use the vast areas of this- one of the most arid areas on the planet. The page makes the point that in implementing change – the first step is to measure the variables involved in the change, then to undertake actions to create change, to remeasure the effect on the initial variables – to allow us to make further changes. The scientific method of experiment – trial and measure, change and remeasure.
Goo : We Numbats have learned to cope with the environment of inland Australia. It is the imported mammals, which we marsupials have the most problem with..
Dr AXxxxx : That comment should probably include humans as part of the mammals, my young furry friend.
Erasmus : The “Gene Control” websites give us an introduction to the world of DNA which controls who we are and what we do. It is the complexity of DNA which we are only now beginning to understand. Gene segments that produce molecules such as proteins and enzymes are very obvious to us. But it is in the introns which control the expression and function of these genes where the true complexity lies.
Kinkajou : If we were to modify Numbat DNA, we could make them much more able to effectively cope with these new imported mammal threats. And as we have mentioned, DNA changes can cause behavioural changes. I imagine that changing Numbat behaviour along the lines of sociality or aggression, could easily cause a comeback for this threatened species.
Goo : I kind of like me as I am. But a super-Numbat could be good too. Would I have to wear an elastic outfit with a big "S" on it?
Kinkajou : Only if the greenies realised you weren't natural- like you know those gene-modified crops produced by the likes of Monsanto to improve food and crop production.
The Commandant : Evolution is the final judge I’m afraid , Goo. And evolution will make you as it wishes.
Kinkajou : WE have talked about Darwinian evolution being responsible for fine tuning only . True evolution belongs in both the realms of God and Science.
Erasmus : "Life Extension" has been the goal of the human race since time immemorial. To date much of our achievements relate simply to the control of infectious disease. The Paill Plus model suggests that we have some way to go in this area as well. We talk about some of our achievements as well as some of our hopes in the new frontier.
Beethoven : Maybe if we learn how to make Numbats to live longer, they would be less under threat as a species.
Kinkajou : An interesting proposal, if quite a bit left of centre.
Goo : To be an immortal Numbat- Yeah. But maybe not an old immortal Numbat.
Erasmus : “Insect Lasers” looks at new methods for controlling disease. Currently we use pesticides and some biologicals in disease control. Insect Lasers gives us new options for improving agriculture and human disease.
Kinkajou : Then teaching Numbats how to use Lasers could well achieve the same purpose for Numbats - helping eradicate Numbat diseases, sort of like those that shorten human's lives. without going to the extent of all that genetic engineering.
Erasmus : “Social Engineering” looks at how decisions of the past have cast our social world and how these affect the decisions of today. Much of our world has grown in response to circumstances which have occurred over centuries. But perhaps many of the circumstances are not relevant to the world of today.
Consider how the tax structure of the Western world affects the birth-rate. Consider perhaps how the number of hours in the working week may affect the price of houses.
Dr Xxxxx : DNA engineering would in effect become a form of social engineering, changing Numbat’s abilities and their ability to compete against their enemies. But, to be truly successful we would need to remake Numbat social abilities: sort of like giving them the human ability to work together.
Dr AXxxxx : But in so doing, you would destroy the nature and the magic of the Numbat species forever.
Erasmus : Yes Perhaps. Traeki vs Jophur. Is the price of survival too high for some?
Erasmus : “Recycling” introduces us to the technologies which we can use to aid production in our world, without stripping our virgin resources from our planet. Our burgeoning population demands that we reduce the human pressure on the planet. Again it is the social milieu which controls many of our decisions and our actions. And it is the social milieu which influences the financial decisions underlying many of our recycling activities.
Dr AXxxxx : If your proposals for genetic engineering the Numbat species are not well thought out, the resulting disaster will recycle the species beneath the sediment of the planet. For ever. Tread carefully with genetics. Your children may come to "bite" you.
The Commandant : Yes any changes we make, must always be made with great care and with full recognition of the potential consequences of mistakes. Having a fallback plan is always a good idea. At least then you can learn from your mistakes and try to do it better next time, because you can guarantee your own survival.
Erasmus : “Ocean Colony” suggests that the ocean may be the new frontier for colonisation on our planet. It is a hostile environment due to the potent energies released by storms and waves. The only macro organisms that have colonised the oceans are fishlike denizens living beneath the surface. Plant life is microscopic. The webpage suggests that to successfully colonise the oceans requires a technology to reduce the cost of building and sustaining our oceangoing vessels. It also suggests that the capacity to avoid the surface conditions may be critical to successful colonisation. The ocean is a desert for humanity. Few people live there, although it forms the large part of the surface area of our planet.
Goo : Perhaps Numbats can be gene engineered to become Ocean colonists. Imagine the oceans of the world crisscrossed by seafaring Numbats. Carving out a new ecological niche for our species.
Beethoven : I hope you guys can swim.
Not much call for that sort of thing in a desert I understand.
GreenStuff.html title=Green Stuff class>Green Stuff
VerticalFarms.html title=Vertical Farms >Vertical Farms
VerticalFarms2.html >Vertical Farms2
ClimateControl.html title=Climate Control>Climate Control
ClimateControl2.html >ClimateControl2
FoodBiotech.html title=Food Biotech>Food Biotech
FoodBiotech2.html >Food Biotech2
FarmingAustralia.html >FarmingAustralia
FarmingAustralia2.html >FarmAustralia2
FarmingAustralia3.html >FarmAustralia3
GeneControl.html title=Cloning & Cell Growth Control>GeneControl
GeneControl2.html >GeneControl2
GeneControl3.html >GeneControl3
GeneControl4.html >GeneControl4
LifeExtension.html title= Extension> Extension
LifeExtension2.html > Extension2
InsectLasers.html title=Insect Lasers>Insect Lasers
SocialEngineering.html title=Social Engineering>Social Engineer
SocialEngineering2.html >SocialEngineer2
Recycling.html title=Recycling Tech>Recycling Tech
Recycling2.html >RecyclingTech2
Recycling3.html >RecyclingTech3
OceanColony.html title=Ocean Colonisation>Ocean Colony
Farming Australia
GreenStuff.html title=Green Stuff classGreen Stuff TRUE
VerticalFarmsTrue.html title=Vertical Farms>VerticalFarmsT
ClimateControlTrue.html title=Climate Control>ClimateControlT
FoodBiotechTrue.html title=Food Biotech>FoodBiotechT
FarmingAustraliaTrue.html >FarmingAusT
GeneControlTrue.html title=Cloning & Cell Growth Control>GeneControlT
LifeExtensionTrue.html title= Extension>ExtensionT
InsectLasersTrue.html title=Insect Lasers>InsectLasersT
SocialEngineeringTrue.html title=Social Engineering>SocialEngineerT
RecyclingTrue.html title=Recycling Tech>RecyclingTechT
OceanColonyTrue.html title=Ocean Colonisation>OceanColonyT
GreenStuff.html title=Green Stuff classGreenStuff GALACTIC
VerticalFarmsGalactic.html title=Vertical Farms>VerticalFarmsG
ClimateControlGalactic.html title=Climate Control>ClimateControlG
FoodBiotechGalactic.html title=Food Biotech>FoodBiotechG
FarmingAustraliaGalactic.html >FarmingAustraliaG
GeneControlGalactic.html title=Cloning & Cell Growth Control>GeneControlG
LifeExtensionGalactic.html title= Extension>ExtensionG
InsectLasersGalactic.html title=Insect Lasers>InsectLasersG
SocialEngineeringGalactic.html title=Social Engineering>SocialEngineerG
RecyclingGalactic.html title=Recycling Tech>RecyclingTechG
OceanColonyGalactic.html title=Ocean Colonisation>OceanColonyG
Erasmus : The “Paill Plus” webpages look at how disease affects almost every aspect of our lives. It makes a seemingly innocuous – but effectively radical statement. Changes in behaviour and due to changes in structure and function of the brain. Paill affects neurological tissue. It is a prime candidate for causing many neurological symptoms, as well as seemingly unrelated symptoms such as aches and pains and tiredness. It is chronic. It is relentless. For further information there is an entire ENK website devoted to this topic.
Dr Xxxxx : Nature is a world of cause and effect. Illness disease and death are not works of God. One can choose to avoid the fate that history has relegated to us.
Dr AXxxxx : But you can still die if you want to. Or actually whether you want to or not. So long fuckers.
Erasmus : The “Gene Control” websites are to give us an introduction to the world of DNA which controls who we are and what we do. It is the complexity of DNA which we are only now beginning to understand. Gene segments that produce molecules such as proteins and enzymes are very obvious to us. But it is in the introns which control the expression and function of these genes where the true complexity lies.
Goo : Genes are like little switches that control things, aren't they?
Kinkajou : Yes Goo. Genes control every aspect of our being including our behaviour and personality as well. Many of the choices we make are choices that nature has destined for us.
Erasmus : "Life Extension" has been the goal of the human race since time immemorial. To date much of our achievements relate simply to the control of infectious disease. The Paill Plus model suggests that we have some way to go in this area as well. We talk about some of our achievements as well as some of our hopes in the new frontier.
Dr AXxxxx : Solve the problem or die a fool’s death. I can just imagine if someone were to offer charity collectors a solution or cure for death and disease, they would say No! We just want the money. Typical!
Erasmus : “GUI for Health” focuses on how the medical record can impact on the practice of medicine. The entry of structured data into a database allows far more informative data mining. Our health record interfaces leave much to be desired. But in this frontier again it is the social milieu which limits many developments. Simple issues such as who owns the data, who can have access to it and under what circumstances are paramount in this area of technology.
Goo : GUI sounds a bit like my name.
Kinkajou : No Goo. GUI actually stands for Graphical User Interface.
Erasmus : “Insect Lasers” looks at new methods for controlling disease. Currently we use pesticides and some biological is in disease control. Insect Lasers gives us new options for improving agriculture and human disease.
The Commandant : You can zap a lot of things with a good laser.
Health.html title=Health class>Health
PaillPlus.html title=Paill Plus>Paill +
PaillPlus2.html >Paill +2
GeneControl.html title=Cloning & Growth>GeneControl
GeneControl2.html >GeneControl2
GeneControl3.html >GeneControl3
GeneControl4.html >GeneControl4
LifeExtension.html title=Life Extension>Life Extension
LifeExtension2.html >Life Extension2
GUIforHealth.html title=GUI for Health>GUI for Health
GUIforHealth2.html >GUI for Health2
HealthRecord.html title=Health Record>Health Record
HealthRecord2.html >Health Record2
LifeExtension.html title=Medicines and Medical Technologies>Medicines
LifeExtension2.html >Medicines2
InsectLasers.html >InsectLasers
Health.html title=Health classHealth TRUE
PaillPlusTrue.html title=Paill Plus>Paill + TRUE
GeneControlTrue.html title=Cloning & Growth>GeneControlT
LifeExtensionTrue.html title=Life Extension>LifeExtensionT
GUIforHealthTrue.html title=GUI for Health>GUIforHealthT
HealthRecordTrue.html title=Health Record>HealthRecordT
MedicineTechnologiesTrue.html title=Medicines and Medical Technologies>MedicinesT
InsectLasersTrue.html >InsectLasersT
Health.html title=Health classHealth GALACTIC
PaillPlusGalactic.html title=Paill Plus>Paill + GAL
GeneControlGalactic.html title=Cloning & Growth>GeneControlG
LifeExtensionGalactic.html title=Life Extension>LifeExtensionG
GUIforHealthGalactic.html title=GUI for Health>GUIforHealthG
HealthRecordGalactic.html title=Health Record>HealthRecordG
MedicineTechnologiesGalactic.html title=Medicines and Medical Technologies>MedicinesG
InsectLasersGalactic.html >InsectLasersG
Erasmus :“Fusion Power” emerges as the front running technology for production of energy. It is the generation of the containment field and the ability to generate an energy output in excess of the energy input, which is the problem with this technology. However technology may well have a solution. If humanity can learn to generate and manipulate gravity, the ability to generate electromagnetic as well as gravity fields may well change the nature and financial aspects of containment fields for fusion technology. Dual field fusion bottles may revolutionise many aspects of energy directive technologies.
Goo : But do we really need fusion power? Surely just a lot of solar panels would meet all our energy needs?
Kinkajou : Or even solar panels in space, dealing with all that dense solar energy closer to the Sun and outside the atmospheric envelope. Sunshine twenty-four hours a day.
The Commandant : It’s about energy density and immediacy.
High power – when and when you want it.
Erasmus : “Dark Cities” focuses on how cities need to be integrated to reduce their footprint on the planet, and to maximise their potential for sustaining life and civilisation. If we are to avoid the scenario of the “Catastrophic Collapse Theory”, we must make every effort to build our cities as self-sustaining entities.
Goo : If the city is dark how can the workers see to work?
Erasmus : The "dark city" concept is about closed loops of resources: be they energy, food, organic materials or minerals.
Erasmus : The “Nano Tech” pages focuses on the capabilities and needs of working at fractions of the micro scale. Nano tech approaches the size of single atoms or small groups of atoms. In this realm many of the forces with which we are familiar operate under completely different principles. It is a realm completely foreign to us but with many applications for health, for industry and for War. We are only beginning the age of nanotechnology. Our closest examples exist in the biological world. Organisms and their components naturally operate at the atomic level to generate that most incredible achievement – life. Our challenge is to mimic the capacities of biologicals with mechanisation. A machine can operate at many times the power level of the biological. For example a simple electric drill of 600 Watts essentially operates with the capacity of six human beings (basic capacity of 100 Watts per human). To mechanize the nano world is the achievement – amplifying the current capabilities of biologicals.
Goo : But if the nano workers are really small, how can they really do much?
Kinkajou : Firstly, we can have lots of nano workers. Secondly, the technology allows us new ways of doing things, and perhaps things that we could not do before.
Beethoven : And we can have nano soldiers to shoot the nano workers!
Erasmus : The “Transparent Alumina” page looks at the technologies inherent in transparency. Glass is one of the most incredible inventions of the human era – allowing light to enter a human built space, but confining heat and air within. Humans can look out through a physical barrier. We require transparency in many areas of our world. Our machines also need to see through physical barriers, as do our weapons. The example in Star Trek looks at using transparent alumina with its inherent flexibility to allow the transport of whales through time to the future. Strangely enough transparent alumina is actually very familiar to us – in the form of gemstones.
Goo : But it is transparent how will we know that it is there.
Kinkajou : Transparency is a relative phenomena Goo. So you can still see that it is there. You can sort of see window glass even though it looks clear. And we are also talking about things that are transparent to photons with a specific range of energy. Glass is transparent in the visible electromagnetic range, but we need resistant materials that are transparent perhaps at higher or lower frequencies – as in vision systems for weapons or missiles.
Erasmus : In the “Vertical Farming” page we look at the industrial production of food. Food production is one of the most poorly mechanised of all of our industrial processes. The lag time between intent and yield can measure in the years. The planet is running out of arable land so we need to multiply the yields out of the spaces we already use. We need to produce food closer to where it is consumed to minimise transport and distribution costs. If we are to avoid the catastrophic collapse of civilisation, we need to plan to have the needs of a society met locally – and food production is one of the most critical needs of the population.
Dr AXxxxx : Vertical farms is just a concept to let other people drop shit on your head and get away with it by calling it fertiliser.
Erasmus : "Energy Shields" form an unusual technology. It is only the realisation that there are many dimensions to matter that suggest perhaps that these dimensions may be manipulated to redirect or to store energy – in effect creating an energy shield. Current theories of the structure of matter suggest that up to 13 dimensions of something constitute true matter as we know it. There is also the suggestion that a different universe awaits us on the other side of the “BRANE”.
Goo : Can we play peek a boo with an energy shield?
Beethoven : I suppose you can Goo if they are transparent.
Erasmus : "Gravity Generation" is the current frontier for the development of new propulsive technologies. Again humanity is doomed to be imprisoned on our planet unless it can learn to generate or manipulate gravity.
Beethoven : Gravity makes things heavy. So will we be able to move the machines that make the gravity, because if they make gravity it would make these machines heavy too?
Goo : A torch can make a lot of light and still be light Beethoven. So I suppose just because something can make something like gravity doesn’t mean it has to be heavy.
Erasmus : The “New Vehicle or Car” pages look at how the modern motor vehicle is ceasing to be a viable alternative for our civilisation. In our crowded cities on our crowded planet, the use of 1500 kilograms of vehicle to move one person seems ludicrous. Many of the major car companies have failed to innovate or to look at new alternatives to our current vehicles. Failure to innovate guarantees a company competition in the “commodity” market. We have seen the example of Apple I-phones decimating opposition companies, who once completely dominated the phone market. New technologies addressing social issues/needs of users were clear winners over unenhanced technology.
Kinkajou : I’d like a new car. With a concept like this, perhaps I can own a "work day" car for commuting to work, a "shopping car" for picking up things like at the hardware store, and maybe a "car for using on weekends" with the family. Each family would need a few different cars to suit different needs.
Erasmus : The “Internet Revolution” is maturing but there is still much further to go. The Internet allows the network distribution of information – in the form of “actual” data or in “command and control” data. To develop the sprite – or the Internet of things, we need to develop a network capable of interfacing with microscopic entities or devices. We make the point that it is the social aspect that is perhaps the greatest frontier in allowing the full usage of the concept of the Internet. At the most basic level, it is who pays for access which limits our access. While we can often obtain information from the latest Journal, very few people on the planet would be able to pay forty dollars as may be requested to access this information. It is these other issues – who pays for what – which will limit our exploitation of the concept of the Internet.
Goo : If you need more information, I could google it if you want.
Erasmus : “Climate Control” is a technology which looks at changing the weather on the planet over geographical distances. Large parts of our planet are uninhabitable. Our burgeoning population demands that we find ways to use our most neglected spaces. To control climate also allows us to ameliorate disasters which impact so severely on human habitation at times. Cyclones in the southern hemisphere or hurricanes in in the northern hemisphere are examples of climatic phenomena which impact severely on human habitation, especially as the human population burgeons.
Dr AXxxxx : Next thing you idiots will be planning big umbrellas.
Kinkajou : Well solar shades have been suggested as one of the climate control technologies. These could be located in space. By evening changing the colour of our roads, we can change their heat emission profile. So there are many ways of influencing the weather and climate.
Erasmus : “Farming Australia” looks specifically at the technologies which may be used to change how we use the vast areas of this one of the most arid areas on the planet. The page makes the point that in implementing change – the first step is to measure the variables involved in the change, then to undertake actions to create change, to remeasure the effect on the initial variables – to allow us to make further changes. The scientific method of experiment – trial, measure, change, remeasure.
The Commandant : I feel sorry for anybody who has to work farming in inland Queensland. In summer temperatures can hit to 45°C in the daytime across much of Queensland and inland Australia as well.
Erasmus : The “Orbital Engine” pages look at one of the key factors which imprison humanity on this planet. The ability to escape the gravity well of planet Earth, prohibits humanity from developing habitats in space and through the solar system. Again while we can achieve orbit with our current technology, it is the financial or business plan which limits our activities. We can access earth orbit today, but at a prohibitive price.
Dr AXxxxx : Learn to fly or die die die!
Erasmus : “Recycling” looks at the technologies involved in turning trash into treasure. Again the business case for recycling obviates the use of recycled materials, if virgin materials are cheaper. To encourage recycling, requires commitment and addressing the financial issues.
Dr Xxxxx : If all the Kinkajou’s of our world own a fleet of vehicles, we’re going to be in for some serious automobile recycling.
Antimatter Power
Catalytic Generation of Hydrogen
Dark Cities
Energy Shields
Industry.html title=Industry class>Industry
FusionPower.html title=Fusion>Fusion
Memristors.html title=Memristor>Memristor
DarkCities.html title=Dark Cities>Dark Cities
Nanotech.html title=Mini Microscope and Tools>Nanotech
Nanotech2.html >Nanotech2
Nanotech3.html >Nanotech3
Nanotech4.html >Nanotech4
TransparentAlumina.html title=Transparent Alumina>Clear Alumina
VerticalFarms.html title=Vertical Farms>Vertical Farms
VerticalFarms2.html >Vertical Farms2
EnergyShields.html title=Energy Shield>Energy Shield
GravityGeneratorDrive.html title=Gravity Generator and Drive>Gravity Maker
NewVehicleCar.html title=Car Transport>Car Transport
InternetRevolution.html title=Internet Revolution Continues>Internet Cont
InternetRevolution2.html >Internet Cont2
InternetRevolution3.html >Internet Cont3
ClimateControl.html title=Climate Control>Climate Control
ClimateControl2.html >Climate Control2
FarmingAustralia.html title=Farm Australia>Farm Australia
FarmingAustralia2.html >FarmAustralia2
FarmingAustralia3.html >FarmAustralia3
OrbitalEngine.html title= Orbital Velocity and Earth Orbit>To Orbit
OrbitalEngine2.html >To Orbit2
Recycling.html title=Recycling>Recycling
Recycling2.html >Recycling2
Recycling3.html >Recycling3
Industry.html title=Industry class>Industry TRUE
FusionPowerTrue.html title=Fusion>FusionT
MemristorsTrue.html title=Memristor>MemristorT
DarkCitiesTrue.html title=Dark Cities>DarkCitiesT
NanotechTrue.html title=Mini Microscope and Tools>NanotechT
TransparentAluminaTrue.html title=Transparent Alumina>ClearAluminaT
VerticalFarmsTrue.html title=Vertical Farms>VerticalFarmsT
EnergyShieldsTrue.html title=Energy Shield>EnergyShieldT
GravityGeneratorDrivelTrue.html title=Gravity Generator and Drive>GravityMakerT
NewVehicleCarTrue.html title =Car Transport>CarTransportT
InternetRevolutionTrue.html title=Internet Revolution Continues>InternetContT
ClimateControlTrue.html title=Climate Control>ClimateControlT
FarmingAustraliaTrue.html title=Farm Australia>FarmAustraliaT
OrbitalEngineTrue.html title= Orbital Velocity and Earth Orbit>ToOrbitT
RecyclingTrue.html title=Recycling>RecyclingT
Industry.html title=Industry class>Industry GALACTIC
FusionPowerGalactic.html title=Fusion>FusionG
MemristorsGalactic.html title=Memristor>MemristorG
DarkCitiesGalactic.html title=Dark Cities>DarkCitiesG
NanotechGalactic.html title=Mini Microscope and Tools>NanotechG
TransparentAluminaGalactic.html title=Transparent Alumina>ClearAluminaG
VerticalFarmsGalactic.html title=Vertical Farms>VerticalFarmsG
EnergyShieldsGalactic.html title=Energy Shield>EnergyShieldG
GravityGeneratorDriveGalactic.html title=Gravity Generator and Drive>GravityMakerG
NewVehicleCarGalactic.html title=Car Transport>CarTransportG
InternetRevolutionGalactic.html title=Internet Revolution Continues>InternetContG
ClimateControlGalactic.html title=Climate Control>ClimateControlG
FarmingAustraliaGalactic.html title=Farm Australia>FarmAustraliaG
OrbitalEngineGalactic.html title= Orbital Velocity and Earth Orbit>ToOrbitG
RecyclingGalactic.html title=Recycling>RecyclingG
Erasmus : "Military technologies" are essential to the people of the future. Its value is clearly seen historically. Armed force has been a potent force for the resolution of many issues. “Might is Right” is a saying which has dogged human history.
Erasmus : In the “Aerial Infantry” webpage, we look at the impact of technology in the development of new military niches. In our world, our technology is capable of solving a myriad of problems. But it is knowing which problems need to be solved that is the true question. The digital phone impacted our era, allowing people free access to personal communication wherever they may be. However it is the marriage of the digital phone with the applications of the computer era which created the true advances. The ability to access the Internet, texting, applications to allow many different interpersonal relationships for activities have become far more important than the phone itself. The interface which allows access to these apps has also undergone a substantial evolution from the buttons on the digital phone to touch screens with software buttons. To some extent the concept of “Aerial Infantry”, mirrors capabilities of helicopters and light aircraft. Drones have also emerged as a new technology in the application of force from the air.
The question of course is whether there is an implementation gap or force gap between a human infantrymen and the technology of the drone of a helicopter. The Aerial Infantry page attempts to look at this issue.
Kinkajou : Soldiers are very used to using weapons placed before them. But to see a weapon where there is none, is a gift that only a genius level warrior can have.
Erasmus : The “Orbital Engine” pages look at one of the key factors which imprison humanity on this planet. The ability to escape the gravity well of planet Earth, prohibits humanity from developing habitats in space and throughout the solar system. Again while we can achieve orbit with our current technology, it is the financial or business plan which limits our activities. We can access earth orbit today, but at a prohibitive price.
Dr AXxxxx : Extinction or death – that is the choice you make with this technology for your species. Achieve orbit, or face your boom.
I saw one acquaintance who solved the problem of climbing onto a roof. Normally, humans climb a ladder and teeter on the edge of disaster as they make the transition from the ladder , across the gutter and onto the roof. This acquaintance installed a pool ladder at the side of a house, allowing one to climb to the top of the ladder and to step directly onto a roof platform while standing holding onto the top of the ladder. Running up and down the ladder becomes a risk free activity with such a simple innovation. You worry more about what you are carrying than making the transition onto or off the roof.
Erasmus : The "Singularity" page focuses on the technologies involved in the production of computer intelligence or artificial intelligence. We have reached the point where our systems can begin to emulate many of the capacities of biological intelligence. Yes our machines need to be trained, but so do biological entities. Whether we achieve true artificial intelligence or a simple software emulation of intelligence, only time will tell. And if our machines are capable of learning, to what extent are the really different to biologicals. How will the computer intelligences of the future change our ability to do things, remains to be seen?
Goo : On the bright side, there will always be someone who is happy to talk to me for as long as I want and answer my questions no matter how stupid they may be.
Erasmus : The “Mechanised Infantry” page looks at the concept of adding mechanical power to that most basic of military units – the infantryman. The concept of mechanised infantry – a type of cyborg combination of humans and machinery is an adjunct of this attempt to look at “implementation gaps”. The question here being whether there is a “force capability gap” existing between the human infantryman in the mechanisation associated with tanks and vehicles.
Other conceptualisations of the implementation gap could be considered in our use of guns/rifles. A bullet prevents the enemy from using one square meter of real estate for a fraction of a second. The application of napalm would prevent the enemy from using many square metres of real estate for a period of time up to many minutes. The question then becomes in controlling the battleground – is it better to use a bullet or a weapon such as napalm. We are comfortable with the concept of using napalm to kill the enemy, but it can also be used to “direct” the enemy. It would appear there is a weaponisation gap in our favouring bullet weapons over flasks of burning liquids. War is not only a matter of killing the enemy, but it is also concerned with making the enemy do what you want him to do.
Some unusual examples of new implementation issues: using artillery to dig foxholes for troops, using a grenade launcher type weapon to fire flame and smoke rounds at “pillboxes”. They will have a lot of trouble shooting you if they can't see you.
Erasmus : The “Mechanised Infantry” and the “aerial infantry” page are both attempts to look at implementation or weaponisation gaps in Our Capacity for War.
Kinkajou : When you see a soldier going off to war even today, they look half man half machine. Even in Roman days, a soldier carried his equipment. It is interesting to think that now the equipment may carry the soldier – and not in the guise of a vehicle or chariot.
Erasmus : "Energy Shields" form an unusual technology. It is only the realisation that there are many dimensions to matter that suggest perhaps that these dimensions may be manipulated to redirect or to store energy – in effect creating an energy shield. Current theories of the structure of matter suggest up to 13 dimensions within matter. There is also the suggestion that a different universe awaits us on the other side of the “BRANE”.
Kinkajou : A technology the soldier cannot afford to be without, especially if one’s enemies use it. As is usual with new innovations, of course, size and cost are ever factors in implementing new weapons such as shield weapons.
Erasmus : The “Memristors” webpage looks at how a new electronic circuit – being a combination of memory and resistance could change silicon computerisation. Their appearance suggests that the Terminator of the future may be a real possibility. Their capabilities would allow the mimicking of many facets of biologicals – instant on off (as opposed to boot sequence on off) as well as new methods of Logic operations – giving our artificial computer intelligences new capacities.
Goo : Apparently no Terminator has ever harmed a member of my species. They just tend to in general ignore us as much as possible. There is some value in being humble.
Erasmus : The pages dealing with “Fuel Cell Miniaturisation” deals with the need to supply energy to working components. If the sprite is to be a real possibility in the future, it will require power. Many significant advances in the last thirty years in tools, are simply based on the development of batteries able to supply energy to these tools without the need for electric cords plugging into power sockets. It has revolutionised carpentry and building. The delivery of energy to where it is needed enhances our capacity to create change in our environment in many and varied fields of human endeavour.
Erasmus : “Fuel Cells” are necessary for many aspects of our world. Batteries can be primary or secondary. Devices can generate energy from: organic molecules, thermal energy, photon energy, and even from movement. If we are ever to develop the world of the sprite, the ability to deliver or generate energy where it is needed, will be the limiting factor for this technology.
Beethoven : These fuel cells are good just so long as as they don’t expect our soldiers to eat the stuff as well. Last thing I want to do is go to a job with a tin can of fuel like goop to keep me going.
Aerial Infantry
Antimatter Drive
Gravity Bubble
Military.html title=Military class>Military
AerialInfantry.html title=Aerial Infantry>Aerial Infantry
OrbitalEngine.html title=To Orbit>To Orbit
OrbitalEngine2.html >To Orbit2
Singularity.html >Singularity
Singularity2.html >Singularity2
MechInfantry.html title=Mechanised Infantry>Mech Infantry
MechInfantry2.html >Mech Infantry2
EnergyShields.html title=Energy Shields>Energy Shields
Memristors.html >Memristors
FuelCellMinituarisation.html >Fuel Cells
FuelCellMinituarisation2.html >Fuel Cells2
FuelCellMinituarisation3.html >Fuel Cells3
FuelCellMinituarisation4.html >Fuel Cells4
InsectLasers.html >InsectLasers
Military.html title=Military classMilitary TRUE
AerialInfantryTrue.html title=Aerial Infantry>AerialInfantryT
OrbitalEngineTrue.html title=To Orbit>ToOrbitT
SingularityTrue.html >SingularityT
MechInfantryTrue.html title=Mechanised Infantry>MechInfantryT
EnergyShieldsTrue.html title=Energy Shields>EnergyShieldsT
MemristorsTrue.html >MemristorsT
FuelCellMinituarisationTrue.html >FuelCellsT
InsectLasersTrue.html >InsectLasersT
Military.html title=Military classMilitary GALACTIC
AerialInfantryGalactic.html title=Aerial Infantry>AerialInfantryG
OrbitalEngineGalactic.html title=To Orbit>To OrbitG
SingularityGalactic.html >SingularityG
MechInfantryGalactic.html title=Mechanised Infantry>MechInfantryG
EnergyShieldsGalactic.html title=Energy Shields>EnergyShieldsG
MemristorsGalactic.html >MemristorsG
FuelCellMinituarisationGalactic.html >Fuel CellsG
InsectLasersGalactic.html >InsectLasersG
Erasmus : The “Power” group of pages at how we generate, store and use energy.
Erasmus : “Fusion Power” emerges as the front running technology for production of energy. It is the generation of the containment field and the ability to generate an energy output in excess of the energy input, which is the problem with this technology. However technology may well have a solution. If humanity can learn to generate and manipulate gravity, the ability to generate electromagnetic as well as gravity fields may well change the nature and financial aspects of containment fields for fusion technology. Dual field fusion bottles may revolutionise many aspects of energy directive technologies.
Goo : I feel most energized after a good meal of fused juice extracts.
Kinkajou : Hey! Cold fusion.
Erasmus : “Fuel Cells” are necessary for many aspects of our world. Batteries can be primary or secondary. Devices can generate energy from: organic molecules, thermal energy, photon energy, and even from movement. If we are ever to develop the world of the sprite, the ability to deliver or generate energy where it is needed, will be the limiting factor for this technology.
Goo : Someone told me that the padding around my waist is actually made of little fuel cells. Can you believe that?
Goo : Will that they are full of high energy goodness (– badness) as your perspective may be.
Erasmus : "Gravity generation" is the current frontier for the development of new propulsive technologies. Again humanity is doomed to be imprisoned on our planet unless it can learn to generate or manipulate gravity.
Goo : But gravity pulls you down. It doesn’t push you up. How can you possibly use gravity to help you escape from the planet?
Kinkajou : Turn the engine around so points the other way.
Goo : Ah! As usual, the simple explanations are the most cogent.
Erasmus : “Food Biotech” focuses on the most critical aspect of maintaining population on the planet – namely food production. Growing food is a slow process with a long lead time. The arable land of the entire planet is used for production of food to maintain human life. However, growing plants has an aspect of waste. Much of the biological material of the plant is not used. The extraction of biomolecules such as glucose from lignocellulose would substantially reduce the footprint of humanity on the planet, even if that planetary population were to burgeon to figures such as 80 billion souls.
Goo : This sort of a proposal is really a no-brainer for my people. We have been eating the stalk as well is the grain for years. It wouldn’t however help to support any more of us, if the planet were full of others like myself. Its only really a solution for creatures like humans.
Erasmus : So true. But humans are not like you Goo. So it does work for us.
Erasmus : The “Catalytic Conversion” pages look at new methods of bypassing bottlenecks in the production of energy produced by nature. Biology has already created awesome solutions through the medium of enzymes and their cofactors. Bacteria deliver to us biological factories capable of many chemical processes. Humanity wrestles however, with mechanical technological solutions, which may be more appropriate in specific circumstances.
Kinkajou : I can’t understand why we need aliens like the "Species" aliens to ship us this sort of technology. I’m sure some dumb bacteria somewhere has already figured this out for itself.
Erasmus : “Recycling” looks at the technologies involved in turning trash into treasure. Again the business case for recycling obviates the use of recycled materials, if virgin materials are cheaper. To encourage recycling, requires commitment and addressing the financial issues.
Dr AXxxxx : I think raping your planet is more fun and uses up less of your own energy. And anyway, who would want to put up with other peoples’ discards.
Erasmus : "Energy Shields" form an unusual technology. It is only the realisation that there are many dimensions to matter that suggest perhaps that these dimensions may be manipulated to redirect or to store energy – in effect creating an energy shield. Current theories of the structure of matter suggest the existence of up to 13 dimensions within matter. There is also the suggestion that a different universe awaits us on the other side of the “BRANE”.
The Commandant : Shields have been a soldiers constant companion for thousands of years. It is only in recent times that shielding has begun to lag considerably behind offensive technologies. Is interesting to note that the wheel may well turn full circle. Developing energy shields based on the alternate dimensions of matter, at least sounds possible.
Erasmus : The use of antimatter is discussed in our “Antimatter” page. The discussion tilts towards the characteristics of antimatter being more suited to military than to civilian applications. Where price may not be an issue, but destructive potential is, antimatter appears to be a clear winner.
Beethoven : Anybody stupid enough to use the stuff for power is gonna burn. Antimatter is so seriously not a “power” technology.
Antimatter Power
Catalytic Generation of Hydrogen: Organic vs Inorganic ?
Power.html title=Power class>Power
FusionPower.html title=Fusion Power>Fusion Power
FuelCellMinituarisation.html title=Fuel Cells>Fuel Cells
FuelCellMinituarisation2.html >Fuel Cells2
FuelCellMinituarisation3.html >Fuel Cells3
FuelCellMinituarisation4.html >Fuel Cells4
GravityGeneratorDrive.html title=Gravity Generation and Propulsion>Gravity Maker
FoodBiotech.html title=Food Biotech>Food Biotech
FoodBiotech2.html >Food Biotech2
CatalyticConversion.html title=Catalytic Conversion H2O to O2>Catalytic H2
Recycling.html title=Recycling>Recycling
Recycling2.html >Recycling2
Recycling3.html >Recycling3
EnergyShields.html title=Energy Shields>Energy Shields
AntimatterDrive.html title=Antimatter>Antimatter
Power.html title=Power classPower TRUE
FusionPowerTrue.html title=Fusion Power>FusionPowerT
FuelCellMinituarisationTrue.html title=Fuel Cells>FuelCellsT
GravityGeneratorDrivelTrue.html title=Gravity Generation and Propulsion>GravityMakerD
FoodBiotechTrue.html title=Food Biotech>FoodBiotechD
CatalyticConversionTrue.html title=Catalytic Conversion H2O to O2>Catalytic H2 T
RecyclingTrue.html title=Recycling>RecyclingT
EnergyShieldsTrue.html title=Energy Shields>EnergyShieldsT
AntimatterDriveTrue.html title=Antimatter>AntimatterT
Power.html title=Power classPower GALACTIC
FusionPowerGalactic.html title=Fusion Power>FusionPowerG
FuelCellMinituarisationGalactic.html title=Fuel Cells>FuelCellsG
GravityGeneratorDriveGalactic.html title=Gravity Generation and Propulsion>GravityMakerG
FoodBiotechGalactic.html title=Food Biotech>FoodBiotechG
CatalyticConversionGalactic.html title=Catalytic Conversion H2O to O2>Catalytic H2 G
RecyclingGalactic.html title=Recycling>RecyclingG
EnergyShieldsGalactic.html title=Energy Shields>EnergyShieldsG
AntimatterDriveGalactic.html title=Antimatter>AntimatterG
Erasmus : The “Propulsion" group of pages address new technologies in creating energy and in moving people or goods.
Erasmus : "Gravity Generation" is the current frontier for the development of new propulsive technologies. Again humanity is doomed to be imprisoned on our planet unless it can learn to generate or manipulate gravity.
Kinkajou : Hey, this tech could really be a heavy bummer man.
Erasmus : The use of antimatter is discussed in our “Antimatter” page. The discussion tilts towards the characteristics of antimatter being more suited to military than to civilian applications. Where price may not be an issue, but destructive potential is, antimatter appears to be a clear winner.
The Commandant : Who needs nukes when you can get a good tight antimatter warhead? Put some fire in their pants.
Erasmus : The “New Vehicle or Car” pages look at how the modern motor vehicle is ceasing to be a viable alternative for our civilisation. In our crowded cities on our crowded planet, the use of 1500 kilograms of vehicle to move one person seems ludicrous. Many of the major car companies have failed to innovate or to look at new alternatives to our current vehicles. Failure to innovate guarantees a company competition in the “commodity” market. We have seen the example of Apple I-phones decimating opposition companies, who once completely dominated the phone market. New technologies addressing social issues/needs of users were clear winners over unenhanced technology.
Beethoven :You can get a breeze from both sides of you in a narrow car . Cool!
Antimatter Drive : USS Enterprise
PropulsionGroup.html title=Propulsion class>Propulsion
GravityGeneratorDrive.html title=Gravity Drive>Gravity Drive
AntimatterDrive.html title=Antimatter Drive>Antimatter Drive
NewVehicleCar.html title=The Car as Transport >The Car
PropulsionGroup.html title=Propulsion classPropulsion TRUE
GravityGeneratorDrivelTrue.html title=Gravity Drive>GravityDriveT
AntimatterDriveTrue.html title=Antimatter Drive>AntimatterDriveT
NewVehicleCarTrue.html title=The Car as Transport >TheCarT
Propulsion.html title=Propulsion classPropulsion GALACTIC
GravityGeneratorDriveGalactic.html title=Gravity Drive>GravityDriveG
AntimatterDriveGalactic.html title=Antimatter Drive>AntimatterDriveG
NewVehicleCarGalactic.html title=The Car as Transport >TheCarG
City At Night Dark Cities
Erasmus : The "Society" group of pages focuses on general and social issues. Human beings are social creatures. An important forefront of technology is how we deal with each other. In fact, I see that any technological advances are limited more by social implementation issues than by aspects of the technology itself.
Dr AXxxxx : Still , you do better than you think. Cooperative little gits, aren’t you. Must be your heritage.
“Helping The Hopeless” discusses how the social milieu can control the decisions we make. It also discusses how the evolution of our social system lags behind the needs of the society. Changing social rules can be a powerful adjunct to technological advances.
Goo : As the size of your species shrinks, it does reduce the influence of the milieu somewhat, I have seen.
Erasmus : “World Trade” is an important method of integrating human beings on the planet. Instead of 1 billion rich humans and 6 billion poor humans, wealth is substantially distributed to many people, all of whom can share in the benefits of a technological society. By working for each other, much more work can be done, raising the living standards for us all. While there is much talk of exploitation, the alternative of neglect I believe is far worse.
Kinkajou : Give it to me baby.
Dr Xxxxx : Absolutely not! You will need to pay for it like everyone else.
Erasmus : “Dark Cities” focuses on how cities need to be integrated to reduce their footprint on the planet, and to maximise their potential for sustaining life and civilisation. If we are to avoid the scenario of the “Catastrophic Collapse Theory”, we must make every effort to build our cities as self-sustaining entities.
The Commandant :
I can see how dark cities, may help you to hide from your enemies as well.
Erasmus : “Food Biotech” focuses on the most critical aspect of maintaining population on the planet – namely food production. Growing food is a slow process with a long lead time. The arable land of the entire planet is used for production of food to maintain human life. However growing plants has an aspect of waste. Much of the biological material of the plant is not used. The extraction of biomolecules such as glucose from lignocellulose would substantially reduce the footprint of humanity on the planet, even if that planetary population were to burgeon to figures such as 80 billion souls.
Kinkajou : I think you can eat this stuff, but it will probably taste like shit.
Dr Xxxxx : More likely, it will be chemical tang in white molecular vegetable soup.
Erasmus : The “Ocean Colony” pages look at the last frontier for human habitation. The ocean is not a friendly environment. The energy generated by storms moving water requires a substantive technological solution to living in this environment. But most of all, a financial or business plan must allow the self-sustaining development of habitats. If we need to rebuild our ships every 5 to 10 years, Ocean colonies become unsustainable for reasons other than simple technology.
Beethoven : Makes it easy to take a leak, but its hard to make your mark on the world when it all gets washed away. How can you let other people know your social standing?
Erasmus : The “Orbital Engine” pages look at one of the key factors which imprison humanity on this planet. The ability to escape the gravity well of planet Earth, prohibits humanity from developing habitats in space and throughout the solar system. Again, while we can achieve orbit with our current technology, it is the financial or business plan which limits our activities. We can access earth orbit today, but at a prohibitive price.
Goo : Hey ! This technology lets us play peek-a-boo into space.
Erasmus : “Recycling” looks at the technologies involved in turning trash into treasure. Again the business case for recycling obviates the use of recycled materials, if virgin materials are cheaper. To encourage recycling, requires commitment and addressing the financial issues.
Kinkajou : I sense somehow that something or someone here has been here before, on the Sigma Psi plane. I wonder if we recycle deceased intelligences.
Goo : Its called Buddhaism : reincarnation.
Society.html title=Society class>Society
HelpingHopeless.html title=Help 4 People>Help 4 People
WorldTrade.html title=World Trade>World Trade
WorldTrade2.html>World Trade2
SocialEngineering.html title=Social Engineer>Social Engineer
SocialEngineering2.html >SocialEngineer2
DarkCities.html title=Dark Cities>Dark Cities
FoodBiotech.html title=Food Biotech>Food Biotech
FoodBiotech2.html >Food Biotech2
BookReaders.html title=Book Readers>Book Readers
OceanColony.html title=Ocean Colony>Ocean Colony
OrbitalEngine.html title=To Orbit>To Orbit
OrbitalEngine2.html >To Orbit2
Recycling.html title=Recycling>Recycling
Recycling2.html >Recycling2
Recycling3.html >Recycling3
Society.html title=Society classSociety TRUE
HelpingHopelessTrue.html title=Help 4 People>Help4 PeopleT
WorldTradeTrue.html title=World Trade>WorldTradeT
SocialEngineeringTrue.html title=Social Engineer>SocialEngineerT
DarkCitiesTrue.html title=Dark Cities>DarkCitiesT
FoodBiotechTrue.html title=Food Biotech>FoodBiotechT
BookreadersTrue.html title=Book Readers>BookReadersT
OceanColonyTrue.html title=Ocean Colony>OceanColonyT
OrbitalEngineTrue.html title=To Orbit>ToOrbitT
RecyclingTrue.html title=Recycling>RecyclingT
Society.html title=Society classSociety GALACTIC
HelpingHopelessGalactic.html title=Help 4 People>Help4 PeopleG
WorldTradeGalactic.html title=World Trade>WorldTradeG
SocialEngineeringGalactic.html title=Social Engineer>SocialEngineerG
DarkCitiesGalactic.html title=Dark Cities>DarkCitiesG
FoodBiotechGalactic.html title=Food Biotech>FoodBiotechG
BookReadersGalactic.html title=Book Readers>BookReadersG
OceanColonyGalactic.html title=Ocean Colony>OceanColonyG
OrbitalEngineGalactic.html title=To Orbit>ToOrbitG
RecyclingGalactic.html title=Recycling>RecyclingG
Erasmus : The “Propulsion" group of pages address new technologies in creating energy and in moving people or goods.
Erasmus : "Gravity Generation" is the current frontier for the development of new propulsive technologies. Again humanity is doomed to be imprisoned on our planet unless it can learn to generate or manipulate gravity.
Kinkajou : Hey, this tech could really be a heavy bummer man.
Erasmus : The use of antimatter is discussed in our “Antimatter” page. The discussion tilts towards the characteristics of antimatter being more suited to military than to civilian applications. Where price may not be an issue, but destructive potential is, antimatter appears to be a clear winner.
The Commandant : Who needs nukes when you can get a good tight antimatter warhead? Put some fire in their pants.
Erasmus : The “New Vehicle or Car” pages look at how the modern motor vehicle is ceasing to be a viable alternative for our civilisation. In our crowded cities on our crowded planet, the use of 1500 kilograms of vehicle to move one person seems ludicrous. Many of the major car companies have failed to innovate or to look at new alternatives to our current vehicles.
Failure to innovate guarantees a company competition in the “commodity” market. We have seen the example of Apple I-phones decimating opposition companies, who once completely dominated the phone market. New technologies addressing social issues/needs of users were clear winners over unenhanced technology.
Erasmus : The “Gene Control” websites are to give us an introduction to the world of DNA which controls who we are and what we do. It is the complexity of DNA which we are only now beginning to understand. Gene segments that produce molecules such as proteins and enzymes are very obvious to us. But it is in the introns which control the expression and function of these genes where the true complexity lies.
Dr Xxxxx : I think it is wrong to consider that evolution stops if an organism stops appearing to change. Evolution can shape many invisible but important things such as enzymes, cell growth and Systems controlling moisture preservation or loss. The organism may look the same, but the biological complexity can increase exponentially over billions of years in spite of this apparent sameness.
Erasmus : The “Nano Tech” pages focuses on the capabilities and needs of working at fractions of the micro scale. Nano tech approaches the size of single atoms or small groups of atoms. In this realm many of the forces with which we are familiar operate under completely different principles. It is a realm completely foreign to us but with many applications for health, for industry and for War. We are only beginning the age of nanotechnology. Our closest examples exist in the biological world. Organisms and their components naturally operate at the atomic level to generate that most incredible achievement – life. Our challenge is to mimic the capacities of biologicals with mechanisation. A machine can operate at many times the power level of the biological. For example a simple electric drill of 600 Watts essentially operates with the capacity of six human beings (basic capacity of 100 Watts per human). To mechanize the nano world is the achievement – amplifying the current capabilities of biologicals.
Dr AXxxxx : I can see somewhere in the recesses of this world that Nano-tech and Bio-tech will scrabble to compete in accessing the tips of the mountains and the bottoms of the deeps.
Erasmus : “Climate Control” is a technology which looks at changing the weather on the planet over geographical distances. Large parts of our planet are uninhabitable. Our burgeoning population demands that we find ways to use our most neglected spaces. To control climate also allows us to ameliorate disasters which impact so severely on human habitation at times. Cyclones in the southern hemisphere or hurricanes in the northern hemisphere are examples of climatic phenomena which impact severely on human habitation, especially as the human population burgeons.
Goo : Does climate control mean you can always have good weather on a weekend?
Dr Xxxxx : No Goo. There is a difference between climate and weather. Climate is expression of weather over geographical areas and over time. Weather is what's happening in a specific place a specific time. We can probably control both, but long term success in assisting agricultural production demands the ability to control "climate" in the long-term.
Erasmus : “Food Biotech” focuses on the most critical aspect of maintaining population on the planet – namely food production. Growing food is a slow process with a long lead time. The arable land of the entire planet is used for production of food to maintain human life. However growing plants has an aspect of waste. Much of the biological material of the plant is not used. The extraction of biomolecules such as glucose from lignocellulose would substantially reduce the footprint of humanity on the planet, even if that planetary population were to burgeon to figures such as 80 billion souls.
Dr Xxxxx : It is likely that the final success in Food biotechnology may rest on the number of technologies coming together to solve the problem from different directions. The issue is really about yield and cost. Many of the things we can do already now but as I said – at what yield and at what cost.
Erasmus : The “Ocean Colony” pages look at the last frontier for human habitation. The ocean is not a friendly environment. The energy generated by storms moving water requires a substantive technological solution to living in this environment. But most of all, a financial or business plan must allow self-sustaining development of habitats. If we need to rebuild our ships every 5 to 10 years, Ocean colonies become unsustainable for reasons other than simple technology.
Dr Xxxxx : Strange to think that when we look at the picture of a calm ocean that this environment is actually incredibly dangerous.,
Erasmus : Hence the ocean is full of microscopic macroscopic life. There are no trees in the ocean. The hostility of the environment ensures that macroscopic life exists only under the surface.
Erasmus : In the “Vertical Farming” page we look at the industrial production of food. Food production is one of the most poorly mechanised of all of our industrial processes. The lag time between intent and yield can measure in the years. The planet is running out of arable land so we need to multiply the yields out of the spaces we already use. We need to produce food closer to where it is consumed to minimise transport and distribution costs. If we are to avoid the catastrophic collapse of civilisation, we need to plan to have the needs of a society met locally – in food production is one of the most critical needs of the population.
Dr Xxxxx : Here is an interesting concept. A vertical ocean farm. With integrated plants and animals such as fish at different layers in different depths of a habitat.
Kinkajou : Complex.
Erasmus : In the “Biofilms” webpages, we look at how biological organism communities can have substantially different properties to their individual components. Even many diseases with which we are familiar, may involve teams of bacterial species rather than just a single individual bacterial species. Biofilms have substantial applications in industry and in health.
Dr Xxxxx : Perhaps that Blob thing that used to eat people is actually a biofilm?
Erasmus : "Life Extension" has been the goal of the human race since time immemorial. To date much of our achievements relate simply to the control of infectious disease. The Paill Plus model suggests that we have some way to go in this area as well. We talk about some of our achievements as well as some of our hopes in the new frontier.
Dr AXxxxx : As they say on the Enterprise: "Its life Jim, but not as we know it". You have some interesting answers coming when you finally understand a little. Nothing pleasant either.
Biology.html title=Biology class>Biology
GeneControl.html title=Gene Control>Gene Control
GeneControl2.html >Gene Control2
GeneControl3.html >Gene Control3
GeneControl4.html >Gene Control4
Nanotech.html title=Mini Microscope and Tools>Nanotech
Nanotech2.html >Nanotech2
Nanotech3.html >Nanotech3
Nanotech4.html >Nanotech4
ClimateControl.html title=Climate Control>Climate Control
ClimateControl2.html >ClimateControl2
FoodBiotech.html title=Food Biotech>Food Biotech
FoodBiotech2.html >Food Biotech2
OceanColony.html title=Ocean Colony>Ocean Colony
VerticalFarms.html title=Vertical Farms>Vertical Farms
VerticalFarms2.html >Vertical Farms2
Biofilms.html title=Biofilms>Biofilms
Biofilms2.html >Biofilms2
LifeExtension.html title=Medicines and Medical Technologies>Medicines
LifeExtension2.html >Medicines2
Biofilms are active in Common Human Infections
Catalytic Generation of Hydrogen was the carrot for humans generating the Species Aliens DNA code
Farming Australia
Biology.html title=Biology classBiology TRUE
GeneControlTrue.html title=Gene Control>GeneControlT
NanotechTrue.html title=Mini Microscope and Tools>NanotechT
ClimateControlTrue.html title=Climate Control>ClimateControlT
FoodBiotechTrue.html title=Food Biotech>FoodBiotechT
OceanColonyTrue.html title=Ocean Colony>OceanColonyT
VerticalFarmsTrue.html title=Vertical Farms>VerticalFarmsT
BiofilmsTrue.html title=Biofilms>BiofilmsT
MedicineTechnologiesTrue.html title=Medicines and Medical Technologies>MedicinesT
Biology.html title=Biology classBiology GALACTIC
GeneControlGalactic.html title=Gene Control>GeneControlG
NanotechGalactic.html title=Mini Microscope and Tools>NanotechG
ClimateControlGalactic.html title=Climate Control>ClimateControlG
FoodBiotechGalactic.html title=Food Biotech>FoodBiotechG
OceanColonyGalactic.html title=Ocean Colony>OceanColonyG
VerticalFarmsGalactic.html title=Vertical Farms>VerticalFarmsG
BiofilmsGalactic.html title=Biofilms>BiofilmsG
MedicineTechnologiesGalactic.html title=Medicines and Medical Technologies>MedicinesG
Erasmus : The “Quantum Radio” web pages begin by providing us with an understanding of how we have deduced the nature of the quantum world from experiments we have done in the real world. In the quantum world, the entangling of electrons suggests that the concept of “volume” or “space” is a figment of our imagination. It suggests that many aspects of what we hold as real, do not exist. The quantum world gives us a glimpse of new technologies which may enable us to conquer the galaxy and beyond.
Kinkajou : I wonder to what extent our Sigma Psi senses actually blend into the quantum world? There must be a scientific rationale for such a sense. It seems not to belong to the rational world of science in which we spend so much of our time.
Erasmus : The “Orbital Engine” pages look at one of the key factors which imprison humanity on this planet. The ability to escape the gravity well of planet Earth, prohibits humanity from developing habitats in space and through the solar system. Again while we can achieve orbit with our current technology, it is the financial or business plan which limits our activities. We can access earth orbit today, but at a prohibitive price.
Dr Xxxxx : To achieve orbit is to revolutionise plane travel. London to Sydney in an hour. And we could even be zipping around the whole solar system before we know it.
Erasmus : “Psionics” is a branch of science looking at phenomena we experience which appear to have no logical explanation in the real world. Perhaps these unusual sensors or perceptions have their basis in the quantum world. We discuss how Psi can affect our lives daily. Someone once said: “a wise man prays once a week, but studies psi every day”.
Kinkajou : Not the bosses. Not the state. Let Sigma Psi tell us of our fate.
Erasmus : "Book Readers" suggests that there may be a new paradigm for the consumption of the printed word. It is likely that it will rewrite the way we use newspapers and magazines, which are becoming increasingly irrelevant to our Internet-based information Society. To use such a technology effectively, requires social changes.
Dr Xxxxx : I think information paradigms for the news media and for magazines have a long way to go. There is value in the printed word. There is however no value in dinosaur thinking.
Erasmus : Our “Health Record” pages look at the technologies inherent in recording health information for the individual, while making it available to others who care for that individual. Social engineering aspects of health records are paramount. Many feel that they have ownership or access rights, but who should determine what these may be. At the most basic level, the health record looks at storing low-level information – such as from an individual and sharing it across a diverse network of others. Privacy, security, access and veracity are all substantial issues for distributed databases, such as the health record.
Dr Xxxxx : Current computerised health records cannot even begin to approach the information efficiency of Picts and manual records. We have a long way to go before computers can assist us in health, more than cripple us.
Communications.html title=Communications class>Communications
QuantumRadio.html title=Quantum Radio>Quantum Radio
QuantumRadio2.html >Quantum Rad2
QuantumRadio3.html >Quantum Rad3
QuantumRadio4.html >Quantum Rad4
QuantumRadio5.html >Quantum Rad5
OrbitalEngine.html title=To Orbit: Orbital Insertion>To Orbit
OrbitalEngine2.html >To Orbit2
PsiSense.html title=Psi Sense>Psi Sense
BookReaders.html >BookReaders
HealthRecord.html >Health Record
HealthRecord2.html >Health Record2
Book Readers will change how we use books.
Communications.html title=Communications classCommunications TRUE
QuantumRadioTrue.html title=Quantum Radio>QuantumRadioT
OrbitalEngineTrue.html title=To Orbit: Orbital Insertion>ToOrbitT
PsiSenseTrue.html title=Psi Sense>PsiSenseT
BookreadersTrue.html >BookReadersT
HealthRecordTrue.html >HealthRecordT
Communications.html title=Communications classCommunications GALACTIC
QuantumRadioGalactic.html title=Quantum Radio>QuantumRadioG
OrbitalEngineGalactic.html title=To Orbit: Orbital Insertion>ToOrbitG
PsiSenseGalactic.html title=Psi Sense>PsiSenseG
BookReadersGalactic.html >BookReadersG
HealthRecordGalactic.html >HealthRecordG
Erasmus : The "Singularity" page focuses on the technologies involved in the production of computer intelligence or artificial intelligence. We have reached the point where our systems can begin to emulate many of the capacities of biological intelligence. Yes our machines need to be trained, but so do biological entities. Whether we achieve true artificial intelligence or a simple software emulation of intelligence, only time will tell. And if our machines are capable of learning, to what extent are the really different to biologicals. How will the computer intelligences of the future change our ability to do things, remains to be seen?
Dr Xxxxx : The advent of the singularity means that for the first time in history man will not be truly alone.
Dr AXxxxx : Open your eyes you twit.
Erasmus : The “Memristors” webpage looks at how a new electronic circuit – being a combination of memory and resistance could change silicon computerisation. Their appearance suggests that the Terminator of the future may be a real possibility. Their capabilities would allow the mimicking of many facets of biologicals – instant on off (as opposed to boot sequence on off) as well as new methods of Logic operations – giving our artificial computer intelligences new capacities.
Kinkajou : I’m not sure I would like to be alone with a Terminator. Perhaps we should defer developing artificial intelligence till we can at least make sure they will be friendly.
Erasmus : The “Internet Revolution” is maturing but there is still much further to go. The Internet allows the network distribution of information – in the form of “actual” data or in “command and control” data. To develop the sprite – or the Internet of things, we need to develop a network capable of interfacing with microscopic entities or devices. We make the point that it is the social aspect that is perhaps the greatest frontier in allowing the full usage of the concept of the Internet. At the most basic level, it is who pays for access which limits our access. While we can often obtain information from the latest Journal, very few people on the planet would be able to pay forty dollars as may be requested to access this information. It is these other issues – who pays for what – which will limit our exploitation of the concept of the Internet.
Dr Xxxxx : Knowledge is not wisdom. The Internet can help us to see and know many things. But it cannot make choices. Artificial intelligence may help us to make choices, but we will need to teach it much of what we think about ourselves to help it along its way.
Erasmus : "Book Readers" suggests that there may be a new paradigm for the consumption of the printed word. It is likely that it will rewrite the way we use newspapers and magazines, which are becoming increasingly irrelevant to our Internet-based information Society. To use such a technology effectively, requires social changes.
Beethoven : I know they are called book readers, but do you think we can look at little movies and cartoons as well? and how about a little Hentai as well?
Kinkajou : Absolutely my bullywot mate. But, quiet about the Hentai. If some people hear you, you could be in trouble.
Erasmus : “GUI for Health” focuses on how the medical record can impact on our practice of medicine. The entry of structured data into a database allows far more informative data mining. Our health record interfaces leave much to be desired. But in this frontier again it is the social milieu which limits many developments. Simple issues such as who owns the data, who can have access to it and under what circumstances are paramount in this area of technology.
Dr Xxxxx : I can see the GUI as the language interface between humans and computing intelligence. A way of allowing information to be stored and to flow two ways, taking advantages of the strengths of each of the members of this partnership.
Erasmus : Our “Health Record” pages look at the technologies inherent in recording health information for the individual, while making it available to others who care for that individual. Social engineering aspects of health records are paramount. Many feel that they have ownership or access rights, but who should determine what these may be. At the most basic level, the health record looks at storing low-level information – such as from an individual and sharing it across a diverse network of other people. Privacy, security, access and veracity are all substantial issues for distributed databases, such as the health record.
Beethoven : I don’t think most computers will need a health record. A sick computer needs to be replaced. A sick database, essentially needs to put down.
Computers.html title=Computers class>Computers
Singularity.html title=Singularity>Singularity
Singularity2.html >Singularity2
Memristors.html title=Memristors>Memristors
InternetRevolution.html title=Internet Continues>I-net Evolves
InternetRevolution2.html >I-net Evolves2
InternetRevolution3.html >I-net Evolves3
BookReaders.html title=Book Readers>Book Readers
GUIforHealth.html title=GUI for Health>GUI for Health
GUIforHealth2.html >GUI for Health2
HealthRecord.html >Health Record
HealthRecord2.html >Health Record2
Book Readers will change how we use books.
Computers.html title=Computers classComputers TRUE
SingularityTrue.html title=Singularity>SingularityT
MemristorsTrue.html title=Memristors>MemristorsT
InternetRevolutionTrue.html title=Internet Continues>I-net EvolvesT
BookreadersTrue.html title=Book Readers>Book ReadersT
GUIforHealthTrue.html title=GUI for Health>GUIforHealthT
HealthRecordTrue.html >HealthRecordsT
Computers.html title=Computers classComputers GALACTIC
SingularityGalactic.html title=Singularity>SingularityG
MemristorsGalactic.html title=Memristors>MemristorsG
InternetRevolutionGalactic.html title=Internet Continues>I-net EvolvesG
BookReadersGalactic.html title=Book Readers>BookReadersG
GUIforHealthGalactic.html title=GUI for Health>GUIforHealthG
HealthRecordGalactic.html >HealthRecordG
Erasmus : In the “Vertical Farming” page we look at the industrial production of food. Food production is one of the most poorly mechanised of all of our industrial processes. The lag time between intent and yield can measure in the years. The planet is running out of arable land so we need to multiply the yields out of the spaces we already use. We need to produce food closer to where it is consumed to minimise transport and distribution costs. If we are to avoid the catastrophic collapse of civilisation, we need to plan to have the needs of a society met locally – in food production is one of the most critical needs of the population.
Goo : If vertical farms are a green technology, where will we grow carrots or coloured fruit like tomatoes?
Erasmus : “Climate Control” is a technology which looks at changing the weather on the planet over geographical distances. Large parts of our planet are uninhabitable. Our burgeoning population demands that we find ways to use our most neglected spaces. To control climate also allows us to ameliorate disasters which impact so severely on human habitation at times. Cyclones in the southern hemisphere or hurricanes in the northern hemisphere are examples of climatic phenomena which impact severely on human habitation, especially as the human population burgeons.
The Commandant : imagine if we were able to coat the entire earth with a large fluffy white cloud. Temperatures would plummet and the entire planet could freeze.
Kinkajou : An interesting military application for climate control.
Erasmus : “Food Biotech” focuses on the most critical aspect of maintaining population on the planet – namely food production. Growing food is a slow process with a long lead time. The arable land of the entire planet is used for production of food to maintain human life. However growing plants has an aspect of waste. Much of the biological material of the plant is not used. The extraction of biomolecules such as glucose from lignocellulose would substantially reduce the footprint of humanity on the planet, even if that planetary population were to burgeon to figures such as 80 billion souls.
The Commandant : If humanity reduces its footprint on the planet, I think there will be room for more numbats Goo.
Erasmus : “Farming Australia” looks specifically at the technologies which may be used to change how we use the vast areas of this- one of the most arid areas on the planet. The page makes the point that in implementing change – the first step is to measure the variables involved in the change, then to undertake actions to create change, to remeasure the effect on the initial variables – to allow us to make further changes. The scientific method of experiment – trial and measure, change and remeasure.
Goo : We Numbats have learned to cope with the environment of inland Australia. It is the imported mammals, which we marsupials have the most problem with..
Dr AXxxxx : That comment should probably include humans as part of the mammals, my young furry friend.
Erasmus : The “Gene Control” websites give us an introduction to the world of DNA which controls who we are and what we do. It is the complexity of DNA which we are only now beginning to understand. Gene segments that produce molecules such as proteins and enzymes are very obvious to us. But it is in the introns which control the expression and function of these genes where the true complexity lies.
Kinkajou : If we were to modify Numbat DNA, we could make them much more able to effectively cope with these new imported mammal threats. And as we have mentioned, DNA changes can cause behavioural changes. I imagine that changing Numbat behaviour along the lines of sociality or aggression, could easily cause a comeback for this threatened species.
Goo : I kind of like me as I am. But a super-Numbat could be good too. Would I have to wear an elastic outfit with a big "S" on it?
Kinkajou : Only if the greenies realised you weren't natural- like you know those gene-modified crops produced by the likes of Monsanto to improve food and crop production.
The Commandant : Evolution is the final judge I’m afraid , Goo. And evolution will make you as it wishes.
Kinkajou : WE have talked about Darwinian evolution being responsible for fine tuning only . True evolution belongs in both the realms of God and Science.
Erasmus : "Life Extension" has been the goal of the human race since time immemorial. To date much of our achievements relate simply to the control of infectious disease. The Paill Plus model suggests that we have some way to go in this area as well. We talk about some of our achievements as well as some of our hopes in the new frontier.
Beethoven : Maybe if we learn how to make Numbats to live longer, they would be less under threat as a species.
Kinkajou : An interesting proposal, if quite a bit left of centre.
Goo : To be an immortal Numbat- Yeah. But maybe not an old immortal Numbat.
Erasmus : “Insect Lasers” looks at new methods for controlling disease. Currently we use pesticides and some biologicals in disease control. Insect Lasers gives us new options for improving agriculture and human disease.
Kinkajou : Then teaching Numbats how to use Lasers could well achieve the same purpose for Numbats - helping eradicate Numbat diseases, sort of like those that shorten human's lives. without going to the extent of all that genetic engineering.
Erasmus : “Social Engineering” looks at how decisions of the past have cast our social world and how these affect the decisions of today. Much of our world has grown in response to circumstances which have occurred over centuries. But perhaps many of the circumstances are not relevant to the world of today.
Consider how the tax structure of the Western world affects the birth-rate. Consider perhaps how the number of hours in the working week may affect the price of houses.
Dr Xxxxx : DNA engineering would in effect become a form of social engineering, changing Numbat’s abilities and their ability to compete against their enemies. But, to be truly successful we would need to remake Numbat social abilities: sort of like giving them the human ability to work together.
Dr AXxxxx : But in so doing, you would destroy the nature and the magic of the Numbat species forever.
Erasmus : Yes Perhaps. Traeki vs Jophur. Is the price of survival too high for some?
Erasmus : “Recycling” introduces us to the technologies which we can use to aid production in our world, without stripping our virgin resources from our planet. Our burgeoning population demands that we reduce the human pressure on the planet. Again it is the social milieu which controls many of our decisions and our actions. And it is the social milieu which influences the financial decisions underlying many of our recycling activities.
Dr AXxxxx : If your proposals for genetic engineering the Numbat species are not well thought out, the resulting disaster will recycle the species beneath the sediment of the planet. For ever. Tread carefully with genetics. Your children may come to "bite" you.
The Commandant : Yes any changes we make, must always be made with great care and with full recognition of the potential consequences of mistakes. Having a fallback plan is always a good idea. At least then you can learn from your mistakes and try to do it better next time, because you can guarantee your own survival.
Erasmus : “Ocean Colony” suggests that the ocean may be the new frontier for colonisation on our planet. It is a hostile environment due to the potent energies released by storms and waves. The only macro organisms that have colonised the oceans are fishlike denizens living beneath the surface. Plant life is microscopic. The webpage suggests that to successfully colonise the oceans requires a technology to reduce the cost of building and sustaining our oceangoing vessels. It also suggests that the capacity to avoid the surface conditions may be critical to successful colonisation. The ocean is a desert for humanity. Few people live there, although it forms the large part of the surface area of our planet.
Goo : Perhaps Numbats can be gene engineered to become Ocean colonists. Imagine the oceans of the world crisscrossed by seafaring Numbats. Carving out a new ecological niche for our species.
Beethoven : I hope you guys can swim.
Not much call for that sort of thing in a desert I understand.
GreenStuff.html title=Green Stuff class>Green Stuff
VerticalFarms.html title=Vertical Farms >Vertical Farms
VerticalFarms2.html >Vertical Farms2
ClimateControl.html title=Climate Control>Climate Control
ClimateControl2.html >ClimateControl2
FoodBiotech.html title=Food Biotech>Food Biotech
FoodBiotech2.html >Food Biotech2
FarmingAustralia.html >FarmingAustralia
FarmingAustralia2.html >FarmAustralia2
FarmingAustralia3.html >FarmAustralia3
GeneControl.html title=Cloning & Cell Growth Control>GeneControl
GeneControl2.html >GeneControl2
GeneControl3.html >GeneControl3
GeneControl4.html >GeneControl4
LifeExtension.html title= Extension> Extension
LifeExtension2.html > Extension2
InsectLasers.html title=Insect Lasers>Insect Lasers
SocialEngineering.html title=Social Engineering>Social Engineer
SocialEngineering2.html >SocialEngineer2
Recycling.html title=Recycling Tech>Recycling Tech
Recycling2.html >RecyclingTech2
Recycling3.html >RecyclingTech3
OceanColony.html title=Ocean Colonisation>Ocean Colony
Farming Australia
GreenStuff.html title=Green Stuff classGreen Stuff TRUE
VerticalFarmsTrue.html title=Vertical Farms>VerticalFarmsT
ClimateControlTrue.html title=Climate Control>ClimateControlT
FoodBiotechTrue.html title=Food Biotech>FoodBiotechT
FarmingAustraliaTrue.html >FarmingAusT
GeneControlTrue.html title=Cloning & Cell Growth Control>GeneControlT
LifeExtensionTrue.html title= Extension>ExtensionT
InsectLasersTrue.html title=Insect Lasers>InsectLasersT
SocialEngineeringTrue.html title=Social Engineering>SocialEngineerT
RecyclingTrue.html title=Recycling Tech>RecyclingTechT
OceanColonyTrue.html title=Ocean Colonisation>OceanColonyT
GreenStuff.html title=Green Stuff classGreenStuff GALACTIC
VerticalFarmsGalactic.html title=Vertical Farms>VerticalFarmsG
ClimateControlGalactic.html title=Climate Control>ClimateControlG
FoodBiotechGalactic.html title=Food Biotech>FoodBiotechG
FarmingAustraliaGalactic.html >FarmingAustraliaG
GeneControlGalactic.html title=Cloning & Cell Growth Control>GeneControlG
LifeExtensionGalactic.html title= Extension>ExtensionG
InsectLasersGalactic.html title=Insect Lasers>InsectLasersG
SocialEngineeringGalactic.html title=Social Engineering>SocialEngineerG
RecyclingGalactic.html title=Recycling Tech>RecyclingTechG
OceanColonyGalactic.html title=Ocean Colonisation>OceanColonyG
Erasmus : The “Paill Plus” webpages look at how disease affects almost every aspect of our lives. It makes a seemingly innocuous – but effectively radical statement. Changes in behaviour and due to changes in structure and function of the brain. Paill affects neurological tissue. It is a prime candidate for causing many neurological symptoms, as well as seemingly unrelated symptoms such as aches and pains and tiredness. It is chronic. It is relentless. For further information there is an entire ENK website devoted to this topic.
Dr Xxxxx : Nature is a world of cause and effect. Illness disease and death are not works of God. One can choose to avoid the fate that history has relegated to us.
Dr AXxxxx : But you can still die if you want to. Or actually whether you want to or not. So long fuckers.
Erasmus : The “Gene Control” websites are to give us an introduction to the world of DNA which controls who we are and what we do. It is the complexity of DNA which we are only now beginning to understand. Gene segments that produce molecules such as proteins and enzymes are very obvious to us. But it is in the introns which control the expression and function of these genes where the true complexity lies.
Goo : Genes are like little switches that control things, aren't they?
Kinkajou : Yes Goo. Genes control every aspect of our being including our behaviour and personality as well. Many of the choices we make are choices that nature has destined for us.
Erasmus : "Life Extension" has been the goal of the human race since time immemorial. To date much of our achievements relate simply to the control of infectious disease. The Paill Plus model suggests that we have some way to go in this area as well. We talk about some of our achievements as well as some of our hopes in the new frontier.
Dr AXxxxx : Solve the problem or die a fool’s death. I can just imagine if someone were to offer charity collectors a solution or cure for death and disease, they would say No! We just want the money. Typical!
Erasmus : “GUI for Health” focuses on how the medical record can impact on the practice of medicine. The entry of structured data into a database allows far more informative data mining. Our health record interfaces leave much to be desired. But in this frontier again it is the social milieu which limits many developments. Simple issues such as who owns the data, who can have access to it and under what circumstances are paramount in this area of technology.
Goo : GUI sounds a bit like my name.
Kinkajou : No Goo. GUI actually stands for Graphical User Interface.
Erasmus : “Insect Lasers” looks at new methods for controlling disease. Currently we use pesticides and some biological is in disease control. Insect Lasers gives us new options for improving agriculture and human disease.
The Commandant : You can zap a lot of things with a good laser.
Health.html title=Health class>Health
PaillPlus.html title=Paill Plus>Paill +
PaillPlus2.html >Paill +2
GeneControl.html title=Cloning & Growth>GeneControl
GeneControl2.html >GeneControl2
GeneControl3.html >GeneControl3
GeneControl4.html >GeneControl4
LifeExtension.html title=Life Extension>Life Extension
LifeExtension2.html >Life Extension2
GUIforHealth.html title=GUI for Health>GUI for Health
GUIforHealth2.html >GUI for Health2
HealthRecord.html title=Health Record>Health Record
HealthRecord2.html >Health Record2
LifeExtension.html title=Medicines and Medical Technologies>Medicines
LifeExtension2.html >Medicines2
InsectLasers.html >InsectLasers
Health.html title=Health classHealth TRUE
PaillPlusTrue.html title=Paill Plus>Paill + TRUE
GeneControlTrue.html title=Cloning & Growth>GeneControlT
LifeExtensionTrue.html title=Life Extension>LifeExtensionT
GUIforHealthTrue.html title=GUI for Health>GUIforHealthT
HealthRecordTrue.html title=Health Record>HealthRecordT
MedicineTechnologiesTrue.html title=Medicines and Medical Technologies>MedicinesT
InsectLasersTrue.html >InsectLasersT
Health.html title=Health classHealth GALACTIC
PaillPlusGalactic.html title=Paill Plus>Paill + GAL
GeneControlGalactic.html title=Cloning & Growth>GeneControlG
LifeExtensionGalactic.html title=Life Extension>LifeExtensionG
GUIforHealthGalactic.html title=GUI for Health>GUIforHealthG
HealthRecordGalactic.html title=Health Record>HealthRecordG
MedicineTechnologiesGalactic.html title=Medicines and Medical Technologies>MedicinesG
InsectLasersGalactic.html >InsectLasersG
Erasmus :“Fusion Power” emerges as the front running technology for production of energy. It is the generation of the containment field and the ability to generate an energy output in excess of the energy input, which is the problem with this technology. However technology may well have a solution. If humanity can learn to generate and manipulate gravity, the ability to generate electromagnetic as well as gravity fields may well change the nature and financial aspects of containment fields for fusion technology. Dual field fusion bottles may revolutionise many aspects of energy directive technologies.
Goo : But do we really need fusion power? Surely just a lot of solar panels would meet all our energy needs?
Kinkajou : Or even solar panels in space, dealing with all that dense solar energy closer to the Sun and outside the atmospheric envelope. Sunshine twenty-four hours a day.
The Commandant : It’s about energy density and immediacy.
High power – when and when you want it.
Erasmus : “Dark Cities” focuses on how cities need to be integrated to reduce their footprint on the planet, and to maximise their potential for sustaining life and civilisation. If we are to avoid the scenario of the “Catastrophic Collapse Theory”, we must make every effort to build our cities as self-sustaining entities.
Goo : If the city is dark how can the workers see to work?
Erasmus : The "dark city" concept is about closed loops of resources: be they energy, food, organic materials or minerals.
Erasmus : The “Nano Tech” pages focuses on the capabilities and needs of working at fractions of the micro scale. Nano tech approaches the size of single atoms or small groups of atoms. In this realm many of the forces with which we are familiar operate under completely different principles. It is a realm completely foreign to us but with many applications for health, for industry and for War. We are only beginning the age of nanotechnology. Our closest examples exist in the biological world. Organisms and their components naturally operate at the atomic level to generate that most incredible achievement – life. Our challenge is to mimic the capacities of biologicals with mechanisation. A machine can operate at many times the power level of the biological. For example a simple electric drill of 600 Watts essentially operates with the capacity of six human beings (basic capacity of 100 Watts per human). To mechanize the nano world is the achievement – amplifying the current capabilities of biologicals.
Goo : But if the nano workers are really small, how can they really do much?
Kinkajou : Firstly, we can have lots of nano workers. Secondly, the technology allows us new ways of doing things, and perhaps things that we could not do before.
Beethoven : And we can have nano soldiers to shoot the nano workers!
Erasmus : The “Transparent Alumina” page looks at the technologies inherent in transparency. Glass is one of the most incredible inventions of the human era – allowing light to enter a human built space, but confining heat and air within. Humans can look out through a physical barrier. We require transparency in many areas of our world. Our machines also need to see through physical barriers, as do our weapons. The example in Star Trek looks at using transparent alumina with its inherent flexibility to allow the transport of whales through time to the future. Strangely enough transparent alumina is actually very familiar to us – in the form of gemstones.
Goo : But it is transparent how will we know that it is there.
Kinkajou : Transparency is a relative phenomena Goo. So you can still see that it is there. You can sort of see window glass even though it looks clear. And we are also talking about things that are transparent to photons with a specific range of energy. Glass is transparent in the visible electromagnetic range, but we need resistant materials that are transparent perhaps at higher or lower frequencies – as in vision systems for weapons or missiles.
Erasmus : In the “Vertical Farming” page we look at the industrial production of food. Food production is one of the most poorly mechanised of all of our industrial processes. The lag time between intent and yield can measure in the years. The planet is running out of arable land so we need to multiply the yields out of the spaces we already use. We need to produce food closer to where it is consumed to minimise transport and distribution costs. If we are to avoid the catastrophic collapse of civilisation, we need to plan to have the needs of a society met locally – and food production is one of the most critical needs of the population.
Dr AXxxxx : Vertical farms is just a concept to let other people drop shit on your head and get away with it by calling it fertiliser.
Erasmus : "Energy Shields" form an unusual technology. It is only the realisation that there are many dimensions to matter that suggest perhaps that these dimensions may be manipulated to redirect or to store energy – in effect creating an energy shield. Current theories of the structure of matter suggest that up to 13 dimensions of something constitute true matter as we know it. There is also the suggestion that a different universe awaits us on the other side of the “BRANE”.
Goo : Can we play peek a boo with an energy shield?
Beethoven : I suppose you can Goo if they are transparent.
Erasmus : "Gravity Generation" is the current frontier for the development of new propulsive technologies. Again humanity is doomed to be imprisoned on our planet unless it can learn to generate or manipulate gravity.
Beethoven : Gravity makes things heavy. So will we be able to move the machines that make the gravity, because if they make gravity it would make these machines heavy too?
Goo : A torch can make a lot of light and still be light Beethoven. So I suppose just because something can make something like gravity doesn’t mean it has to be heavy.
Erasmus : The “New Vehicle or Car” pages look at how the modern motor vehicle is ceasing to be a viable alternative for our civilisation. In our crowded cities on our crowded planet, the use of 1500 kilograms of vehicle to move one person seems ludicrous. Many of the major car companies have failed to innovate or to look at new alternatives to our current vehicles. Failure to innovate guarantees a company competition in the “commodity” market. We have seen the example of Apple I-phones decimating opposition companies, who once completely dominated the phone market. New technologies addressing social issues/needs of users were clear winners over unenhanced technology.
Kinkajou : I’d like a new car. With a concept like this, perhaps I can own a "work day" car for commuting to work, a "shopping car" for picking up things like at the hardware store, and maybe a "car for using on weekends" with the family. Each family would need a few different cars to suit different needs.
Erasmus : The “Internet Revolution” is maturing but there is still much further to go. The Internet allows the network distribution of information – in the form of “actual” data or in “command and control” data. To develop the sprite – or the Internet of things, we need to develop a network capable of interfacing with microscopic entities or devices. We make the point that it is the social aspect that is perhaps the greatest frontier in allowing the full usage of the concept of the Internet. At the most basic level, it is who pays for access which limits our access. While we can often obtain information from the latest Journal, very few people on the planet would be able to pay forty dollars as may be requested to access this information. It is these other issues – who pays for what – which will limit our exploitation of the concept of the Internet.
Goo : If you need more information, I could google it if you want.
Erasmus : “Climate Control” is a technology which looks at changing the weather on the planet over geographical distances. Large parts of our planet are uninhabitable. Our burgeoning population demands that we find ways to use our most neglected spaces. To control climate also allows us to ameliorate disasters which impact so severely on human habitation at times. Cyclones in the southern hemisphere or hurricanes in in the northern hemisphere are examples of climatic phenomena which impact severely on human habitation, especially as the human population burgeons.
Dr AXxxxx : Next thing you idiots will be planning big umbrellas.
Kinkajou : Well solar shades have been suggested as one of the climate control technologies. These could be located in space. By evening changing the colour of our roads, we can change their heat emission profile. So there are many ways of influencing the weather and climate.
Erasmus : “Farming Australia” looks specifically at the technologies which may be used to change how we use the vast areas of this one of the most arid areas on the planet. The page makes the point that in implementing change – the first step is to measure the variables involved in the change, then to undertake actions to create change, to remeasure the effect on the initial variables – to allow us to make further changes. The scientific method of experiment – trial, measure, change, remeasure.
The Commandant : I feel sorry for anybody who has to work farming in inland Queensland. In summer temperatures can hit to 45°C in the daytime across much of Queensland and inland Australia as well.
Erasmus : The “Orbital Engine” pages look at one of the key factors which imprison humanity on this planet. The ability to escape the gravity well of planet Earth, prohibits humanity from developing habitats in space and through the solar system. Again while we can achieve orbit with our current technology, it is the financial or business plan which limits our activities. We can access earth orbit today, but at a prohibitive price.
Dr AXxxxx : Learn to fly or die die die!
Erasmus : “Recycling” looks at the technologies involved in turning trash into treasure. Again the business case for recycling obviates the use of recycled materials, if virgin materials are cheaper. To encourage recycling, requires commitment and addressing the financial issues.
Dr Xxxxx : If all the Kinkajou’s of our world own a fleet of vehicles, we’re going to be in for some serious automobile recycling.
Antimatter Power
Catalytic Generation of Hydrogen
Dark Cities
Energy Shields
Industry.html title=Industry class>Industry
FusionPower.html title=Fusion>Fusion
Memristors.html title=Memristor>Memristor
DarkCities.html title=Dark Cities>Dark Cities
Nanotech.html title=Mini Microscope and Tools>Nanotech
Nanotech2.html >Nanotech2
Nanotech3.html >Nanotech3
Nanotech4.html >Nanotech4
TransparentAlumina.html title=Transparent Alumina>Clear Alumina
VerticalFarms.html title=Vertical Farms>Vertical Farms
VerticalFarms2.html >Vertical Farms2
EnergyShields.html title=Energy Shield>Energy Shield
GravityGeneratorDrive.html title=Gravity Generator and Drive>Gravity Maker
NewVehicleCar.html title=Car Transport>Car Transport
InternetRevolution.html title=Internet Revolution Continues>Internet Cont
InternetRevolution2.html >Internet Cont2
InternetRevolution3.html >Internet Cont3
ClimateControl.html title=Climate Control>Climate Control
ClimateControl2.html >Climate Control2
FarmingAustralia.html title=Farm Australia>Farm Australia
FarmingAustralia2.html >FarmAustralia2
FarmingAustralia3.html >FarmAustralia3
OrbitalEngine.html title= Orbital Velocity and Earth Orbit>To Orbit
OrbitalEngine2.html >To Orbit2
Recycling.html title=Recycling>Recycling
Recycling2.html >Recycling2
Recycling3.html >Recycling3
Industry.html title=Industry class>Industry TRUE
FusionPowerTrue.html title=Fusion>FusionT
MemristorsTrue.html title=Memristor>MemristorT
DarkCitiesTrue.html title=Dark Cities>DarkCitiesT
NanotechTrue.html title=Mini Microscope and Tools>NanotechT
TransparentAluminaTrue.html title=Transparent Alumina>ClearAluminaT
VerticalFarmsTrue.html title=Vertical Farms>VerticalFarmsT
EnergyShieldsTrue.html title=Energy Shield>EnergyShieldT
GravityGeneratorDrivelTrue.html title=Gravity Generator and Drive>GravityMakerT
NewVehicleCarTrue.html title =Car Transport>CarTransportT
InternetRevolutionTrue.html title=Internet Revolution Continues>InternetContT
ClimateControlTrue.html title=Climate Control>ClimateControlT
FarmingAustraliaTrue.html title=Farm Australia>FarmAustraliaT
OrbitalEngineTrue.html title= Orbital Velocity and Earth Orbit>ToOrbitT
RecyclingTrue.html title=Recycling>RecyclingT
Industry.html title=Industry class>Industry GALACTIC
FusionPowerGalactic.html title=Fusion>FusionG
MemristorsGalactic.html title=Memristor>MemristorG
DarkCitiesGalactic.html title=Dark Cities>DarkCitiesG
NanotechGalactic.html title=Mini Microscope and Tools>NanotechG
TransparentAluminaGalactic.html title=Transparent Alumina>ClearAluminaG
VerticalFarmsGalactic.html title=Vertical Farms>VerticalFarmsG
EnergyShieldsGalactic.html title=Energy Shield>EnergyShieldG
GravityGeneratorDriveGalactic.html title=Gravity Generator and Drive>GravityMakerG
NewVehicleCarGalactic.html title=Car Transport>CarTransportG
InternetRevolutionGalactic.html title=Internet Revolution Continues>InternetContG
ClimateControlGalactic.html title=Climate Control>ClimateControlG
FarmingAustraliaGalactic.html title=Farm Australia>FarmAustraliaG
OrbitalEngineGalactic.html title= Orbital Velocity and Earth Orbit>ToOrbitG
RecyclingGalactic.html title=Recycling>RecyclingG
Erasmus : "Military technologies" are essential to the people of the future. Its value is clearly seen historically. Armed force has been a potent force for the resolution of many issues. “Might is Right” is a saying which has dogged human history.
Erasmus : In the “Aerial Infantry” webpage, we look at the impact of technology in the development of new military niches. In our world, our technology is capable of solving a myriad of problems. But it is knowing which problems need to be solved that is the true question. The digital phone impacted our era, allowing people free access to personal communication wherever they may be. However it is the marriage of the digital phone with the applications of the computer era which created the true advances. The ability to access the Internet, texting, applications to allow many different interpersonal relationships for activities have become far more important than the phone itself. The interface which allows access to these apps has also undergone a substantial evolution from the buttons on the digital phone to touch screens with software buttons. To some extent the concept of “Aerial Infantry”, mirrors capabilities of helicopters and light aircraft. Drones have also emerged as a new technology in the application of force from the air.
The question of course is whether there is an implementation gap or force gap between a human infantrymen and the technology of the drone of a helicopter. The Aerial Infantry page attempts to look at this issue.
Kinkajou : Soldiers are very used to using weapons placed before them. But to see a weapon where there is none, is a gift that only a genius level warrior can have.
Erasmus : The “Orbital Engine” pages look at one of the key factors which imprison humanity on this planet. The ability to escape the gravity well of planet Earth, prohibits humanity from developing habitats in space and throughout the solar system. Again while we can achieve orbit with our current technology, it is the financial or business plan which limits our activities. We can access earth orbit today, but at a prohibitive price.
Dr AXxxxx : Extinction or death – that is the choice you make with this technology for your species. Achieve orbit, or face your boom.
I saw one acquaintance who solved the problem of climbing onto a roof. Normally, humans climb a ladder and teeter on the edge of disaster as they make the transition from the ladder , across the gutter and onto the roof. This acquaintance installed a pool ladder at the side of a house, allowing one to climb to the top of the ladder and to step directly onto a roof platform while standing holding onto the top of the ladder. Running up and down the ladder becomes a risk free activity with such a simple innovation. You worry more about what you are carrying than making the transition onto or off the roof.
Erasmus : The "Singularity" page focuses on the technologies involved in the production of computer intelligence or artificial intelligence. We have reached the point where our systems can begin to emulate many of the capacities of biological intelligence. Yes our machines need to be trained, but so do biological entities. Whether we achieve true artificial intelligence or a simple software emulation of intelligence, only time will tell. And if our machines are capable of learning, to what extent are the really different to biologicals. How will the computer intelligences of the future change our ability to do things, remains to be seen?
Goo : On the bright side, there will always be someone who is happy to talk to me for as long as I want and answer my questions no matter how stupid they may be.
Erasmus : The “Mechanised Infantry” page looks at the concept of adding mechanical power to that most basic of military units – the infantryman. The concept of mechanised infantry – a type of cyborg combination of humans and machinery is an adjunct of this attempt to look at “implementation gaps”. The question here being whether there is a “force capability gap” existing between the human infantryman in the mechanisation associated with tanks and vehicles.
Other conceptualisations of the implementation gap could be considered in our use of guns/rifles. A bullet prevents the enemy from using one square meter of real estate for a fraction of a second. The application of napalm would prevent the enemy from using many square metres of real estate for a period of time up to many minutes. The question then becomes in controlling the battleground – is it better to use a bullet or a weapon such as napalm. We are comfortable with the concept of using napalm to kill the enemy, but it can also be used to “direct” the enemy. It would appear there is a weaponisation gap in our favouring bullet weapons over flasks of burning liquids. War is not only a matter of killing the enemy, but it is also concerned with making the enemy do what you want him to do.
Some unusual examples of new implementation issues: using artillery to dig foxholes for troops, using a grenade launcher type weapon to fire flame and smoke rounds at “pillboxes”. They will have a lot of trouble shooting you if they can't see you.
Erasmus : The “Mechanised Infantry” and the “aerial infantry” page are both attempts to look at implementation or weaponisation gaps in Our Capacity for War.
Kinkajou : When you see a soldier going off to war even today, they look half man half machine. Even in Roman days, a soldier carried his equipment. It is interesting to think that now the equipment may carry the soldier – and not in the guise of a vehicle or chariot.
Erasmus : "Energy Shields" form an unusual technology. It is only the realisation that there are many dimensions to matter that suggest perhaps that these dimensions may be manipulated to redirect or to store energy – in effect creating an energy shield. Current theories of the structure of matter suggest up to 13 dimensions within matter. There is also the suggestion that a different universe awaits us on the other side of the “BRANE”.
Kinkajou : A technology the soldier cannot afford to be without, especially if one’s enemies use it. As is usual with new innovations, of course, size and cost are ever factors in implementing new weapons such as shield weapons.
Erasmus : The “Memristors” webpage looks at how a new electronic circuit – being a combination of memory and resistance could change silicon computerisation. Their appearance suggests that the Terminator of the future may be a real possibility. Their capabilities would allow the mimicking of many facets of biologicals – instant on off (as opposed to boot sequence on off) as well as new methods of Logic operations – giving our artificial computer intelligences new capacities.
Goo : Apparently no Terminator has ever harmed a member of my species. They just tend to in general ignore us as much as possible. There is some value in being humble.
Erasmus : The pages dealing with “Fuel Cell Miniaturisation” deals with the need to supply energy to working components. If the sprite is to be a real possibility in the future, it will require power. Many significant advances in the last thirty years in tools, are simply based on the development of batteries able to supply energy to these tools without the need for electric cords plugging into power sockets. It has revolutionised carpentry and building. The delivery of energy to where it is needed enhances our capacity to create change in our environment in many and varied fields of human endeavour.
Erasmus : “Fuel Cells” are necessary for many aspects of our world. Batteries can be primary or secondary. Devices can generate energy from: organic molecules, thermal energy, photon energy, and even from movement. If we are ever to develop the world of the sprite, the ability to deliver or generate energy where it is needed, will be the limiting factor for this technology.
Beethoven : These fuel cells are good just so long as as they don’t expect our soldiers to eat the stuff as well. Last thing I want to do is go to a job with a tin can of fuel like goop to keep me going.
Aerial Infantry
Antimatter Drive
Gravity Bubble
Military.html title=Military class>Military
AerialInfantry.html title=Aerial Infantry>Aerial Infantry
OrbitalEngine.html title=To Orbit>To Orbit
OrbitalEngine2.html >To Orbit2
Singularity.html >Singularity
Singularity2.html >Singularity2
MechInfantry.html title=Mechanised Infantry>Mech Infantry
MechInfantry2.html >Mech Infantry2
EnergyShields.html title=Energy Shields>Energy Shields
Memristors.html >Memristors
FuelCellMinituarisation.html >Fuel Cells
FuelCellMinituarisation2.html >Fuel Cells2
FuelCellMinituarisation3.html >Fuel Cells3
FuelCellMinituarisation4.html >Fuel Cells4
InsectLasers.html >InsectLasers
Military.html title=Military classMilitary TRUE
AerialInfantryTrue.html title=Aerial Infantry>AerialInfantryT
OrbitalEngineTrue.html title=To Orbit>ToOrbitT
SingularityTrue.html >SingularityT
MechInfantryTrue.html title=Mechanised Infantry>MechInfantryT
EnergyShieldsTrue.html title=Energy Shields>EnergyShieldsT
MemristorsTrue.html >MemristorsT
FuelCellMinituarisationTrue.html >FuelCellsT
InsectLasersTrue.html >InsectLasersT
Military.html title=Military classMilitary GALACTIC
AerialInfantryGalactic.html title=Aerial Infantry>AerialInfantryG
OrbitalEngineGalactic.html title=To Orbit>To OrbitG
SingularityGalactic.html >SingularityG
MechInfantryGalactic.html title=Mechanised Infantry>MechInfantryG
EnergyShieldsGalactic.html title=Energy Shields>EnergyShieldsG
MemristorsGalactic.html >MemristorsG
FuelCellMinituarisationGalactic.html >Fuel CellsG
InsectLasersGalactic.html >InsectLasersG
Erasmus : The “Power” group of pages at how we generate, store and use energy.
Erasmus : “Fusion Power” emerges as the front running technology for production of energy. It is the generation of the containment field and the ability to generate an energy output in excess of the energy input, which is the problem with this technology. However technology may well have a solution. If humanity can learn to generate and manipulate gravity, the ability to generate electromagnetic as well as gravity fields may well change the nature and financial aspects of containment fields for fusion technology. Dual field fusion bottles may revolutionise many aspects of energy directive technologies.
Goo : I feel most energized after a good meal of fused juice extracts.
Kinkajou : Hey! Cold fusion.
Erasmus : “Fuel Cells” are necessary for many aspects of our world. Batteries can be primary or secondary. Devices can generate energy from: organic molecules, thermal energy, photon energy, and even from movement. If we are ever to develop the world of the sprite, the ability to deliver or generate energy where it is needed, will be the limiting factor for this technology.
Goo : Someone told me that the padding around my waist is actually made of little fuel cells. Can you believe that?
Goo : Will that they are full of high energy goodness (– badness) as your perspective may be.
Erasmus : "Gravity generation" is the current frontier for the development of new propulsive technologies. Again humanity is doomed to be imprisoned on our planet unless it can learn to generate or manipulate gravity.
Goo : But gravity pulls you down. It doesn’t push you up. How can you possibly use gravity to help you escape from the planet?
Kinkajou : Turn the engine around so points the other way.
Goo : Ah! As usual, the simple explanations are the most cogent.
Erasmus : “Food Biotech” focuses on the most critical aspect of maintaining population on the planet – namely food production. Growing food is a slow process with a long lead time. The arable land of the entire planet is used for production of food to maintain human life. However, growing plants has an aspect of waste. Much of the biological material of the plant is not used. The extraction of biomolecules such as glucose from lignocellulose would substantially reduce the footprint of humanity on the planet, even if that planetary population were to burgeon to figures such as 80 billion souls.
Goo : This sort of a proposal is really a no-brainer for my people. We have been eating the stalk as well is the grain for years. It wouldn’t however help to support any more of us, if the planet were full of others like myself. Its only really a solution for creatures like humans.
Erasmus : So true. But humans are not like you Goo. So it does work for us.
Erasmus : The “Catalytic Conversion” pages look at new methods of bypassing bottlenecks in the production of energy produced by nature. Biology has already created awesome solutions through the medium of enzymes and their cofactors. Bacteria deliver to us biological factories capable of many chemical processes. Humanity wrestles however, with mechanical technological solutions, which may be more appropriate in specific circumstances.
Kinkajou : I can’t understand why we need aliens like the "Species" aliens to ship us this sort of technology. I’m sure some dumb bacteria somewhere has already figured this out for itself.
Erasmus : “Recycling” looks at the technologies involved in turning trash into treasure. Again the business case for recycling obviates the use of recycled materials, if virgin materials are cheaper. To encourage recycling, requires commitment and addressing the financial issues.
Dr AXxxxx : I think raping your planet is more fun and uses up less of your own energy. And anyway, who would want to put up with other peoples’ discards.
Erasmus : "Energy Shields" form an unusual technology. It is only the realisation that there are many dimensions to matter that suggest perhaps that these dimensions may be manipulated to redirect or to store energy – in effect creating an energy shield. Current theories of the structure of matter suggest the existence of up to 13 dimensions within matter. There is also the suggestion that a different universe awaits us on the other side of the “BRANE”.
The Commandant : Shields have been a soldiers constant companion for thousands of years. It is only in recent times that shielding has begun to lag considerably behind offensive technologies. Is interesting to note that the wheel may well turn full circle. Developing energy shields based on the alternate dimensions of matter, at least sounds possible.
Erasmus : The use of antimatter is discussed in our “Antimatter” page. The discussion tilts towards the characteristics of antimatter being more suited to military than to civilian applications. Where price may not be an issue, but destructive potential is, antimatter appears to be a clear winner.
Beethoven : Anybody stupid enough to use the stuff for power is gonna burn. Antimatter is so seriously not a “power” technology.
Antimatter Power
Catalytic Generation of Hydrogen: Organic vs Inorganic ?
Power.html title=Power class>Power
FusionPower.html title=Fusion Power>Fusion Power
FuelCellMinituarisation.html title=Fuel Cells>Fuel Cells
FuelCellMinituarisation2.html >Fuel Cells2
FuelCellMinituarisation3.html >Fuel Cells3
FuelCellMinituarisation4.html >Fuel Cells4
GravityGeneratorDrive.html title=Gravity Generation and Propulsion>Gravity Maker
FoodBiotech.html title=Food Biotech>Food Biotech
FoodBiotech2.html >Food Biotech2
CatalyticConversion.html title=Catalytic Conversion H2O to O2>Catalytic H2
Recycling.html title=Recycling>Recycling
Recycling2.html >Recycling2
Recycling3.html >Recycling3
EnergyShields.html title=Energy Shields>Energy Shields
AntimatterDrive.html title=Antimatter>Antimatter
Power.html title=Power classPower TRUE
FusionPowerTrue.html title=Fusion Power>FusionPowerT
FuelCellMinituarisationTrue.html title=Fuel Cells>FuelCellsT
GravityGeneratorDrivelTrue.html title=Gravity Generation and Propulsion>GravityMakerD
FoodBiotechTrue.html title=Food Biotech>FoodBiotechD
CatalyticConversionTrue.html title=Catalytic Conversion H2O to O2>Catalytic H2 T
RecyclingTrue.html title=Recycling>RecyclingT
EnergyShieldsTrue.html title=Energy Shields>EnergyShieldsT
AntimatterDriveTrue.html title=Antimatter>AntimatterT
Power.html title=Power classPower GALACTIC
FusionPowerGalactic.html title=Fusion Power>FusionPowerG
FuelCellMinituarisationGalactic.html title=Fuel Cells>FuelCellsG
GravityGeneratorDriveGalactic.html title=Gravity Generation and Propulsion>GravityMakerG
FoodBiotechGalactic.html title=Food Biotech>FoodBiotechG
CatalyticConversionGalactic.html title=Catalytic Conversion H2O to O2>Catalytic H2 G
RecyclingGalactic.html title=Recycling>RecyclingG
EnergyShieldsGalactic.html title=Energy Shields>EnergyShieldsG
AntimatterDriveGalactic.html title=Antimatter>AntimatterG
Erasmus : The “Propulsion" group of pages address new technologies in creating energy and in moving people or goods.
Erasmus : "Gravity Generation" is the current frontier for the development of new propulsive technologies. Again humanity is doomed to be imprisoned on our planet unless it can learn to generate or manipulate gravity.
Kinkajou : Hey, this tech could really be a heavy bummer man.
Erasmus : The use of antimatter is discussed in our “Antimatter” page. The discussion tilts towards the characteristics of antimatter being more suited to military than to civilian applications. Where price may not be an issue, but destructive potential is, antimatter appears to be a clear winner.
The Commandant : Who needs nukes when you can get a good tight antimatter warhead? Put some fire in their pants.
Erasmus : The “New Vehicle or Car” pages look at how the modern motor vehicle is ceasing to be a viable alternative for our civilisation. In our crowded cities on our crowded planet, the use of 1500 kilograms of vehicle to move one person seems ludicrous. Many of the major car companies have failed to innovate or to look at new alternatives to our current vehicles. Failure to innovate guarantees a company competition in the “commodity” market. We have seen the example of Apple I-phones decimating opposition companies, who once completely dominated the phone market. New technologies addressing social issues/needs of users were clear winners over unenhanced technology.
Beethoven :You can get a breeze from both sides of you in a narrow car . Cool!
Antimatter Drive : USS Enterprise
PropulsionGroup.html title=Propulsion class>Propulsion
GravityGeneratorDrive.html title=Gravity Drive>Gravity Drive
AntimatterDrive.html title=Antimatter Drive>Antimatter Drive
NewVehicleCar.html title=The Car as Transport >The Car
PropulsionGroup.html title=Propulsion classPropulsion TRUE
GravityGeneratorDrivelTrue.html title=Gravity Drive>GravityDriveT
AntimatterDriveTrue.html title=Antimatter Drive>AntimatterDriveT
NewVehicleCarTrue.html title=The Car as Transport >TheCarT
Propulsion.html title=Propulsion classPropulsion GALACTIC
GravityGeneratorDriveGalactic.html title=Gravity Drive>GravityDriveG
AntimatterDriveGalactic.html title=Antimatter Drive>AntimatterDriveG
NewVehicleCarGalactic.html title=The Car as Transport >TheCarG
City At Night Dark Cities
Erasmus : The "Society" group of pages focuses on general and social issues. Human beings are social creatures. An important forefront of technology is how we deal with each other. In fact, I see that any technological advances are limited more by social implementation issues than by aspects of the technology itself.
Dr AXxxxx : Still , you do better than you think. Cooperative little gits, aren’t you. Must be your heritage.
“Helping The Hopeless” discusses how the social milieu can control the decisions we make. It also discusses how the evolution of our social system lags behind the needs of the society. Changing social rules can be a powerful adjunct to technological advances.
Goo : As the size of your species shrinks, it does reduce the influence of the milieu somewhat, I have seen.
Erasmus : “World Trade” is an important method of integrating human beings on the planet. Instead of 1 billion rich humans and 6 billion poor humans, wealth is substantially distributed to many people, all of whom can share in the benefits of a technological society. By working for each other, much more work can be done, raising the living standards for us all. While there is much talk of exploitation, the alternative of neglect I believe is far worse.
Kinkajou : Give it to me baby.
Dr Xxxxx : Absolutely not! You will need to pay for it like everyone else.
Erasmus : “Dark Cities” focuses on how cities need to be integrated to reduce their footprint on the planet, and to maximise their potential for sustaining life and civilisation. If we are to avoid the scenario of the “Catastrophic Collapse Theory”, we must make every effort to build our cities as self-sustaining entities.
The Commandant :
I can see how dark cities, may help you to hide from your enemies as well.
Erasmus : “Food Biotech” focuses on the most critical aspect of maintaining population on the planet – namely food production. Growing food is a slow process with a long lead time. The arable land of the entire planet is used for production of food to maintain human life. However growing plants has an aspect of waste. Much of the biological material of the plant is not used. The extraction of biomolecules such as glucose from lignocellulose would substantially reduce the footprint of humanity on the planet, even if that planetary population were to burgeon to figures such as 80 billion souls.
Kinkajou : I think you can eat this stuff, but it will probably taste like shit.
Dr Xxxxx : More likely, it will be chemical tang in white molecular vegetable soup.
Erasmus : The “Ocean Colony” pages look at the last frontier for human habitation. The ocean is not a friendly environment. The energy generated by storms moving water requires a substantive technological solution to living in this environment. But most of all, a financial or business plan must allow the self-sustaining development of habitats. If we need to rebuild our ships every 5 to 10 years, Ocean colonies become unsustainable for reasons other than simple technology.
Beethoven : Makes it easy to take a leak, but its hard to make your mark on the world when it all gets washed away. How can you let other people know your social standing?
Erasmus : The “Orbital Engine” pages look at one of the key factors which imprison humanity on this planet. The ability to escape the gravity well of planet Earth, prohibits humanity from developing habitats in space and throughout the solar system. Again, while we can achieve orbit with our current technology, it is the financial or business plan which limits our activities. We can access earth orbit today, but at a prohibitive price.
Goo : Hey ! This technology lets us play peek-a-boo into space.
Erasmus : “Recycling” looks at the technologies involved in turning trash into treasure. Again the business case for recycling obviates the use of recycled materials, if virgin materials are cheaper. To encourage recycling, requires commitment and addressing the financial issues.
Kinkajou : I sense somehow that something or someone here has been here before, on the Sigma Psi plane. I wonder if we recycle deceased intelligences.
Goo : Its called Buddhaism : reincarnation.
Society.html title=Society class>Society
HelpingHopeless.html title=Help 4 People>Help 4 People
WorldTrade.html title=World Trade>World Trade
WorldTrade2.html>World Trade2
SocialEngineering.html title=Social Engineer>Social Engineer
SocialEngineering2.html >SocialEngineer2
DarkCities.html title=Dark Cities>Dark Cities
FoodBiotech.html title=Food Biotech>Food Biotech
FoodBiotech2.html >Food Biotech2
BookReaders.html title=Book Readers>Book Readers
OceanColony.html title=Ocean Colony>Ocean Colony
OrbitalEngine.html title=To Orbit>To Orbit
OrbitalEngine2.html >To Orbit2
Recycling.html title=Recycling>Recycling
Recycling2.html >Recycling2
Recycling3.html >Recycling3
Society.html title=Society classSociety TRUE
HelpingHopelessTrue.html title=Help 4 People>Help4 PeopleT
WorldTradeTrue.html title=World Trade>WorldTradeT
SocialEngineeringTrue.html title=Social Engineer>SocialEngineerT
DarkCitiesTrue.html title=Dark Cities>DarkCitiesT
FoodBiotechTrue.html title=Food Biotech>FoodBiotechT
BookreadersTrue.html title=Book Readers>BookReadersT
OceanColonyTrue.html title=Ocean Colony>OceanColonyT
OrbitalEngineTrue.html title=To Orbit>ToOrbitT
RecyclingTrue.html title=Recycling>RecyclingT
Society.html title=Society classSociety GALACTIC
HelpingHopelessGalactic.html title=Help 4 People>Help4 PeopleG
WorldTradeGalactic.html title=World Trade>WorldTradeG
SocialEngineeringGalactic.html title=Social Engineer>SocialEngineerG
DarkCitiesGalactic.html title=Dark Cities>DarkCitiesG
FoodBiotechGalactic.html title=Food Biotech>FoodBiotechG
BookReadersGalactic.html title=Book Readers>BookReadersG
OceanColonyGalactic.html title=Ocean Colony>OceanColonyG
OrbitalEngineGalactic.html title=To Orbit>ToOrbitG
RecyclingGalactic.html title=Recycling>RecyclingG
Erasmus : The “Propulsion" group of pages address new technologies in creating energy and in moving people or goods.
Erasmus : "Gravity Generation" is the current frontier for the development of new propulsive technologies. Again humanity is doomed to be imprisoned on our planet unless it can learn to generate or manipulate gravity.
Kinkajou : Hey, this tech could really be a heavy bummer man.
Erasmus : The use of antimatter is discussed in our “Antimatter” page. The discussion tilts towards the characteristics of antimatter being more suited to military than to civilian applications. Where price may not be an issue, but destructive potential is, antimatter appears to be a clear winner.
The Commandant : Who needs nukes when you can get a good tight antimatter warhead? Put some fire in their pants.
Erasmus : The “New Vehicle or Car” pages look at how the modern motor vehicle is ceasing to be a viable alternative for our civilisation. In our crowded cities on our crowded planet, the use of 1500 kilograms of vehicle to move one person seems ludicrous. Many of the major car companies have failed to innovate or to look at new alternatives to our current vehicles.
Failure to innovate guarantees a company competition in the “commodity” market. We have seen the example of Apple I-phones decimating opposition companies, who once completely dominated the phone market. New technologies addressing social issues/needs of users were clear winners over unenhanced technology.